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The beach gets me hot

Does the beach get you as wet as it gets me? Just being around all those people on a perfect day wearing the smallest suit on the beach gets my pre-cum flowing. It seems like I am always wet. I wear a micro pouch and it is so small that it is always putting pressure on my cock. Being stimulated all day long is a blast.
Mix the beach, great looking guys and girls, sexy spandex and the sound of the ocean and you have a perfect day!

Mens swimwear

New suits, New designs and hot model

We did a live photo shoot for last night and we found ourselves a hot new model.
Alex Cox. Great body, great face and loves our stuff. In the next couple of weeks we are going to do a stainless steel adult toy photo shoot with him.
He will be posted wearing some of the new designs next week at
Yes the new suits will be on our site middle of next week at the latest and they are all now in stock!

Speaking of new suits I am already working on twelve new designs for the holiday season. We will be shooting to have samples done within the next couple weeks and all of them in stock by early November.

I can’t wait to get some feedback on our latest batch I think there is something for every Koala customer
bikinis, thongs, g-strings and more.

Mens swimwear

Fun at the beach and new designs

We will have all the new designs in stock this week and the suits online by next week.
We should have the stainless steel toys on shortly after that.

Wanted to tell you boys and girls about something that took place at the beach Saturday.
Laying out enjoying myself and yes wearing a micro. I have said many times before that girls seem to flock around a man in a micro, most likely scenario in their mind is they won’t get hit on and they feel safe with other people around them. Saturday I had a very cute couple that set up their towels very close to me. I was on my tummy and they could see my ass was completely exposed so I knew they were fine with that. It was not like the beach was packed there were many other spots to choose from. The girl had a nice shape wearing a conservative bikini. The guy was wearing a slinky black bikini which caught my eye right away. There was something so sexy about him. He had a shaved head and the smoothest skin I had ever seen on a man. Beautiful long legs, fantastic ass with a very tight compact build. He was laying on his tummy and I just could not stop looking at his legs and ass. I even walked over to the trash can wearing virtually nothing dropped what was left of my lunch in the trash and got a very close up look. He had one of the best little butts I had ever seen and his legs were so long and tone I just could not look away. He caught me looking and gave me a big smile. I walked back to my towel and napped for a little while. When I looked back over he was on his back and his legs looked great from the front. The black bikini he was wearing looking fantastic and I noticed there was no bulge what so ever. Very hot. My eyes traveled up a little further and my eyes and brain did a double take. This hot bald guy with fantastic legs and ass had something else. Lovely exposed breasts. No question my hot guy was a very good looking bald girl. Her tits were on the large size, nice and tan but no way did they belong to a guy. Wonder if she kept her hair like that so she could tan topless with out being bothered? I am sure many guys would have looked past her thinking she was a he.
It was the hair that through me off. She looked like a very cute guy when I saw here walking earlier. The non bulge would have been simply amazing on a man’s suit as it turns out to good to be true. Her bikini bottoms did inspire me to work on more bikini designs for men.

