More on new designs-Customers Idea


We are doing a Lady gear style shorts for the next collection that are completely sheer showing off one of the hottest looking vaginas you have ever seen but no where will you be able to see even a hint of penis. The Lady Gear shorts are by far our best selling short styles in both standard and micro cuts. They have been wildly popular and are some of the best looking shorts around. A number of customers asked me about doing a pair of femme style shorts in a sheer spandex fabric. I thought it was an interesting idea and I had a feeling we could make it work. I had no idea how incredible the design would end up looking. Thanks for the great ideas…..keep them coming!


3 thoughts on “More on new designs-Customers Idea”

  1. Please make some tights for the ones that are into kinky games and loves to play in spandex : something with a ring in it that you can reveal your tool and a zipper in the back to show some ass. That would be amazing!

  2. I love these please continue to make feminizing shorts and micro thongs!

    I am a return customer and here is some of my input.
    Please consider this reply as serious I would love to see some products with customization rings and more ring options.

    Would you be willing to use other materials?

    You should experiment with natural copper for its health benefits or silver, hell why not gold?
    I would love to see the ring be in other sizes options for small, medium, and large currently your standard “stainless” ring should be the large.

    (As a side note Ive used your secret wish suits as underwear for years my only gripe is the rings rust if not properly maintained.)

    If these were options i would buy every single one of them and I will continue to support

    Thank you for your wonderfully crafted, durable feminizing suits I love how comfortable they are to wear daily. Incredible keep up the good work.

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