Had a Laser hair removal session yesterday and yes it is amazing how hairless you are after it is over. I had my entire bikini area done years ago but decided to get a touch up with the new equipment that can work on all color skin types including tan skin. Not much hair in the bikini area but it was nothing at all and when she turned me over and did my ass and hole that was easy too. Right next to the brown eye it does get a little tender. She asked if I wanted my balls and shaft done and I said sure. She was a cute little Asian lady, a RN who I am sure has seen many small cocks. She took mine in her hands and put rubbed cooling gel all over.
That feels good and I did get semi hard. She started right in with the laser and OUCH! I must of mentally blocked out how much that hurt. Even though there was not much to do she covered every inch (not many) of me.
I must say it felt like someone was slapping me on the shaft and the balls fairly hard. It stung. Now it is clean as can be and the pain has faded away. I have a high pain tolerance but I think I will pop a couple of Motrin before the next session and see if she can put some numbing cream on my cock.
Mens swimwear
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Wild thong in Smoking Gun Micro style swimwear
One of our newest designs the Smoking Gun Micro is one of our best selling new suits. It was a customers idea to take the Smoking Gun and shorten the shaft size so everyone could fill it. We had made him a bunch of these suits custom for him and I had one made for me at the same time and loved it. Seems like everyone else loves the design too.
The latest designs for this coming Summer will include a solid color orange thong swimsuit with the Smoking Gun Micro front pouch. As awesome as the sheer fits and feels I think the four way stretch is even more arousing. The second I slipped it on I was hard and our model Colt with his large cock still fit in the micro pouch beautifully. Both of us completely filled and I think someone with just a couple inches of cock would still fill it nicely.
Mens swimwear
More on the world’s smallest Mens G-string
We did the photo shoot on Thursday night and we had Colt with his very large full 8″ cock trying on some of our latest designs.
I knew that the ultra micro bulge g-string, without question the smallest g-string/thong ever created as swimwear or for that matter anything wear for a man worked extremely well on a smallish cock like mine but I was not sure how it would work on a very large cock like Colts. Well the answer is his bulge was no larger than mine which is amazing.
As I said in an earlier posting, this is an entire new class of swim suit and I was so excited by the results of Colt wearing it that I am getting busy making a bikini too. This swimsuit forces the balls up inside of you, my balls are larger than Colts and stayed up their nicely. Colts smaller balls pushed inside and made it look a little like he had an eight pack set of abs. The balls are above the top of where your shaft starts which means they are completely in view but under the skin so other than a shemale or very skilled drag queen no one would no it is your balls they are looking at. I find that very arousing.
mens swimwear
More new extreme mens swimwear
We will have 12 new suits for the Summer most likely mid July. Every design in my opinion is awesome.
Of course I would think that they are my designs but as a lover of spandex they do blow me away and I can’t wait to wear them out. I have used all of them so far in the fittings and we have the final production samples. We might even shoot a handful of them on James tonight for KMC.
The one I want to tell you about today is by far one of my favorites. It is one of the most radical bikinis on the planet. It is an Ass Spark based design with a pouch that pushes out super far. It is helped by a wide interior adjustable cock strap that fits after the ass spark cock ring. The fit was so amazing that I had to make a second design with a larger pouch since once I had it on my cock pushed out so far it filled every possible inch of the pouch there was no additional stretch left. It was the most I had ever filled a pouch and it is all because of the design. I figured that the standard pouch would be great for small to almost medium sized cocks and the larger pouch would be perfect for medium to large cocks.
The way the suit looked on was beyond words. A full bikini with a pouch that made me look so large and the Ass Spark up my butt holding it all in place. My feeling is that this new as yet un named design could very well turn out to be our best selling bikini ever!
Mens swimwear
New worlds smallest thong G-string swimsuit
Last post you heard about the one that did not work. Today you get the first of some truly unique and very successful new designs. I had an idea for the worlds smallest pouch on a mans swimsuit. I don’t consider the male to female transformation suits in this category because the object there is not to make a small pouched thong or g-string but to make it all disappear. I had blogged about this idea last month. A micro bulge pouch that could handle a standard shaft soft bent in half or a tiny shaft just straight up with the design forcing the balls inside of you. The pouch would be an unbelievably tiny bulge but it would still be a mans style bulge. I tried on the first rendering of the finished suit today and it worked beautifully. It forced the balls inside of me and my swimsuit bulge was as tiny as you could ever imagine. It was almost perfect the first time out. Just a couple slight changes to the pouch and we will have a whole new category of design for Summer, micro bulge swimwear.