Mens swimwear

Dark tan and lot’s of fun

Saturday was a beautiful beach day in LA. A nice breeze kept it from getting too hot and allowed me to spend a few hours working on my micro tan. Sunday morning I was at the gym doing about an hour of cardio and after about 45 minutes of lifting. After the cardio I went into the locker room to put on my neoprene wrap around my waist  and my leg wrap. Using these with a ton of compression has allowed me to start lifting again. Strained ab or possible partial hamstring tear (will see what the MRI indicates later in the week).
On my why in I noticed a very good looking guy that I had worked out with before, hot body and about 30ish. We talked a bit and he walked into the locker room with me.  We were still talking and I needed to strip down to put my wraps on so off came the shirt, shorts and underwear and the whole time we kept talking. First I pulled the wrap around my waist, very tight and he said that sure puts a lot of pressure on your back and stomach. He was now sitting right next to me, I was standing and my waist was right about his face level.
I told him I needed to get it as tight as possible and once it was on he asked if he could feel how tight it was.
Now that question could be taken a number of ways but I assumed he meant around my waist so I said OK.
He felt how tight it was  by slipping his finger under the bottom portion. The bottom of the wrap  is right above my shaft and his hand just barely brushed my cock as he pulled on the neoprene. He said that sure is on tight can you lift in it? absolutely it helps big time. My shaft was already starting to get bigger. I preceded to wrap the other one starting at the very top of my leg and pushing my cock out of the way as I did it. That put a smile on his face. I got dressed while still holding a conversation and asked if he was going to lift? I was just about to, do you want to lift together? That sounds great. I know from talking to him in the past that he is married and it never occurred to me he might be bi. Maybe him touching my cock was an accident?
We went through what turned out to be closer to an hour of lifting and finding out more about each other. Just gym talk and work talk nothing sexual. I think as he worked out and got all sweaty he got even better looking.
Wow that was a great work out I said, cardio and lifting a nice combo. He asked if I was going to take a steam?
I rarely use the steam room but this could end up being interesting so I said yes if he was. A few minutes latter we were naked and in the steam room. Love your tan do you lay out nude he asked. I told him about the suit I wear and pointed out the barely there tan line from the straps. Very sexy he said. We were the only two in there and it was getting hot in more ways than just steam. I put my head back and closed my eyes. This is one very aggressive male because with out asking he had my little cock in his mouth and it was rapidly getting bigger.
I was very nervous to be doing this in the gym but it felt so good. He was fantastic and in no time I blew a huge load which he swallowed. Many girls do not swallow at first, some never but it seems like guys love to eat cum. I probably should have at the very least given him a hand job but by the time I had blown my load I was also ready to pass out from the heat. We both retired to the showers where other men were. Smiling at each other sharing our little steam room secret between the two of us. Going to the gym is almost always fun but sometimes it is just way more exciting like today!

Mens swimwear

Dark tan and the Doctors office

Left work early today. Relaxed by the pool getting some great rays an needed rest. I had my yearly physical this afternoon and it was definitely on the funny side. My doctor and I are the same age and I have been seeing him for years, he is a smart ass/ funny guy and an exceptional Doc. The physical started off like all the others. Nurse comes in weighs me takes my blood pressure and we chit chat a bit. So far so good. Next in is the Doc but unlike every physical in the past this time he has a very good looking very young lady with him. Turns out she is 23. He asks how everything is and tells me the young lady is a second year med student working with him this summer and would I mind if she stayed in for the exam. I must say it did catch me off guard but sure came out of my mouth before I thought much about it. He went about the normal exam mostly asking questions. He told me all my blood work and urine numbers came out great and asked if anything was bothering me. I told him that the same muscle problem that I have been dealing with for the last year was still bothering me.
OK let’s take a look and had me stip down to my undies. Look at his tan the doctor says. The Doctor to be tells me I have nice color, the the Doc feels my stomach and asked how far down do I feel it and I tell him that the pain travels to my leg. He asks me to take off my underwear and examines the leg and my testicles explaining to her what he is doing. He thinks it is a partial hamstring tear and says he is ordering an MRI for me.
Next he  says turn around for the fun stuff, slips on a glove and does the finger up the ass prostate exam all the while giving her step by step info. Not sure if I was turned on by her watching but she was hot, wish it was her finger or a few of them up there! Sure happy my ass had a nice tan. I wonder if the two of them talked about my tiny tan line after the exam?
I have a new found respect for those actor patients that work in the schools.

Mens swimwear

Winking back at an asshole

I always have a great time at the beach and this weekend was no different.
Hanging with friends all of us boys and girls in very skimpy attire with me in the smallest of course.
I would say that 99% of the time everyone at the beaches in LA are wonderful even if they don’t wear little spandex suits but every once in a while you do run into an ass hole.
We were laying out and a man say in his late 20s was walking right by us almost on top of us and had so not very nice things to say about us being gay. Never mind he had no idea if this was true or not but guys wearing g-strings made it so in his mind. He had no problem with the girls wearing their tiny suits and decided to sit right behind us. The guy was a total ass hole. I decided it would be fun to show him a little ass hole so I spread my legs nice and wide. I had on a double strap rear g-string which does a very nice job spreading the hole open by design. At that point it was very easy to open up and wink at him. I even tried puckering open my hole with some success.
Maybe it was not his thing because with out us saying a word he moved on and we all had a good laugh at his expense. Neanderthals will they ever learn?

