Here is the link to the September Koala Newsletter
Have some fun stories about my 3 days at the beach this last weekend and just tried on more designs.
I will post these tomorrow. We are just busting it today trying to get all the orders filled! members. KMC is doing a live shoot Wed. at 6:00PM PST
Alex doing suits and stainless steel toys
should be fun!
Mens swimwear
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Male Enhancement swimwear
Often I talk about suits that make men look smaller, some of the designs change men to women but on the other end of the spectrum are our male form suits and male enhancement designs.
Male form suits are the designs which have penis shaped pouches and as a category of design are one of our most popular. We get e-mails from customers telling us how much fun they had on the beach or at a pool party wearing one. I have used male form designs at public beaches, parties and fun events. I am thinking about wearing one of the new Blade designs which completely exposes the shaft at Folsom for my half millon friends to check out.
Male enhancement suits are also very popular because they equalize the playing field. I have seen thousand of naked men and other then the handful of guys 8″ plus most guys are 5″ or so and there are many more 3″ cocks than 8″ ones. Why not use a design that shows you as large as possible. The male enhancement suits use what you have to the fullest but it is not cheating. It is all you unlike women who wear padded bras to look larger or suits take what you have shape and mold them into a bigger package. They work. The new designs with blowout pouches and Ass Sparks do a fantastic job.
Mens swimwear
Trying on new suits and enjoying it!
At Koala we are all about extreme men’s swimwear and over the last number of years we have really gotten into what I call spandex men’s sex wear or spandex fetish wear.
Let me first say this last weekend was awesome in LA. The city was hot as hell upwards of 107 in the Valleys so I did just like almost everyone else and hit the beach both days. The beach was warm and the water was perfect. Saw quite a few men wearing bikinis and thongs
with me wearing a micro. The sand was to hot to walk around so I just saw the people around me. A number of girls even moms wearing thongs. You goto love it.
I will be heading out fr a few more hours tomorrow to try on new designs. Sorry I have been so busy that I missed posting a few days in a row.
Let me tell you about a sex style suit I tried on last week.
We are creating a design that features an over the shoulders design with a front pouch designed for sex and a rear held in place by an anal hook. We decided to offer three version of the style. The first with a new small anal hook for those new or to scared to try a larger one. The standard anal hook and for you masters of anal fun a double ball hook.
This hot design will be in Florescent Yellow and it as an adjustable loop in front to stretch the penis when you are not using it for sex. The design is great because most men including myself have shafts that want to get smaller when not being used but this design does not allow that to happen. On top of that the anal hook is a perfect balance to the design. Being fully adjustable once the hook is inside of you, you are free to increase the pressure on your shaft and hole at the same time. The feel is so arousing that it is hard to put into words.
I hope that you guys gay, strait or bi who were put off be the large size hooks try the small one. It fits in easily even for first timers and it feels amazing. Let me tell you about my first fitting of these designs last week. Being a logical guy I tried the small hook, the standard one with the Anal Challenge and the new design with the Anal Challenge 2x. The small hook was easy to put in and the girls and I agreed it fit perfect front and rear, it was ready to go.
I slid it out and we put in the middle sized hoot. I used lube of course on the hook but lubed my shaft too while the ladies slipped the stretching loop over my very engorged shaft.
Not sure what happened but they said there was a twist in it and pulled out the hook, flipped out the twist in re-inserted it. Lucky for me I was well lubed because she put it right in there nice a firm. This one fit perfect too.
Slipped my shaft out of the cinched on stretcher to a nice load of precum.
One of the girls wiped the end. They always say he is crying. They were tears of joy!
Would the final one be perfect? I put it on careful to make there were no twists in the spandex straps. The big hook takes a little more lube and once it is in pulling it in and out is hard for me. It is a very tight fit. The sex suit looked perfect. My rock hard cock was in the perfect sex position and slipped easily into the stretcher strap to hold it up for display. The straps looked great but they were looking at the rear something I could not see. Ass one girl fiddled with a strap in front the other asked me if the hook was in all the way. I said it feels like it is and she said I will check. A second later I feel the hook being pushed at least another full inch into me at that moment I let lout a slight moan. It felt so good and right that second I
must of had a tiny orgasm because my cock head was cover with a tiny half teaspoon of soft white man juice. No one was more amazed than me. They looked at it giggled a little and one of them took a tissue and wiped my future children away.
Not quite a typical day at the office but also not unheard of at Koala.
Mens swimwear
Nothing like trying on new swimwear and fetish wear
I spent 3 hard but very erotic hours yesterday trying on new designs. These are the suits
we are working on for the Holiday season. We are shooting to release these designs in November.
Looks like we are going to have about 13 new designs of which I tried on 9 yesterday.
Can’t believe after all these years of doing this how excited I get when it comes to seeing and trying on my new ideas and the ideas I work on from your ideas.
I was pretty much hard for three hours, I made a mess and was just blown away by how many of the 9 were perfect on the first try. Ready for production and some of these are very difficult suits.
