Tag Archives: speedos

Bikini or Speedo which is best?

Exploring Men’s Bikinis and Speedos: Choosing the Best Swimwear for Every Occasion

When it comes to men’s swimwear, the options have expanded far beyond traditional board shorts. In recent years, bikinis and Speedos have gained popularity among those looking for sleek, stylish, and functional swimwear options. But which one is best suited for your needs? Let’s dive into the world of men’s bikinis and Speedos to find out.

Men’s Bikinis: Embracing Style and Comfort

Bikinis for men have undergone a renaissance in recent years, shedding their association solely with women’s swimwear and becoming a staple in many men’s wardrobes. These sleek and form-fitting swim briefs offer a range of benefits that appeal to modern swimmers and beachgoers.

One of the key advantages of men’s bikinis is their versatility. With minimal fabric and a snug fit, bikinis offer maximum freedom of movement, making them ideal for swimming laps or engaging in water sports. Additionally, their streamlined design reduces drag in the water, allowing for faster and more efficient movement.

In terms of style, men’s bikinis come in a variety of cuts, colors, and patterns to suit every taste. Whether you prefer classic solid colors, bold prints, or daring designs, there’s a bikini out there to match your personal style and make a statement on the beach or by the pool.

Koalaswim Micro bikini

Moreover, bikinis are perfect for sunbathing, thanks to their minimal coverage and ability to eliminate tan lines. If you’re looking to showcase your physique and soak up some rays, a men’s bikini is an excellent choice.

Speedos: The Classic Choice for Performance and Endurance

Speedos have long been favored by competitive swimmers and athletes for their superior performance and hydrodynamic design. These form-fitting swim briefs offer a snug yet comfortable fit that allows for optimal speed and efficiency in the water.

One of the main advantages of Speedos is their hydrodynamic properties. The close-to-the-body fit and streamlined design minimize drag, allowing swimmers to glide through the water with minimal resistance. This makes Speedos the preferred choice for competitive swimmers looking to shave precious seconds off their lap times.

Additionally, Speedos are engineered for durability and endurance, with high-quality materials that withstand the rigors of intense training sessions and repeated exposure to chlorine and saltwater. Whether you’re training for a triathlon or simply enjoy swimming laps for exercise, Speedos are built to last.

Another benefit of Speedos is their quick-drying properties, thanks to their lightweight construction and minimal fabric. This makes them ideal for frequent use and travel, as they dry rapidly between swims and pack easily into a gym bag or suitcase.

Choosing the Best Swimwear for You

Ultimately, the choice between men’s bikinis and Speedos comes down to personal preference and intended use. If you prioritize style, comfort, and versatility, a men’s bikini may be the perfect option for you. On the other hand, if performance, endurance, and hydrodynamics are your top priorities, you can’t go wrong with a classic Speedo.

Regardless of which style you choose, both men’s bikinis and Speedos offer a winning combination of style, functionality, and performance that make them standout choices in the world of men’s swimwear. So go ahead, embrace your personal style, hit the beach or pool, and make a splash in swimwear that suits you best.

Micro bikinis for men show a lot of cheek.

Considerations for Choosing Between Bikinis and Speedos

While both bikinis and Speedos offer unique advantages, there are a few additional factors to consider when making your decision:

  1. Body Confidence: Confidence plays a significant role in how you feel in your swimwear. If you’re comfortable showcasing more of your body, a bikini might be the right choice. However, if you prefer a bit more coverage while still enjoying a streamlined fit, a Speedo might offer the perfect balance.
  2. Activities: Think about how you’ll be using your swimwear. If you’re primarily swimming laps or engaging in water sports, a Speedo’s hydrodynamic design may enhance your performance. On the other hand, if you plan to relax on the beach or soak up the sun, a bikini’s minimal coverage and versatility might be more suitable.
  3. Comfort: Consider what feels most comfortable for you. Some individuals prefer the snug, supportive fit of a Speedo, while others find bikinis to be more comfortable for extended wear. Try both styles to see which one feels best for your body and activities.
  4. Style Preference: Your personal style and aesthetic preferences will also influence your decision. Do you gravitate towards classic, athletic looks, or do you prefer bold colors and patterns? Explore different options to find the style that resonates with you.
  5. Social Context: Depending on your location and social norms, there may be certain expectations or perceptions associated with wearing bikinis or Speedos. Consider the environment in which you’ll be wearing your swimwear and choose accordingly.