Mens swimwear

Shocked by a bikini

This almost never happens to me but it did yesterday and of all places at the pool I use during the week near my office for tanning lunch breaks. I own a unit there so I have as much right as anyone else to use the pool that said here is what happened. I was wearing my micro g-string Slut laying out by myself around the pool when I heard a group of people heading to the pool area. I slipped on a Highly Gifted over my G-string because it sounded like a lot of people, kids and moms which is what it turned out to be. I think the Highly Gifted is very sexy and I use it as a cover up when I body surf larger waves. To me a bikini is a lot of fabric maybe because it is the largest suit I will wear. The mom’s and their kids settled onto chairs near me and the kids jumped in the pool. I was not paying much attention to them until one of the moms walked over and said excuse me. Not  a good sign but I said hi what’s up? She said I don’t think your swimsuit is appropriate for
the pool with kids here. I said Humm I don’t think my bikini is any smaller then yours or your friends. Maybe it was smaller but I don’t think she was going to measure. She said oh? I thought that was a great response and walked back to her friends. Wonder if she figured out the logic. Either way her and her friends were free to move to another pool. Talk about reverse sex discrimination.

Mens swimwear

The ultimate micro swimwear and writing copy

Still at it trying to finish all the copy for the new suits and getting very close in fact I am on or I should say I am wearing one of the last ones I need to write copy for.
I finally came up with a name for the smallest bulge suit ever designed for a man. I am wearing it as I type this and I am blown away by how tiny my little bulge is. Guaranteed you have never seen a suit like this one.
The design is called The Speck Bulge G-string, I thought the name pretty much summed up the suit attributes.
This is the design I had talked about in another post. A G-string style suit that forces your balls up inside of you and leaves nothing but your soft shaft which for most of us unless you are very tiny will be folded over and inserted into the tiniest bulge you have ever seen. It is not a fem style suit because it shows and highlights your bulge it just highlights how micro it is. The Speck Bulge G-string is the ultimate micro suit and it will blow you away too.

Mens swimwear

One of the best parts of my job

Right this very moment I am standing in front of the computer in my office at Koala typing this blog and wearing one of the new designs. You might think that is unusual work attire but not here.
The new design I am wearing is called the Wet Works and I am wearing it for inspiration while I type up copy about the new designs for the website. I will do this on all 12 new designs including our newest penetration suits. The Wet Works has a micro Penis shaped pouch which means I along with most guys can completely fill it and can get so hard that it seems like the suit might split. It is a thong in bright four way stretch Lycra spandex orange. It looks stunning even on me!
Well thats my little brake need to go back to writing inspired copy.
Turns out the Wet Works Thong is the aptly named since the very end of the pouch is already soaked with my pre-cum.

Mens swimwear

swimwear update, raging hard pouch

Just got back today and had a great time in the mountains. Lots of hiking and fishing no swimwear fun the water was way to cold but the fishing was awesome and relaxing. Talked to the girls today and looks like we will have all the new late summer designs in stock by the end of July and online shortly after that!
Just like most of you my first day back at work was crazy but getting all caught up and even had enough time to take my lunch in the sun. Slipped on my Slut g-string at work and headed to my semi private piece of paradise. Two ladies were hanging out in front of the pool area on the grass just talking. I smiled said hi and noticed next to them was an SUV full of their friends with the windows down. One of the girls I believe works in the complex said something to the others in Spanish after that they were all looking over at me.She must of seen me tanning before and told the girls what I wear, thats my best guess. Not sure why but instead of making me shy I thought this is my place and if they want to watch thats fine. I walked by them to my lounge chair not even trying to be subtle I stripped off all my clothes to reveal a nearly nude completely exposed me and heard some giggles from the peanut gallery. Knowing they were all watching got me so hard I had to lay exposed ass up for a while. With beads of sweat starting to flow from the heat and no let up in my very hard cock, that is as hard as it can get in that tiny pouch I opted to take a dip showing a full frontal and rear view and even paused to let the water flow off of me before I returned to my lounge. All eyes on me and I liked it!

Mens swimwear