Mens swimwear
New swimwear designs are not always fun
we have been working on new summer designs a combination of fetish suits, swimsuits, bikinis, thongs, g-strings. I had a full fitting last week and most of the suits came out looking great. A few we needed to do changes on and one we just could not get to work. I will blog about the new designs this week but thought I would tell you about the one that did not work. It is funny now but sometimes designs can be a painful experience if they don’t work as I envisioned and this one was classic. My idea was a bikini, smallish full front with a full rear and it’s special feature was a spandex tube a few inches long located right where your hole would be and at the end of the tube was a thick appx 2″ across rubber ring to hold the tube open once it was all inside of you. The prototype looked perfect exactly what I envisioned in my mind. Getting it on was another story. With the girls looking on I slipped it on and put some lube on my hole and on the ring since the ring would enter first. The idea of the tube in you is that while wearing your bikini, the hole opening is not visible but if someone wanted to stick a toy or a cock up there you could and you could do it in public if you dared without taking off your suit. Even lubed I could not get the ring in. The suit fit fine but I was way to tight to get that ring in let alone the tube. I gave up and then it was the girls turn to work on it. They tried from every angle then having me getdoggy style with legs spread wide while one had her finders in me pulling the hole open and the other trying to push it in. Honestly it could have been erotic but it just hurt. She had my hole spread open with her fingers and they got the rubber donut ring in about half way and I said stop. If it is this hard to get it in we might not be able to get it back out! I literally felt like I had super ruff sex. I suggested we change to a thinner ring, one that could be bent to insert and they removed the fat ring and added the thin one. This time I just went right to the doggy style position and let them work on me. It still felt huge but they got it in me.
I felt the ring open up inside me as they pushed it down to extend the fabric tube. The fabric tube irritated the skin in there because there was no way to lube the fabric. I told them I did not think this one was going to work but they wanted me to see how it felt standing up. They had pushed the fabric in as far as they could with their fingers and next time they will need to cut their nails! Before I could say a word the anal plug was on its way and being pushed into the secret hole. It went in all the way and past the rubber ring but it did not feel good. It was a raw feeling like some one trying to push inside of you with out lube. No thanks. It was also difficult to get the ring out but they finally fished it out with their fingers. I was sore for the next two days!
Needless to say that design will not see the light of day but at least we tried. It was a good effort!
Crazy designs are my thing but sometimes they are even too crazy for me!
Mens swimwear
My bikini was too small part 2
I received a response from a VP at the gym and than a follow up call from the gyms manager.
He asked me what happened and I explained it all to him. I told him I was a swimwear designer and would be glad to send him photos of the style suit I was wearing. He asked me if I knew the person that came up to me. I said no but that he had took my membership card and said he was making a note of the incident on my membership file.
The clubs manager looked it up and said a couple of people had complained to the person who talked to me but the manager(person I was talking too on the phone) was not in at the time and said he never would have authorized that. He said you were wearing Speedo? I said no I was wearing a bikini that was no smaller than what many of the girls wear and that I was aware of the no thong policy and even though I had seen girls wearing them(I did not mention it but I have used a thong there a few times without issue) and I had no problems with anything anyone was wearing. He apologized for the employees actions, told me he was removing the comment from my file and said I could wear any bikini I like and that if another employee questioned it to refer him to me. I will take him at his word and will be back at the pool maybe with a smaller bikini! I would love to know who complained since there are very few hot bodies in the pool when I am there and I have never complained about that.
I’m interested in seeing the response of the employee that first came up to me. It does bother me that as a culture we have not moved further ahead of wear we are in gender equality of every kind.
I think a good first step is to work on protecting our rights no matter how much of a hassle it might seem to be.
After I am done typing this I am going to make a donation to the naturalist group the is fighting to protect our rights to use the very few nude beaches left in California.
Next blog will be about new swimwear designs we are working on for Summer and an interesting idea for a suit that turned out not to come close to working. I does happen!