Ultimately, the best swimwear for you is the one that makes you feel confident, comfortable, and ready to enjoy your time in the water. Whether you opt for a sleek bikini or a classic Speedo, embrace your choice with pride and make the most of your aquatic adventures.

  1. Fit and Sizing: Pay attention to the fit and sizing of both bikinis and Speedos. Proper fit is crucial for comfort and performance. Ensure that the swimwear provides adequate support without feeling too tight or restrictive. If possible, try on different styles and sizes to find the perfect fit for your body shape and preferences.
  2. Material and Construction: Consider the materials and construction of the swimwear, as these factors can impact durability, comfort, and performance. Look for high-quality fabrics that offer stretch, shape retention, and resistance to chlorine and fading. Additionally, examine details such as seams, stitching, and lining to ensure durability and comfort.
  3. Maintenance and Care: Take into account the maintenance and care requirements of the swimwear. Some bikinis and Speedos may require special care instructions, such as hand washing or air drying, to maintain their shape and color. Consider your lifestyle and preferences when choosing swimwear that fits into your maintenance routine.
  4. Price and Value: While price shouldn’t be the sole determining factor, it’s essential to consider the overall value of the swimwear. Invest in swimwear that offers a balance of quality, performance, and affordability. Remember that higher-priced options may offer advanced features or designer labels, but there are also plenty of budget-friendly options available that provide excellent quality and style.
  5. Try Before You Buy: Whenever possible, try on bikinis and Speedos before making a purchase. Visit a local retailer or try ordering multiple sizes online to find the perfect fit. Pay attention to how the swimwear feels and moves with your body, as well as how it looks and makes you feel. Don’t hesitate to ask for assistance or advice from sales associates or customer service representatives.

By considering these factors and taking the time to explore your options, you can confidently choose between bikinis and Speedos to find the swimwear that best suits your needs, preferences, and lifestyle. Whether you’re hitting the beach, pool, or gym, you’ll be ready to make a splash in swimwear that makes you look and feel your best.

Speedos, Bikinis and Thongs for Men are suddenly popular!

The Rise of Speedos, Bikinis, and Thongs for Men: Unveiling the Shift in Swimwear Trends

In recent years, there has been a noticeable surge in the popularity of revealing swimwear styles for men, including Speedos, bikinis, and even thongs. Traditionally associated with European beaches or niche subcultures, these daring swimwear choices have now found their way into mainstream fashion. The sudden embrace of these skimpy styles begs the question: what has sparked this shift in men’s swimwear preferences?

  1. Changing Attitudes Towards Body Positivity: One significant factor contributing to the rise of revealing swimwear for men is the evolving perception of body image. In today’s society, there is a growing acceptance and celebration of diverse body types. Men are increasingly feeling empowered to flaunt their bodies confidently, regardless of conventional standards of masculinity. As a result, swimwear styles that accentuate physique and allow for greater freedom of movement are gaining popularity.
  2. Influence of Social Media and Celebrity Culture: The proliferation of social media platforms has had a profound impact on fashion trends, including swimwear. Influencers and celebrities often showcase themselves wearing daring swimwear styles, normalizing these choices among their followers. Moreover, the allure of exotic destinations and luxury beach resorts depicted on social media platforms creates a desire to emulate the fashionable lifestyles portrayed, driving the demand for trendy swimwear.
  3. Shift Towards Gender-Neutral Fashion: The fashion industry has been witnessing a significant shift towards gender-neutral clothing, blurring the lines between traditionally male and female styles. This inclusivity extends to swimwear, where men are increasingly exploring options beyond conventional board shorts or trunks. The rise of gender-fluid fashion has paved the way for men to embrace swimwear styles traditionally associated with women, such as bikinis and thongs, without fear of judgment.
  4. Embracing Comfort and Functionality: Practicality and comfort are essential considerations for modern consumers when choosing swimwear. Speedos, bikinis, and thongs offer benefits such as minimal tan lines, enhanced mobility, and quicker drying times compared to bulkier swim trunks. As people engage in a variety of water-based activities, from swimming laps to beach volleyball, the demand for swimwear that combines style with functionality has surged.
  5. Fashion Industry Innovation: The fashion industry continually evolves to cater to changing consumer preferences. Designers and brands have responded to the demand for daring swimwear options by creating collections that push the boundaries of traditional masculinity. These designs often incorporate bold colors, innovative fabrics, and provocative cuts, appealing to individuals seeking to make a fashion statement at the beach or poolside.
  6. Cultural Shift Towards Body Liberation: Society’s attitudes towards sexuality and self-expression have undergone significant transformations in recent years. There is a growing movement towards body liberation, encouraging individuals to embrace their bodies without shame or inhibition. Men wearing Speedos, bikinis, or thongs symbolize a rejection of societal norms dictating what is considered acceptable attire based onTgender. Instead, it represents a celebration of freedom and self-expression.

