Tag Archives: mens ass spark

Great news about Ass Spark powered short shorts.



Last week my post stated that we almost had these new amazing shorts perfected. I was with the girls this morning trying on the three samples they created and I could not have been happier and more excited by the results. Two of the samples were very similar with a bulge style pouch and one of the two was absolutely perfect. The third pair of shorts was another take on the original idea. This was my head pattern maker/designer that came up with this style and it was so exciting and in its own right perfect too. This design did not have the bulge pouch. It was a little less brash but still extreme, how could they not be when the short shorts have an Ass Spark holding them together between the legs. Even though the shorts are completely open between the legs with the exception of the metal bar running between the front and rear of the shorts you can wear these in public as long as you don’t go spread eagle! We decided right there and then to add the second pair to the collection we are working on. The bulge style will be offered in black and the flatter front pouch style will be in white. I believe most Koala clients will find them irresistible. The latest time update is the entire collection should be ready the end of March. I am keeping my fingers crossed.


Men’s swimwear