I received so many e-mails about sport tights and many of them wanted to know about a male to female transformation version. The first styles we will be introducing all have bulge shape pouches to show off the penis making it a central part of the designs. I am excited to let you all know we are already working on a fem style design. Skin tight sport tights with the same vagina look front as the Lady Gear Shorts. This is an ultra sexy look. How hot would it be to work out in tights that show off your tiny little pussy to the world? It sounds like fun to me!
Men’s Swimwear
One of our upcoming new designs from the 2016 collection is a total fem look male to female transformation bikini. This one is all pretty and sexy in our matt black rubberized feel fabric. I love this fabric as do many Koala customers and I was jazzed to see that it was a great fit with this male feminine design. I have included a photo of me trying it on. This is a very cute suit and I can’t wait to take a stroll on the beach wearing one. I think it is going to turn some heads!
Men’s swimwear
If you follow my blog you know I have been searching high and low for workout tights aka compression tights that are both functional while still being super sexy. I have found some nice designs but nothing that meets all my requirements those being tights that show off the detail of my ass, tights that are penis centric showing off that splendid cock shape and tights that fit like a second skin. The most important thing is that are designed to be used in public. I wanted tights I could workout in at the gym, go for a run or just kick around in them like the ladies do wearing spandex tights and yoga pants. I found them! We had to make them ourselves in order to have everything I wanted. We will be offering five different designs when we roll them out with our 2016 collection of suits and fetish wear. We are shooting to have both the tights and the suits ready in late November for the Holiday season. I have included a few photos of me in tights they are sure to look even better on the models. One is in a matt finish and the other in a four way stretch spandex. All the new tights are bulge pouch styles. The next designs we will work on will be male to female transformation tights.
Let me know what you think!

It looked as though they were trying to get a few people out of a strong rip tide that had pulled them all out into the path of these very large waves, never a good thing. I walked out to the water as did many others had to watch. The way it all went down looked like it was being filmed for a movie. The lifeguards did a fantastic job of getting them all out within minutes all safe and able to walk out on their own. One of them was the happy girl with the boogie board. She walked right over to where I was standing all flushed and flustered. I asked if she was OK and what had happened. She was all excited to have been rescued. I can take having an ocean rescue off my bucket list she proudly stated. That is a great way to look at it but weren’t you scared. Oh I was scared as can be and then proceeded to give me a blow by blow account of what happened. I agreed that it must of been both scary and at the same time exciting. My next question what was she was doing out there? I have never tried boogie boarding, I’m from Pasadena and it was so hot today I figured the beach was the best place to be. The beach is the only place to be in this heat but you sure picked the wrong day to try learning how to boogie board. The waves are way too large to learn on but you can practice in the white water. I explained the best way to do it and even took her board out to catch a smaller set ridding in a few waves and just about losing my thong every other minute in the rough whitewater. She had a tough time keeping her bikini bottoms and top on making adjustments every time the water hit her. We talked for a while traded names and I told her that I would be happy to meet -up with her and help her learn to ride the waves on a day when they were much smaller. She thanked me and said that sounded great. It’s funny how different girls are then guys. Most guys would say something about my extremely small swimsuit and though she peeked down at it a number of times she had nothing but her beautiful smile for me.
Next posts will be more about the new designs
Men’s Swimwear
Sunday was a fantastic beach day. Got some great sun wearing my tiny Streamline swimsuit that just barely covers my cock, keeps the area between my legs completely exposed to the sun and everyone’s eyes and with my big ass I can use this design as a barely there thong. I noticed more men today in thongs and G-strings than I did women. One guy in particular looked amazing and though I did not go up to him my guess was that he was wearing a red Koala thong. He was thin and built. He was also not shy about showing his great body to everyone on the beach along with having a good time playing in the water. Very hot! I think I got a little wet from something other than the water.
I had a great time a few days ago when I took the afternoon off for some beach fun. There were lots of girls there for a weekday and a couple girls set up there towels just feet away. No matter their age I enjoy having the girls hanging out next to me that go’s for men as long as they are wearing bikinis of less. One in particular was a young round happy girl that could not have been much more than in her early twenties. She was little more than an arm’s length away from me and had her boogie board in hand. She said hi, got a little sun, grabbed her board and in she went. The waves were huge and I figured she must have been a very skilled boarder to be out in those waves. It was also hot as hell in LA even at the beach so you almost had to spend some time in the water. When the waves are breaking so big some up to 8’ faces they are hypnotic. You stand in the water watching them and you cannot believe how big and beautiful these monsters are. Sorry lost my train of thought. Let’s get back to our boogie board girl. She went in and I took a little nap. My guess is a half an hour went by when I was awakened by the sound of sirens. I looked to the water and I could see a number of lifeguards swimming into the huge surf with more trucks and lifeguards on their way. This was about 200’ away which was too close to see who they were going after but close enough to see that about six lifeguards were in the water and another couple were jumping off a boat just past the wave zone.
Continued next post
We are shooting for this large new collection to be completely finished in late November. We already have a lot of production completed but there are a lot of new designs including the long awaited Koala Workout tights still in the early production phase. The final fitting was nothing short of spectacular with every last item fitting to perfection. Unfortunately the models body which happened to be mine was nowhere near perfection but I should be able to post some photos of me wearing the new designs. There are a handful that I will let you see and some for my own viewing that will be very motivating to get me in the gym for more intense workouts and start passing on the candy, cookies and carbs. Photo posts will come over the next couple of weeks and my next post will include a nice Boogie Board bikini story that happened this week.
Men’s swimwear, spandex sex wear and a huge selection of male chastity gear. How much fun is that!
If we end up with sunny days here in Southern California I will try to be at the beach three out of three days. I usually hit the beach between Marina Del Rey and the Venice Pier. It would be wonderful to see a bunch of you boys out there this weekend wearing your tiniest, sexiest little swimsuits. Micro bikinis, thongs, G-strings, come join the fun. I hope to see you down there. For you boys who have never been out in public wearing micro swimwear I think this would be the perfect weekend to try. Hey you only live once and I guarantee you it will be exhilarating wearing almost nothing on a busy beach any busy beach anywhere!
Men’s Swimwear
Ramblings from Michael David