the sudden popularity of Speedos, bikinis, and thongs for men reflects a broader societal shift towards body positivity, gender inclusivity, and self-expression. As individuals challenge traditional notions of masculinity and embrace diverse forms of attire, swimwear becomes a canvas for personal style and confidence. Whether lounging by the pool or diving into the waves, men are increasingly opting for swimwear that allows them to look and feel their best, regardless of societal norms.

  1. Athletic Influence and Performance Enhancement: Another contributing factor to the popularity of revealing swimwear for men is the influence of athletics. In competitive swimming, athletes often opt for streamlined, minimalist swimwear to reduce drag and improve performance. This emphasis on functionality has trickled down to recreational swimmers and beachgoers, who seek swimwear that not only looks stylish but also offers performance-enhancing features. Speedos, bikinis, and thongs, with their form-fitting designs and lightweight materials, align with this athletic aesthetic, appealing to individuals who prioritize both style and functionality.
  2. Travel and Globalization: The ease of travel and globalization have played a role in popularizing daring swimwear styles for men. As people travel to different parts of the world, they encounter diverse fashion cultures and norms. In regions where skimpy swimwear is commonplace, such as certain European countries or tropical destinations, tourists may feel more inclined to embrace local fashion trends and adopt daring swimwear styles themselves. Additionally, the interconnectedness of the global fashion industry means that trends from one region can quickly spread to others, influencing swimwear choices worldwide.
  3. Economic Empowerment and Luxury Lifestyle: The rise of daring swimwear for men can also be attributed to economic factors and the association of these styles with luxury and exclusivity. Owning and wearing designer swimwear, including Speedos, bikinis, and thongs, has become a status symbol for individuals who can afford luxury goods. As people seek to project an image of affluence and sophistication, they may gravitate towards swimwear styles that are perceived as high-end and fashionable, even if they are more revealing than traditional options.
  4. Cultural Shift Towards Openness and Acceptance: Lastly, the increasing openness and acceptance of diverse expressions of sexuality and gender identity have contributed to the mainstreaming of daring swimwear styles for men. As society becomes more inclusive and tolerant, individuals feel more comfortable exploring and embracing different aspects of their identity, including their fashion choices. Swimwear, traditionally associated with leisure and recreation, has become a space for self-expression and liberation, allowing men to express their individuality and confidence without fear of judgment or discrimination.

The popularity of Speedos, bikinis, and thongs for men can be attributed to a combination of factors, including changing attitudes towards body image and gender norms, the influence of social media and celebrity culture, innovations in fashion design, and economic empowerment. As men seek swimwear that combines style, functionality, and personal expression, daring swimwear styles have emerged as a favored choice for individuals looking to make a statement and celebrate their bodies with confidence and pride.

