Anal Agenda

I think most of the men’s swimwear blog readers know that I believe anal stimulation is some thing men and women need to try. With out even giving it a shot you may never know how much pleasure it offers. Many men need to realize anal stimulation has nothing to do with gender identification and everything to do with pleasure. Our anal penetration suits are a great place to start and yes we have lots of ladies ordering them for their men. I get lots of people asking if we offer any designs for women. If in the future we offer spandex designs for women they would absolutely be anal penetration suits and sex wear. Love to hear some feedback on that.

Wanted to let everyone know that we now offer the Ass Spark Double Bump in 1.5″, 1.75″ and 2.00″ models.

Male chastity
Mens swimwear

2 thoughts on “Anal Agenda”

  1. Unrelated to above blog. One thing I can not find is what I wore quite openly (Straight then Bi now) was
    short – real short cutoff jeans that would sometimes not contain your cock and balls and would show your cheeks even with modest bend. This is what we need! Your asset shorts feel good to wear but not as public friendly short shorts. What do you think?
    Women really liked them and guys check you out too. They won’t have to be denim, but denim does
    go to the theme of them, a little frayed of course.
    Opinion from the guy who gets the smile and OMG
    looks. Thanks JB

    Male chastity

  2. Rushed home today to find my ass spark temptation in my box ran in to try it on. First the. Ring fits so snug and perfect so I continued with the stinger (looks like a scorpions stinger) slid in nice comfy then stood up with a OMFG this feels absolutely wonderful. This is my first product from you and surely will not be the last I want to try it as a daily wear
    I would like to thank you for your designs they are wonderful
    As for the topic I believe everyone should try anal stim no matter what gender or sexual pref. Me I’m straight and since I have found analysis stimulus I can’t get enudf. Want to thank you again for my new scorpions stinger lol I named it I look forward to the many wonderful days ahead

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