Huge news! Men’s swimwear and fetish wear sale

I am going to try something I have never done before. We are trying to make room for our new suits and some products have to go. I hate getting rid of any designs because I love them all but we are bursting at the seams. We have not discontinued a style for quite some time but now we must in order to make room for the new suits. I have my guys going through our suits and they are putting together a list for me. Of those I will pick a number of suits to discontinue. I need the room right away so I am going to make the prices amazing. I would normally hold them for the newsletter but I need the room now so I am going to post them on the men’s swimwear blog! I have not tried this before but it will be an interesting test. I hope to have them on by Friday, Saturday at the latest.  Keep your eyes peeled.

Crazy as it seems I have already started work on the summer collection and that is before we have even released the newest pre-summer collection. The designs keep jumping into my brain…they won’t leave me aloneJ

Check out the Male Chastity Store