  1. Media Representation and Cultural Influence: The portrayal of daring swimwear styles for men in popular media has also played a role in their increasing popularity. Movies, television shows, and advertisements often feature characters and celebrities confidently sporting revealing swimwear, normalizing these styles and presenting them as desirable fashion choices. This exposure not only shapes perceptions of what is considered attractive and fashionable but also encourages individuals to experiment with different swimwear options that align with their personal style preferences.
  2. Environmental Awareness and Sustainability: The growing emphasis on sustainability and eco-conscious consumerism has influenced swimwear trends as well. In response to environmental concerns, many swimwear brands are incorporating sustainable materials and ethical production practices into their collections. Daring swimwear styles, such as Speedos, bikinis, and thongs, lend themselves well to eco-friendly designs due to their minimalistic nature and reduced fabric usage. As consumers prioritize sustainability in their purchasing decisions, they may gravitate towards swimwear styles that align with their values, contributing to the popularity of more revealing options.
  3. Fashion Industry Disruption and Evolution: The fashion industry is constantly evolving, driven by innovation, technological advancements, and changing consumer preferences. Disruptive forces, such as direct-to-consumer brands and online marketplaces, have democratized access to fashion, allowing niche and unconventional styles to gain traction. As a result, swimwear designers and brands have greater freedom to experiment with daring styles and cater to niche audiences seeking alternative options to traditional swimwear. This disruption within the fashion industry has paved the way for the mainstream acceptance of daring swimwear styles for men.
  4. Celebration of Individuality and Self-Expression: Ultimately, the popularity of Speedos, bikinis, and thongs for men reflects a broader cultural shift towards the celebration of individuality and self-expression. In an era characterized by diversity and inclusivity, people are encouraged to embrace their unique identities and express themselves authentically. Swimwear serves as a canvas for self-expression, allowing individuals to showcase their personality, confidence, and sense of style. Whether opting for a daring and revealing style or a more conservative option, the choice of swimwear becomes a statement of personal identity and empowerment in a world that celebrates diversity and individuality.

The increasing popularity of daring swimwear styles for men can be attributed to a combination of cultural, social, economic, and environmental factors. As societal attitudes evolve, individuals are embracing swimwear options that allow them to express their personality, celebrate their bodies, and align with their values. From the influence of social media and celebrity culture to the rise of sustainable fashion and the celebration of individuality, the shift towards daring swimwear styles reflects the dynamic and multifaceted nature of contemporary fashion trends.

The influence of women’s micro swimwear styles on men’s micro swimsuit designs is evident in several aspects:

  1. Fabric and Materials: Women’s micro swimwear often utilizes lightweight and stretchy fabrics that offer comfort and flexibility. Similarly, men’s micro swimsuit designs have adopted similar materials to provide a comfortable and supportive fit while allowing for ease of movement. Fabrics such as nylon, spandex, and polyester are commonly used in both men’s and women’s micro swimwear to achieve a sleek and form-fitting look.
  2. Cut and Silhouette: Women’s micro swimwear is known for its daring cuts and minimal coverage, emphasizing a sleek and sexy silhouette. Men’s micro swimsuit designs have followed suit, incorporating similar cuts such as low-rise waistlines, high-cut leg openings, and minimal coverage at the back. These design elements aim to accentuate the physique and create a visually appealing profile, mirroring the aesthetic principles found in women’s micro swimwear styles.
  3. Color and Patterns: The vibrant colors and bold patterns often seen in women’s micro swimwear have influenced the color palette and design choices in men’s micro swimsuit designs. From bright neon hues to eye-catching prints such as tropical motifs or geometric patterns, men’s micro swimsuits now offer a diverse range of options beyond traditional solid colors. This infusion of color and patterns adds a playful and fashion-forward element to men’s swimwear, aligning with the dynamic and expressive nature of contemporary fashion trends.
  4. Innovative Details: Women’s micro swimwear styles often feature innovative details such as cutouts, straps, and decorative embellishments that add visual interest and enhance the overall design aesthetic. Similarly, men’s micro swimsuit designs have incorporated similar elements to create visually striking and fashion-forward swimwear options. Whether it’s strategically placed mesh panels, contrast piping, or metallic accents, these details add an element of sophistication and style to men’s micro swimsuits, drawing inspiration from the intricacies found in women’s micro swimwear styles.
  5. Acceptance of Body Positivity: The influence of women’s micro swimwear styles on men’s micro swimsuit designs also extends to the broader cultural shift towards body positivity and self-expression. As women’s micro swimwear has become more widely accepted and celebrated for embracing diverse body types and promoting confidence, men’s micro swimsuits have followed suit by offering inclusive sizing and design options that cater to a range of body shapes and sizes. This inclusive approach reflects a growing recognition of the importance of representation and diversity within the fashion industry, encouraging individuals of all genders to feel comfortable and confident in their swimwear choices.

