swimwear update, raging hard pouch

Just got back today and had a great time in the mountains. Lots of hiking and fishing no swimwear fun the water was way to cold but the fishing was awesome and relaxing. Talked to the girls today and looks like we will have all the new late summer designs in stock by the end of July and online shortly after that!
Just like most of you my first day back at work was crazy but getting all caught up and even had enough time to take my lunch in the sun. Slipped on my Slut g-string at work and headed to my semi private piece of paradise. Two ladies were hanging out in front of the pool area on the grass just talking. I smiled said hi and noticed next to them was an SUV full of their friends with the windows down. One of the girls I believe works in the complex said something to the others in Spanish after that they were all looking over at me.She must of seen me tanning before and told the girls what I wear, thats my best guess. Not sure why but instead of making me shy I thought this is my place and if they want to watch thats fine. I walked by them to my lounge chair not even trying to be subtle I stripped off all my clothes to reveal a nearly nude completely exposed me and heard some giggles from the peanut gallery. Knowing they were all watching got me so hard I had to lay exposed ass up for a while. With beads of sweat starting to flow from the heat and no let up in my very hard cock, that is as hard as it can get in that tiny pouch I opted to take a dip showing a full frontal and rear view and even paused to let the water flow off of me before I returned to my lounge. All eyes on me and I liked it!

Mens swimwear

The perfect thong

I would love to hear your thoughts about what attributes the perfect men’s swimwear thong would have. Pouch size, cock ring? No cock ring, how much fabric on the rear, how would it attach between the legs and so on.
I have been in the mountains the last few days on vacation and caught quite a few Rainbow Trout today but still had time to day dream about creating new styles. One thought that I am working on is trying to perfect the thong. I keep having this crazy vision of a x style design between the legs. Not sure what that means yet but will keep plugging away at it. Feel free to comment about your thoughts on the perfect thong.

Mens swimwear

photo shoot and gone fishing

I am out of town and in the mountains doing some fishing this week but will still try to post on the blog and catch some fish!  some of my best suit ideas come to me when I am just totally relaxing.

Friday nights photo shoot was hot with a straight model playing with a gay one for his very first time. We had him insert starting small and getting huge all the new stainless steel toys into the gay model. Out straight boy did a very nice job and he told me after the shoot he was turned on and maybe he is bi.
I told him to one degree or another we all are.

Mens swimwear

Different G-string today

Since I had Laser hair removal yesterday I am not supposed to tan but still wanted to take a break in the sun so I decided I would work on my sides and wear a G-string with more coverage. I picked the Ecstasy G-string and it was the perfect choice. It was hot as can be by the pool and there were lots of people swimming and getting sun. I pulled up a chair next to a few older ladies that I know. Stripped off my shorts to show off my hot plaid g-string and they loved it. It is so small and narrow but it almost feels like I am wearing shorts compared to the Slut g-string. There were kids and moms in the pool but I felt fine going in with the Ecstasy
on. Everyone was nice and no one had issue with a bare ass. After all it is just an fairly nice very tan ass.

Mens swimwear

Great beach days and always something funny going on

Great 4th of July weekend. Spent a couple days at the beach and it was great. Not completely sunny but not blazing like the rest of LA. Many of my friends hit the beach on the 4th which turned out to be the very best of the weekend days but I missed it. Just could not deal with the other million or so people looking for parking. Most people at my beach are cool with men and women wearing very little. Nice mix of locals and tourists from Europe.
Did have a group walk by and one of the guys thought for sure I was nude and said so. Close but no cigar.
After a very long day at work which started at 6am and now is 9:30PM  still working but I did have a chance to go have a full Brazilian laser treatment. Today it only hurt right on the balls and shaft. The hole was a little tender too.
While I was waiting to get zapped two very hot girls came out of one of the treatment rooms. They had big smiles on their faces and I said hi and asked what they had done. Both had their lips injected. Told them their lips looked great, they were in fact very plump and bright red. They had injections to make their lips larger. I did not see them before but I liked they way they looked now I asked if it hurt and they said not enough to stop them from having it done and we all laughed. One of them asked what I was getting done. I said laser hair removal and the other asked where. Brazilian bikini I said. I had that, so did I the other girl said. I asked how their results were and they said excellent after 5 visits. They asked me and I said I had it years ago with very little returning hair but wanted to clean up what was left and this was my second time in. I wish my boyfriend would have it done one said. Can I see how it looks the other asked. This is not uncommon in spas and since we were the only ones in the waiting room I said sure. I peeled down my shorts to the base of my shaft. Wow it looks so smooth. I said it was and asked to see how their laser jobs looked. One showed me where her pubes used to be and the other pulled her mini skirt up undies to the side and a perfect set of completely smooth bald lips appeared. Very nice jobs all the way around. Funny sort of meeting the type you only find in LA! They made their next appointments and I was off to have my work done.
Sometimes it is hard for me to believe my luck.
But it is not always good luck, on the 4th my new neighbor had a houseful of super hot very young model types walking around in tiny little nothings. These guys are all young and one asked me to come by. As I was busy starring at all the very hot young talent hanging around and thinking about joining them my girlfriend totally busted me! My girl is hot but it is hard trying to deal with a load of teens and 20s well a few fireworks before the fireworks.
Shit happens!

