New best sellers and works in progress

It must be that many Koala customers channel their swimwear style energy through me.
It has to be more than knowing what guys like because some of the designs are so extreme compared to anything out there that we must attract each others vibes.
The new designs are selling fantastically. The best sellers so far are
Blade, Bliss (we sold out of our first run but we will have more in today!),
Changed Man(insane vagina look), and the Micro Blast
Of course Bliss is about the most difficult suit we make and the girls complain that it is so hard to do you know it would have to be the best seller. It is a beautiful piece of work. Male artwork!

Mens swimwear

One thought on “New best sellers and works in progress”

  1. Michael, I thought you were going to have a new Shaft Suit in White? Was looking forward to it. Bob

    The new Blade
    awesome suit!

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