Overall, the influence of women’s micro swimwear styles on men’s micro swimsuit designs is evident in various aspects, including fabric selection, cut and silhouette, color and patterns, innovative details, and the broader acceptance of body positivity. As swimwear continues to evolve and push the boundaries of conventional fashion norms, the cross-pollination of design elements between men’s and women’s micro swimwear styles contributes to a more diverse and inclusive range of options for consumers seeking stylish and comfortable swimwear choices.

  1. Cross-Gender Inspiration: As fashion trends increasingly blur the lines between traditional gender norms, there is a growing acceptance of cross-gender inspiration in clothing design. Women’s micro swimwear styles often feature elements that challenge conventional notions of masculinity and femininity, such as androgynous cuts or designs traditionally associated with the opposite gender. This cross-pollination of design influences extends to men’s micro swimsuit designs, where designers may draw inspiration from women’s micro swimwear to create swimwear options that defy traditional gender expectations. This fluid approach to design allows for greater creativity and innovation, resulting in swimwear styles that appeal to individuals seeking unique and unconventional options regardless of gender.
  2. Fashion Trends and Runway Influence: The world of high fashion and runway shows also plays a significant role in shaping swimwear trends for both men and women. Designers often showcase avant-garde and experimental swimwear styles on the runway, setting the tone for upcoming fashion seasons. Trends emerging from women’s micro swimwear collections, such as minimalist designs, retro-inspired cuts, or futuristic details, may inspire corresponding trends in men’s micro swimsuit designs. This cross-pollination of fashion trends ensures that swimwear options for both men and women remain fresh, dynamic, and reflective of contemporary design sensibilities.
  3. Globalization and Cultural Exchange: The increasing interconnectedness of global fashion markets facilitates the exchange of design ideas and influences across geographic boundaries. As women’s micro swimwear styles gain popularity in diverse regions around the world, the influence of these styles on men’s micro swimsuit designs becomes more pronounced. Fashion designers and brands draw inspiration from a myriad of cultural sources, incorporating elements from different regions and traditions into their swimwear collections. This global exchange of design influences contributes to the rich diversity and eclectic mix of styles found in contemporary swimwear options for both men and women.
  4. Consumer Preferences and Feedback: Ultimately, consumer preferences and feedback play a crucial role in shaping swimwear designs for both men and women. As consumers seek swimwear options that reflect their personal style, comfort preferences, and lifestyle choices, designers and brands respond by creating swimwear collections that cater to these diverse needs and desires. The popularity of women’s micro swimwear styles may prompt designers to explore similar options for men’s swimwear, taking into account consumer demand for sleek, stylish, and comfortable swimwear options that align with contemporary fashion trends.

In summary, the influence of women’s micro swimwear styles on men’s micro swimsuit designs is multifaceted and dynamic, encompassing factors such as cross-gender inspiration, fashion trends, globalization, and consumer preferences. As fashion continues to evolve and push the boundaries of conventional design norms, the exchange of influences between men’s and women’s swimwear styles ensures that both genders have access to a diverse range of stylish and innovative swimwear options that cater to their individual tastes and preferences.

They are starting to catch up to us!


