More on new swimwear designs

Some swimwear designs are in a class all to themselves and if they end up being popular or in this case insanely popular we build upon the success of the design. The Changed Man and the Changed Man Bikini are in this class. If you are not familiar with these suits what they do is hold your shaft strait inside of you flat and expose the balls split one one each side. They are pulled back and what you have is a male body with what looks to be a perfect Vagina unless your balls are large and it looks like a swollen or fat pussy. No matter your sexual identification gay, bi, straight, confused I would venture to say that most if not all men who are sexual have played with their cocks to try to make them look like a pussy. It is fun, sexual and normal play. The Changed Man takes it to another level allowing you to see the real girl inside and it is a huge turn-on. Don’t worry about what turns you on just enjoy it as long as it does not hurt anyone else.
Now back to the new suits we will be offering in our next collection. These are based on the Changed Man design and we even have names for them. One is the Changed Man Control Freak and the other is the Changed Man Lip Control. Both these designs were created from me playing with the originals. I wanted more control of how my man pussy would look and with the additions we made to these you will indeed have more options to control the look of your penis changed to a vagina. Enjoy the fun, enjoy the look, enjoy finding new boundaries.

Mens swimwear

More new stuff and a little about Folsom

I have been asked about making more suits in wet look spandex. I love the material and decided to make some new designs out of it. One of the new designs is a micro penis shaped g-string in wet look blue. I fell in love with this suit the moment I tried it on. The wet look fabric looks so hot in a micro cock formed pouch and as a g-string it is perfect.

Update on my almost nude sunbathing
I have used my pool near work a couple more times wearing nothing but a Testosterone.
It is a public pool for everyone in the complex and their guests. So far no one has said one thing negative and one guy asked where I got the pouch suit. He though it was totally cool which it is if you have the balls to wear it in public!

Did Folsom this last Sunday. It was crazy, wild, sexy, disturbing and most of all it was Folsom!
Carlos from was with me and he will be posting the footage on his site
including the guy with balls the size of a grapefruit, maybe larger!
Only downside this year is it was cold. You just never know what the weather will be in San Francisco.

Mens swimwear

More new stuff and a little about Folsom

I have been asked about making more suits in wet look spandex. I love the material and decided to make some new designs out of it. One of the new designs is a micro penis shaped g-string in wet look blue. I fell in love with this suit the moment I tried it on. The wet look fabric looks so hot in a micro cock formed pouch and as a g-string it is perfect.

Update on my almost nude sunbathing
I have used my pool near work a couple more times wearing nothing but a Testosterone.
It is a public pool for everyone in the complex and their guests. So far no one has said one thing negative and one guy asked where I got the pouch suit. He though it was totally cool which it is if you have the balls to wear it in public!

Did Folsom this last Sunday. It was crazy, wild, sexy, disturbing and most of all it was Folsom!
Carlos from was with me and he will be posting the footage on his site
including the guy with balls the size of a grapefruit, maybe larger!
Only downside this year is it was cold. You just never know what the weather will be in San Francisco.

Mens swimwear

Just a little special fun and more new stuff

It was hot and humid today in LA, an unusual combo but still nice enough to lay out and get a little sun. Not sure why but today I decided to be very daring. I decided to wear a Testosterone pouch and nothing else while I sunned in my favorite not private spot.
Just me basically naked with a nice tight pouch over my cock.
There was only one older lady that came by to sit and enjoy the almost nice weather. I walked over to cool off in the pool and said hi. She was friendly and if she noticed all I was wearing was a pouch it did not bother her. After she left I got bold and turned over to sun my bare back side spreading my legs to make sure the rays reached up inside of me. I dozed off for a bit and if any one else came by I was not aware of them. I was a little nervous since there is a drive and anyone can see into the pool area. A number of cars did go by but no police. Not sure if the would have bothered me any way. My cock was covered on it is private property.

This weekend Carlos from koalamensclub and myself will be at Folsom Street.
We are sharing a booth there so if you make it to one of the biggest wildest parties on the planet make sure to stop by and say hello.

I am working on a Medical grade silicone version of the Ass Spark and it is coming along beautifully. The final designs will be available on their own and intergraded into designs.

Mens swimwear

More on new mens swimwear designs

But first let me tell you about the beach on Sunday. Amazing.
Lots of girls in tiny bikinis and some thongs and almost no guys which seems
to happen after Labor Day and the start of the NFL.
I was playing in the water wearing a micro when a few girls put their stuff right next to mine. I noticed they were taking photos of me with their phones. Truth is most people have never seen a guy in such a tiny suit. Maybe I will end up as some ones screen saver
When I got out of the water I said hi to the girls and said I hope they got some good shots. They were all smiles and I caught one snapping off a shot of my exposed ass a little later.
All in a days fun.