Mens swimwear
Men’s bikinis is it to small?
a couple posts ago I mentioned I had a problem with wearing a bikini at my gym. I sent them an e-mail and wanted to give them time to respond. They did. I received an e-mail from a VP at Ballys and shortly after that a call from the manager of the location in question. First here is what happened. I have been going to the gym for years and there have been times I skirted our gyms no thong rule without any issues. Funny thing is some of the girls at the gym wear string bikinis and stuff close to thongs. I love women who wear these suits. As you know I love spandex and want to see has many people as possible wearing as little as possible. I would like it to be fair and work the same for men as it does for women and I don’t think that is asking to much but it must have been the other day.
I was swimming laps and had just finished a full hour. I was dead tired when I got out of the pool wearing a Koala Ecstasy Bikini, it is cut narrow in front with about 80+% coverage in rear what I consider a full bikini. I have used that suit for the last couple of weeks and had nothing but smiles. I grabbed a lounge chair and laid down with a towel over my face trying to recover from the swim. A few minutes later I heard sir! sir! and realized who ever it was, was talking to me. Yes I said and he said your suit is to revealing to wear here. I said oh? not a great comeback but remember I was just catching my breath. Do you have your membership card he asked and I said sure. He asked to see it and said he was going to mark down on my membership that I had been warned and walked away. he was young and very polite but I thought the entire situation was bullshit. I realized that this was not a person to be bothered with, to low on the totem poll but that I would escalate what I felt was an injustice to a higher level and when I got back to the office I shot off and e-mail to their corporate office telling them exactly what had happened, that I thought being singled out when the girls at our gym are never bothered at the very least seemed to be homophobic of them.
Part 2 coming next time
Mens swimwear
Mens Tan line Mens laser hair removal
I met a interesting girl over the weekend who is a registered RN and does laser hair removal at a spa in Los Angeles. I asked if she worked on many guys now and that I had a full Brazilian bikini laser a number of years ago. She said over 30% of the people coming in now are guys. I told her that when I had it done I was one of the brave first guys to do it. I told her I was ready for another round but I could not have it done because my skin is so tan and dark. She asked to see it. She looked and said they did a very nice job. I told her about the hair growth I still get and that I usually have it waxed. She asked if my penis was done too and I told her it was a full Brazilian including penis and the rear hole. She looked my over very well and said that her company has a new laser system that works very well on dark and tan skin. I had never heard about one like that. She said it is very new. I want you to do it! We decided to wait about three weeks to let whatever hair growth there will be recover from my last waxing session. She commented that my tan line was so small I needed to be hairless. No doubt she likes the look it is after all what she does all day long. I was happy to hear about so many guys having it all removed and that now it is no big deal and in fact very common to have the penis and anus completely lasered. I forgot to ask how long I would need to be out of the sun but I will let you know how much the new system hurts and how long before I get back on the beach.
Mens swimwear
Micro G-string swimwear fun
Had a great day on Wed up until the time I finally had a problem at my gym. I will talk about that after they answer my e-mail I sent. I will first give them a chance to replay.
Before I start let me tell everyone out there who is waiting for a back order suit that virtually all of them have shipped as of today. We have a small balance of back orders as I type this and the balance should ship out on Monday. wahoo! Thanks girls!
Yesterday was like most days lots of work followed by a little break at lunch time around the pool. I am back to wearing the Slut G-string because very few people are around and I fully enjoy my almost nude tanning experience. I must have passed out in minutes when I felt a tapping on my back and a sexy voice saying hi stranger haven’t seen you for a while. It was one of my best friends stopping by to say hello and talk.
I asked how she was and how she got in. Someone left the gate unlocked and she was good. She looked great!
She pulled up a chair and we talked for about 1/2 hour. She told me she was burning up and I asked if she had a bikini in her car. No she said and told me she needed to get back to work but asked if I wanted to sit in the shade maybe in her car and talk a little more. I said sure and thought maybe some fun would happen so I just wrapped the towel around me instead of getting dressed. We talked a little in her car when she said that suit is so small can I see it. That was it. The minute she put her hand on the pouch I was ready to break out of it. We kissed hard core and I pulled off her top and sucked on her tits. I remembered how hot she gets from that and sure enough in a minute she had my cock out stroking it and than in her mouth.
I said pull off you pants and let me put it in but she said she needed to get back to work. You can do it in my mouth she said and I thought that was a wonderful idea. A huge load being swallowed by a pretty girl I had no idea was coming just and hour before. Wonderful afternoon lunch break.
Mens swimwear