I know there are designs for women that you see on the web, swimsuits that expose part or most of the nipples and as for the bottoms some rest on the vagina lips, fully expose the lips or partially expose the lips. Of course I am all for them wearing these styles everywhere but the fact is that over the years I have seen just a handful of these suits actually on the beach though you see hundreds of photos of models wearing them on the web. The long winded point I was working up to is that I now see more men wearing smaller suits then I do women, even though women are wearing more revealing smaller designs now than I have seen since the G-string era was in full swing and that was a number of years ago. Just this last Saturday I was at the beach wearing what was the smallest thong in an area where most of the women including lots of 18 year old beach babes were all in thongs. Let me back track for a moment and say that women are still far ahead of men when it comes to being willing to totally display their exposed rears on the beach. I would not say men are gaining on them in that department yet. Women seem to enjoy wearing these styles regardless of their shapes and sizes, on Saturday I saw quite a few beautiful bodies, ones I would considered fall in to the absolute perfect range but just as interesting I noticed some big athletic girls and a few overweight ones all wearing thongs. Since I love seeing people getting out there as close to nude as possible I enjoyed every single one. Being surrounded by girls in thongs is always fun but a little later in the day I looked over to my side I saw a man lying out in a black micro thong, to my eye it looked like one of the Koala designs with a compact pouch keeping his ample cock looking nice and tight and on the rear the thong was so small you could barely see fabric as it plunged deep into his ass, very nice indeed! By the end of the day there was one more guy out there wearing what looked to be a Speedo but could have been a European cut bikini. I’m sure many guys were busy watching college football so we boys were outnumbered four or five to one but the two of us had the smallest thongs on the beach. Just an FYI the ladies wearing thongs of which there were many seem to be embracing the smaller is better look. I saw a number of designs that just barely covered the front with obviously all hair removed. Perfect and trend I hope to see spread.


There are many amazing Koala swimwear designs on sale right now! Hurry before the sale is over!

Dolphins dancing and people blending in.

Dolphins dancing and people blending in.


Blending in, could that ever happen to me when I am wearing a micro thong on one of the busiest beach days of the year? It could if the dolphins were putting on the show of a lifetime and everyone on the beach was in awe of what was happening. That is exactly what happened last Sunday. The beach was beautiful, the waves large and the crowds huge. I was with a couple of guy friends, one who was wearing a Koala Pleasure Chest…yes to Koala bikinis and the other just regular board shorts, how boring is that. My bikini buddy was the first to spot the dolphins playing in the surf. I have seen this many times but it is always a treat and many folks have never seen it before. The dolphin actually body surf in on the waves. This was a nice size pod of eight dolphins and some were extremely large. They were shooting in and out of the waves without a thought of all the people in the water. As in a trance I walked over to the surf line and just started watching from this better vantage point. Within minutes it seems like the entire beach was all around me, many had their phones out filming the dolphins at play. I’m not sure if this is possible but it seemed like the dolphins knew we were all watching and took their little show to a higher level  one that I had never seen before and by the cheers I heard my guess is many others had never seen such a show either. Jumping and flipping out of the water, swimming on their backs, play wrestling with each other and amazing everyone watching. This went on for about an hour. When I did look around I noticed girls in tiny bikinis, guys in Speedos, hot ladies and teens in thongs and regular folk in typical boring swimwear but no one really paying attention to what anyone was wearing. I’m sure many noticed what I was wearing (how little I was wearing) but the sight of the dolphins playing made it so we all just blended in to one another.



Men’s swimwear built to amaze.

Going all out at the gym



If you are anything like me on occasion you decide to do something completely crazy on the spur of the moment without much thought behind it. Sometimes it works out great and the experience is amazing while other times not so much. Yesterday I was working out with some gym buddies and two of the girls in our group wanted to swim laps then take a dip in the Jacuzzi. I had a few suits in my car so I agreed to join them. Both girls know I am in the swimwear business and have seen me wearing micro shorts in the pool. When I went out to my car and looked for a swimsuit one in particular jumped out at me it was the Spicy Girl. Immediately and without much thought I decided to wear it, a total feminizing bikini at my very busy gym. Once I got back to the locker room I started having second thoughts. The locker area is always crowded with guys and there was no way I was going to slip on a tiny bikini that made my cock pussy like in front of all these men. I decided to undress and put everything in the locker and wrap a towel around me. I figured you need to rinse your hair before you go into the pool so I went into the shower rinsed my hair and slipped on the Spicy Girl there. Once I had the suit on I needed to walk to the pool past a lot of people. I just wrapped the towel around me and walked out to the pool, something I see many guys and girls do. Once by the pool my gym buddies were waiting and wondering what type of swimsuit I would be wearing. I decided to give them a little warning of what I was wearing which just made them more eager to see it. Neither one could believe how completely my bikini bottom me look like a girl one even said mouth gapping open where did your penis go? Once in the pool I was completely comfortable but still aware that many ladies and a couple guys gave me confused looks while other might have assumed I was wearing a very small Speedo. Speedos are popular at the pool and I guess with enough rear coverage this suit could pass as one but oh what a thrill it is to have that wickedly sexy front pussy look pouch. Once we were in the Jacuzzi everyone was chatty with no undue attention my gym buddy girls loved it and were blown away that a design like this existed. I have to do it again soon.