Mens swimwear

does your tan line get you into trouble?

My tiny g-string micro tan line does get me into situations that I am sure would never come up if I had your typical surf shorts tan line. Most often it is in the locker room where guys see you naked and make snap judgements on if you are available based partly on the way you look. Friday I did something I try to do every week which is get a massage. I believe they are very healthy for you. I also believe every massage should have a release at the end which would be both healthy and pleasurable but it is against the law in california when you are paying a professional for a massage and truth is most legit place will not do it. I enjoy having a woman do my massage, I have had male masseuses but for love the nurturing touch of the ladies.  I do have a few that will as a part of my massage give me a happy ending but it is always quality first the ending a bonus. My tan line is something that always gets mentioned and for the most part they think it is cute. I have had a few which say it looks like a girl. I take it as a compliment. Friday I went into the local foot massage spot. They seem to be popping up all over the place. We have a couple good ones right near work. They do a full body and heavy foot but nothing more. I went to my regular spot and noticed they were offering table massage so I thought I would try it out. I asked for a girl and they said it would be an hour. Can’t wait I said and they said they had a guy who was very good. I said sure I will try him.
They had a little room with a curtin separating me from the communal foot massage area. They handed me a towel and told me to get undressed and lay down. I have done that a hundred times so I had my clothes off in seconds and was on the table with the towel over my ass. A young 20s Chinese man came in and washed my feet than started on my shoulders. I am not into chit chat during my massage so other then saying hello when he came in I let him do his job. He had strong hands and it felt great. He oiled my back and slid the towel down to do my lower back exposing my tan line. Very sexy he said. I said thanks and left it at that. The massage was getting better and better, very deep and I was totally relaxed. The next second he removed the towel. This happens often with my regular girls but never at a place like this. He oiled up my ass and worked the muscles hard. I noticed at first his fingers started to probe a little. I figured he was just getting all the muscles until he started working his fingers right to the hole. I felt great but there was a room full of people right next to me getting foot massages and it made me a little uneasy.
There was a lot of oil going on the rear and I thought he is going to do it. A second later first one finger than two were inside of me doing a very deep massage, very deep! I am sure he knew I was completely wet on the other side but he stepped out, guess to wash his hands and came back in and finished my legs. Turn over he said and did not offer me a towel. I was very hard but he started at my head and took his time working down to my cock. He did a very nice job of massaging the balls and shaft. He said now keep quiet and I thought I can do that. He bent my knees up, grabbed my shaft with one hand and slipped at least two fingers back inside of me. It did not take long to clean me out of every last drop of cum and I did keep quiet though it was not easy. Total massive orgasm with all those people just a few feet away and a great massage.  Yes I gave him a nice tip and yes I will be back again and use him!

Mens swimwear

Good call on todays suit and more from the weekend

More on my two sisters beach day. Think they figured out I like girls when I was oiling them up. I was wearing my Slut G-string because A. I think it is one of our hottest designs, B. it fits my cock to perfection and covers nothing else, C. the bulge is fantastic with the only downside being I need to slip on a little more to go in the water and for that I used the Highly Gifted because it stays on in the surf. Any time I am rubbing oil on a very nice 20s body I am going to get aroused and wearing the Slut everyone near by is going to be able to tell. Sometimes I can’t believe my shaft does not escape from the pouch, it sure feels like it is about too.
Wearing the Slut was the easiest way of showing the girls my cock was not just a tiny clit sized piece of meat,
though the T-girl we shoot this weekend did have a cock barely larger then some clits I have seen.
In the water I helped them learn to body surf and there is always a lot of touching while teaching even a little kissing with the one I ended up taking out. Once I was caught in a big wave both my Slut and Highly Gifted were pushed down to my knees and they both got a full view of my completely hairless at the time extremely tiny from the cold water cock. Wearing surf shorts in large surf has the advantage of staying on better than spandex suits do.
Teaching someone to body surf is draining for the teacher and the students. We were all drained and got back to our towels to soak up the sun, all three of us almost on top of one another trying to warm up from the cold water. Just a fantastic day and yes later that night one of the sisters and my self had a great time. Would two of been better? Not sure I’m up to handling two mid-western girls at once but I think I held my own with one. Hope to see them all once more before they head back and stay in touch on our Macs.

I took my pool time lunch break and before I left I grabbed a suit I have not used for a long time. Somewhere in my brain I must of realized that all the schools were on summer vacation starting last Friday. Grabbed the Answer Bikini which is both a g-string and a full back bikini. The rear can be un-clipped from the sides but not entirely removed. I just tuck the extra fabric under me and you would not be able to tell I was wearing anything but a g-string. It was a good call because after laying out in the sun for 15 minutes using the suit as a g-string a large group of grandma’s, mom’s and kids marched out. I heard them coming so I rolled over to expose the very small pouch which seemed not to bother them. You never know how people and kids will handle a g-string exposed ass so I decided not to bother. When I tanned on my sides I removed the back but my ass was facing away from the group.

