Tag Archives: men’s swmwear

Summer fun in the sun.


My summer fun always includes lots of beach time, body-surfing, playing volleyball on the beach while wearing micro swimwear smaller than most of the girls wear along with strolling the beach. Transformation style thongs and bikinis are definitely going to be part of the plan. I hope a lot of the above activities are on your docket. I would love to hear about summer plans that include taking a cruises and how wearing micro swimsuits work into those plans. Over the years I have talked to many guys that have used some of the smallest swimsuits imaginable on cruise ships. I know that the Atlantis cruises which are geared to gay men but open to all are great places to show off your most extreme thongs and G-strings but I would like to hear about some of the more mainstream cruise lines and your experiences. Please share them.


Don’t forget to check out the June Koala newsletter and sale.