The Koala Newsletter Sale is still going strong! This is your chance to try some new styles at prices that will never be repeated.

Working in the Warehouse wearing a Wet Works Thong

Working in the warehouse and the office can be quite a chore but it is so much more fun when I am trying on sexy spandex. The Wet Works Thong is one of our most popular swimsuits and one of my personal favorites because of its fantastic fit. The ultra-small shaft display is a look I enjoy and it is extremely comfortable for an entire day at the beach or around the office. The color is eye catching and the thong rear is as good as it gets. Feel free to send your
spandex photos at home, work, on vacation or your favorite beach. I would love to post them. [email protected]

Men’s swimwear


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Sharing more work photos and going for a long walk in the sand.


I did an extremely intense beach walk in deep sand the other day wearing a pair of our new sport pouch tights. The tights I was wearing were a pair of matt black spandex (coming soon) and a spandex compression top. It was a very athletic look with a wonderful tight exposed bulge. Needless to say I would never wear undies with my tights I want at least some penis shape to show through. My workout lasted over two hours and I went for miles in the deep sand. There were a lot of people at the beach for this time of year. I worked my way to the Santa Monica pier where I stopped to get a bottle of water. It was cool out and lots of women were wearing tights but I was the only guy in them. They are extremely sexy but still athletic looking enough to use in with the hundreds of people there and there were no funny looks just some nice smiles.


I have included some photos that might have got me arrested at the beach but was just fine in the office. Sometimes a man needs to get in touch with his feminine side. It is hard to get more feminine then this. Suit is a Gender Bender.

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Men’s Swimwear and male to female transformation designs.


Me in a Stimuli cock display just working away. Update on New Designs

I love wearing Koala gear as much as anyone. The cock displays with metal rings always do the trick for me. I get extremely aroused. There is nothing like taking an order wearing a very sexy uniform. I like the underside view of the very tight ball pouch.

Well it is Friday and I met with the girls this morning. I received a lot of products but not everything. I was promised Tuesday which is OK because there is no way we can arrange a photo shoot the week of Christmas. Looks like the very best gifts, the ones you get yourself will be coming

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Men’s Swimwear

Koala fan and his wife Photos.



Close up shots of a Koala fan and his take on male transformation. He used the “One OF The Girls” suits to make this extremely hot vagina look. The suit is actually being used backwards! Notice the vagina line he drew on with an eye liner pencil. His wife is actually wearing a Koala Micro Me. Made for a man but is small enough to beautifully cover her delicate lips. You’ve got to love a couple into spandex fun together. Very nice I love the male and female pussy photos!


Send in your photos to:  [email protected]


Men’s Swimwear, cock wear, male to female transformation and so much more!

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A cold night is perfect for an ultra micro suit.


I was getting ready to take a shower when I striped off my clothes I noticed my penis was about as small as it ever is. It was less than 1” flaccid, shaved with no hair and looking like a low millage example. If I had posted a photo of it you might have thought it was from someone way under age. It was cold and windy out and the house was cold too. I ran upstairs to put the heat on and decided to take a look in my spandex drawer to see if I had a sample of a Speck Bulge suit which seemed like the perfect suit to take advantage of my very tiny penis. There are two Speck Bulge designs one with the micro pouch that is sheer and the other solid. It turned out I had a solid one. There is an wide heavy duty band which forces the testicles inside of you and holds them in place. The only thing that can be seen visually is the shaft compressed into and unbelievably tiny pouch, the smallest bulge pouch we offer which appears not much larger than a thimble but is able to compress an eight inch cock and make it look like a babies, I have seen this done with my own eyes. My cock in its tiniest form was no problem to get in. The way  this micro pouch works is that the shaft is folded in half and pushed in, mine was so small it fit in without being folded. It is an extremely striking design one that I had fun just modeling for myself but one that can be used in public any place a thong can be.


Men’s Swimwear