Mens swimwear

Quick beach and photo shoot post

Just running out to a party but I thought I would tell you how beautiful the beach was today and that I had two of the sisters I met last week with me. They now know I like girls…more in the next post, great waves, got one to wear a thong and the other hiked up her bikini bottom into a semi thong.
Yesterday did the KMC photo shoot we had a super hot t-girl. She was a pain in the ass but a beautiful model and our asshole Muscle model was a no show. We might do a make up shoot next weekend I will let you know.

Gotta run but will post more about my beach day and which micro I had on next time.

Mens swimwear

My tiny bulge=a day at the beach

thanks for staying with me I know it is a long multi post story.

The three girls joined me by the lounge chairs and like typical girls lots of small talk. Funny nothing about my amazingly small suit. It did not take long for me to need a dip in the pool since it was so hot out. Girls had the same idea a few minutes later and then the first question came. Can you wear a suit like that to the beach?
Yes, you mean that you can go out with nothing on your rear? Yes at some beaches though it is not completely legal no one bothers you. My question was have any of you ever tanned in a G-string or thong and I was surprised that two of them did but only in their yard at home. One even showed me a little tan line. Think my micro bulge might have tried to no avail to get bigger. One said my boyfriend would never wear a suit like that it is just too revealing. I asked if it was because he was shy about his body and she laughed, no it is because he would think only a gay man would wear it. I told her he might think that but nothing could be further from the truth and she can’t be 100% sure he would not wear one and maybe all it would take is her asking him . We kept talking and the perv in my wanted to see what effect a full frontal view, an in your face view would have on them. I put a little water on the lip of the pool next to the first step and sat down while they were still in the water but just a few feet away. Anyone of them were close enough to reach over and touch my little bump.They were just like me when I see a girl in spandex tights with a cameltoe I keep talking trying to look at their face but I can’t completely control the desire to look down and inspect it, which is no different with the girls starring at my little bulge. Tiny as can be I wondered if they thought I might not have a penis or if I did it would have been the smallest one they had ever seen.
We talked about what things they planned on doing and I gave them some choice spots to visit and some of my favorite non tourist restaurants. I told them about my trip to Blacks Beach last week and they seemed eager to try it. I would love to go with you but there is no way I could miss work right now we are so busy. I hope you girls make it down there it is so beautiful. They asked about local beaches and I offered to take them to my favorite spot if it clears up on Sunday and they were game. These midwestern girls are so much different from LA girls. LA girls would give you the 20 question session. Are you gay, bi, you can’t be straight and on and on. After a while I forgot that I needed to get back to work and we just hung out. No juicy details to offer yet. I took all three out to lunch at a favorite Mexican restaurant near my work in Chatsworth and they were blown away by it.. Sure I would love to tell you I did all three and you never know but I think that is a stretch. I hope to get to the beach on Sunday with them and yes I will wear very little and if they packed their thongs maybe talk them into wearing them. Would go Saturday but we have a shot for KMC. For a you members we are shooting one of the hottest t-girls I have ever seen, she is a total girl with a little extra and we will shoot her in some of our fem.cock and maybe anal wear. Next up is a huge muscle boy who will pump Iron and exercise in extreme swimwear. Should be fun!

Mens swimwear

My tiny bulge swimsuit in public

Continued from last post

Two of the girls headed right to the jacuzzi the other to the pool.
All nice looking girls, strong and athletic they did not look like LA types. Turns out three sisters from Cleveland visiting their Grandma. The two jumped in and started chatting it up. I asked if they lived here and got the above answer and I introduced myself. They were here on vacation and since the beach was so overcast they decided to get some rays in the Valley’s 90+ heat. When it gets this hot you want to be at the beach, pool or inside the house. They said that Tuesday they were heading over to Disneyland and the next day they were going to the Venice Boardwalk and maybe the beach. I asked what they did for a living and one was still in school and the other two worked for a major tire company. They asked what I did and I told them I am a swimwear designer. One said they did not see many guys in Cleveland wearing suits like mine. I thought wait until you see the front. They asked if men were wearing these suits at our beaches. I told them they would see many guys in g-strings, thongs and bikinis at Venice. They smiled and said they could not wait. I thought wait until they see the front of my suit at that same moment the third sister came over as I was getting out. I think her face turned a little red as she said hi. I love mid western girls they always seem happy.
It’s habit for me to always look down and check my suit when I get out of the water. Forget about shrinkage the hot water made me a solid 1/2″ I guarantee you they will never see a smaller male bulge the rest of their lives but as I looked down they did too. I walked over to the lounge with my ass completely exposed I am sure another thing they rarely see in public and spread myself out. My three new freinds joined me minutes later.

More next post
Yes I know this is a long one.

Mens swimwear

Ramblings from Michael David