One of the new designs was created for men who want to show their hard cock off covered but exposed. In these days of Viagra most guys can sport an erection for hours and many younger guys are hard all the time. Why not show some shaft. This new all white g-string displays the shaft in it’s full glory and the interesting thing about the design is that it keeps the shaft up pointing up on just the right angle. A very full natural young man’s hard on for us all. The sack pouch is beautifully crafted to show the shape and size but they are fully covered. The way the seams are aligned over the balls is like a work of art.

Mens swimwear

swimwear or underwear? maybe both

Wearing our suits as underwear is a question I get asked all the time.
Yes many many men wear are suits as underwear. Many guys wear the fetish and cock display suits as underwear. Wearing any of the Diablo designs underwear your pants at work will make for one very exciting day.

Would you you to post any stories about wearing our suits as undies.

You might of guessed that I am very sexual and I am into many exciting things.
One of my favorites is male chastity and I have started a new blog about
Mens chastity blog. Feel free to take a look.

so hot so difficult but worth it. extreme swimwear and fetish wear

First let me tell you that I spent the morning at a large fabric company in downtown Los Angeles. I found a few fabrics that made my imagination run wild. Silky stretchy and very unique fabrics. Wonder if the salesgirl noticed I was getting hard while handling the swatches

New designs. Sometimes a new design instantly creates its own name right when you try it on. That was the case with one of the new designs from the up coming 2012 collection due out in November. It is based on the Bliss design which is one of our all time best selling cock display, spandex fetish, sex suit, male lingerie, take your pick any of those descriptions fit.
The Bliss is considered one of the most difficult to make designs if not the most difficult design in our entire collection. I love that suit and every time I put it on a get hard and shortly after I get wet.
If you are taking Viagra or anything like that and you need something that will arouse you the Bliss might just turn you on as much as that favorite guy or girl, maybe not that much but close.
I had an idea to add some extras to the Bliss. I knew this would make a difficult suit that much more difficult  to create and told my girls if it was to hard we just would not do it.
I wanted more control, I wanted to control the pressure on each testicle and the pressure to change the shaft position by pulling it down, this adds more stimulation to the area and the truth is Bliss was originally designed for oral sex. My girls took on the challenge and after a few tries delivered what I have come to expect from them. Perfection. They told me it is much more difficult to do but they liked the design and they decided we would offer it. I was thrilled because this suit is going to surpass any spandex fetish suit we have ever offered to become our best seller. After wearing it the other day I am 100% sure of it.
The name of this design- The Bliss Control Freak. It literally named itself.

Mens swimwear

So excited and a hot new bikini

I spent a few hours today doing an almost final fitting for the new collection which should be out very early November. The idea was to do a small batch of new 2012 suits in time for the holidays.
Unlike most retailers who work to get products ready for this season we just get them ready when they are ready there is no real time frame to our releases. Well what started out has a small batch of new designs has grown to 18 new styles. I am not sure but this could be one of our largest collections ever. Bikinis, thongs, g-strings and fetish attire.
I will have lots to blog about over the next week or two but today I am doing something I almost never do and that is post a photo of a new design. I was so thrilled with the way this fem style bikini fit I had to show it. Be gentle remember its me not a real model.
Total pussy flat with full ass coverage.

Mens Swimwear

New design and a new video idea

I had an idea to post detailed video clips of every design we make on
Swimwear, fetish wear, sex wear all the designs. It is a big under taking so I would like to get some feed back on what you boys think about it. As you know or might know from previous posts you can show girls all day long in bikinis, thongs and even g-strings but show a man wearing these same styles on and the content will be removed right away. Not very fair but it is the reality of the beast. My idea is to show the suits and explain them in detail, no models just me showing the suit, talking about how each one works and some of the ideas about using them but not wearing them. Just me giving info and holding the suit to show their finer points with information about each design which I hope will help you make decisions on design you might not be completely sure are right for you.

Please let me know what you think!!!!!

New bikini design based on the Sweet Boy. The Sweet Boy is one of our very best selling fem style male to female transformation swimsuits. These designs work exceedingly well and are not only very sexy to wear but really hot to be seen in. Many of you have asked for more of these style designs in a full back bikini. The Sweet Boy is one of my personal favorite designs
and deciding to go with that style in a full back bikini was a no brainier. It took us a number of patterns to get it right but last week while trying on the new swim and fetish suits this design just stood out and that is in a field of amazing suits. Sometimes while I am typing this blog I do know that talking about our own designs must seem conceded but you need to keep in mind we love wearing these suits and spandex for us is a lifestyle. We are indeed spandex lovers as are many of you and the way you feel when you open the package and try on a new design you is the same way I feel when I try on a new design that hits the bulls eye. This design was a direct hit it is so fem that there is no way from the suits point of view you could tell a man was wearing it. It is utterly feminine.

Mens swimwear 

Ramblings from Michael David