Props go to me staff. My girls are awesome and I do love them like family. All of them have seen much more of my body than any doctor including the one that did a full exam way up my ass!
More on the designs next blog.
PS in this new batch we will have at least one new wet look for you lovers of that fabric!
Mens swimwear
Great beach days and more ideas
Spent the yesterday and today enjoying almost perfect beach days in LA. It was only almost perfect because the waves were on the small side. I almost always find inspiration at the beach most often looking at the girls around me and checking out what they are wearing.
Girls in LA are definitely up on fashion. I was with a girlfriend today and the beach was packed. Three late teen girls spread out right next to us and other than noticing how hot they were I noticed their suits. They all had on black suits as many of you know one of my favorite colors. One of the three had a very distinctive camel toe going, it was very obvious and I thought it looked great. No doubt the suit was designed to show her that way and both my girlfriend and I could clearly make out the shape of her vagina. You could clearly see the shape of her lips, size of her bulge, outline of the lips and so on. It was lovely and everyone who looked over at her both men and women seemed to think it looked good based on the expressions. Men staring intently and girls even taking a nice long look and smiling.
After all is it not a thing of beauty?
It made me wonder it a very flat style pouch for a man designed to show the complete outline of his penis, hard or soft would be viewed in the same light. What do you think?
Mens swimwear
Micro swimwear around the pool
Can’t seem to get away from something funny happening to me at least once a week.
Yesterday I took a nap at my weekday pool wearing a micro and was awakened to the sound of young girls running around the pool and everytime they came near me there were giggles. It was burning hot and lucky for me I had a Highly Gifted with me to slip on so to cover up my g-string. Wish that was not something I needed to do but you never no how parents or in this case grand parents might react to me wearing something so extreme with my ass fully exposed. Out of the heat and into the pool and still the giggling girls. Than Grandpa walks over to say something and my first thought is I just don’t need to be hassled. Granpa was in his 60’s and in good shape. Instead of hassling me he asked where I got my suits. I told him about the company and the Website. If you see something you like I can bring it by for you. He said that would be great and I had a feeling without his grand kids around I think he would tan in a micro. He apologized for the girls and I said no worries.
You just never know what a chance encounter will be.
Mens swimwear
Wow. Thanks for enjoying the new designs
Based on the crazy amount of orders over the last couple days I would say you guys liked the new designs which makes me very happy. I would love you boys to post some photos wearing them.
The Speck bulge seems to be a fan favorite and I love that you can see where the balls are pushed into the model Colt photo we posted. The Speck Bulge is no doubt the smallest swimsuit ever made for a man. Micro bulge not much bigger than a pussy bulge. Very lovely. Can’t wait to see one on the beach. Maybe I will take some photos wearing it the next time I hit the beach with friends!
Mens swimwear
The new suits have just been added to our site!
A couple days late but all the new designs, swimwear, fetish wear, sex wear and some male chastity and hook fun products have been added to
You might need to refresh your browser when you click on the site to see the new suits.
I hope you find them as exciting as I do and I am very interested in having you post about your favorites and if you like the models.
Mens swimwear
New suits, New designs and hot model
We did a live photo shoot for last night and we found ourselves a hot new model.
Alex Cox. Great body, great face and loves our stuff. In the next couple of weeks we are going to do a stainless steel adult toy photo shoot with him.
He will be posted wearing some of the new designs next week at
Yes the new suits will be on our site middle of next week at the latest and they are all now in stock!
Speaking of new suits I am already working on twelve new designs for the holiday season. We will be shooting to have samples done within the next couple weeks and all of them in stock by early November.
I can’t wait to get some feedback on our latest batch I think there is something for every Koala customer
bikinis, thongs, g-strings and more.
Mens swimwear
Working on new designs
We do get a ton of feedback from customers in the form of e-mails, phone calls and even letters. All your feedback helps me come up with new designs. Sometimes it is just me having fun with a swimwear design or fetish wear design. This was the case the other day when I was having some spandex sex fun with a friend. I was wearing the Diablo Insane which is one of our best selling fetish/sex suits. I originally designed it because I knew it would be a very hot sex suit. It forces you to be hard and personally I get the biggest erections when my balls are being squeezed in the rubber ring. It also allows me to stay hard longer without using a Viagra. As I was pounding a very hot ass a thought came to me on how I could make this suit even more insane. It is all about increasing the stimulation to my cock
while not adding anything that gets in the way of the fun. I know from talking to many customers about the entire line of Diablo style suits that these designs are being used for sex including many hot masturbation sessions. Back to my ass pounding. The thought of adding an adjustable strap that tightened around the base of my shaft right next to the rubber ring with an adjustable strap that runs up to the waist band. This would allow the wearer to put downward pressure on the base of the shaft getting you harder and allowing your shaft to hang in different positions. More cock control=more fun and better sex.
Mens swimwear