Surprise the young guys and New Diablo

Sorry about the cold, I know the rest of the country or most of it is freezing while we are still sporting our tiny micros and getting sun. That’s not going to happen today because the winds are blowing about 40+ knots out here. Yesterday got some nice sun and got a laugh as two young guys stared across the pool at me. Not sure what they were doing but I am pretty sure they thought they were starring at a topless girl laying on her tummy. Again not sure why but that always gets me aroused.

On the subject of arousal there are still a few more new designs I wanted to talk about. The Explosive sex style suit with a full but removable pouch in my opinion will be the best selling new design of what surely will be one of our most exciting launches to date. Take about a wicked beach suit.

Hope you guys in the colder parts of the world are having fun with your fetish spandex suits. I had a guy call me yesterday and tell me about his group of buds that get together wearing our extreme suits with metal cock rings and such, get oiled up and wrestle. Sounds like fun. Anyone else doing fun stuff they would like me to post here for them?

Mens swimwear    Male chastity

Wow Top models show up for our shoot

Yesterdays live shoot was unusual to say the least. It is hard to advertise for models that are willing to do nude now that craigslist does not allow adult ads. So we played it straight and advertised for models to do swimwear.
We told them they would be modeling bikinis, thongs and g-strings we did not mention fetish wear because that can scare off some of the hotter models, the ones that do print, TV and movies here in LA. I must say that it was an interesting shoot. We needed 3 models but since models are notoriously flaky we decided to book 8! Our luck 8 showed up. Both Carlos from KMC and myself would never send people away that came out for a shoot even if we had to many so we found a way to use them all. Our combined opinion is that these were some of the hottest models we have ever had, I would say 6 out of the 8 were GQ style super hot working models, one nice looking actor and one was interesting. One young Russian model 21 years old was so hot we are trying to book him for the shoot with all the new designs next month. I would love to have him. We had the boys model bikinis, thongs, g-strings, some sheer, suits with cock rings but no exposed cock or anal suits. We had a great assistant Andy fitting the guys and yes we kept the cameras rolling while they changed so there was good nude footage.
Even with all the stress of setting up a shoot like this we were very pleased with the out come and we have a few top models we can use in the future.

Mens swimwear

Male chastity

Dealing with hot male models

I am helping with the KMC live photo shoot today. My job is to work with the models and find the suits that work with their bodies. Sounds like fun right? Well it is not all that you think it would be. With the rush of time and not being sure before a shoot what type of models I will have to work with or how many it gets very stressful. Carlos who runs KMC told me to expect anywhere from 3-7 models. Thats a huge range. Sure it is fun to see them getting dressed and undressed with their super hot bodies but for me there is little time to enjoy the view. It is about getting them into the suits. Many of the models have never seen micro swimwear so we need to explain in detail how to put them on how their cocks should look. Just another crazy day at Koala.

Hope it all flows. Speaking of flowing my girls are kicking ass on the new designs. They just might make it by the end of February. So far I am amazed. Wonderful weather in LA this last week got a few days by the pool wearing my micro g-string and I think I gave the pool man a nice show on Friday.

Mens swimwear      Male chastity

Photo shoot and New suit info

Just wanted to post a reminder to KMC members that they will be having a live spandex swimwear photo shoot on
Sat 1/29 at 2:00PM PST

The new upcoming design I will chat about today is another suit based on a customers request. He asked for the Diablo suit with an anal hook. We needed to make a few changes with the rings to make it work, one of those was adding an adjustable main cock ring strap. The design works perfect. Perfect seems to be a theme with this new batch of designs. Almost all the new ideas worked perfectly and looked fantastic. We had a couple that did not make the cut. One we talked about last week the other is a pet project of mine. It is a fem suit that coverts your cock to an exposed vagina, clit and all. We came up with one off shoot that did the full exposed vagina but not the clit look. We just could not come up with a design that worked. This is an idea I love and we are not giving up on it. Maybe the summer collection will have it. The vagina suit we are introducing is a thing of pure fem beauty.
Guys into the male to female transformation look are going to go crazy over it. For you guys that think we have lost our minds please don’t worry I will talk about more wild but semi normal (whatever that means) suits next time!

Mens swimwear     Male chastity

Quick note
I added the male chastity link because the photos are nice and it will help to get better Google PR
just keeping it real


New Yellow g-string ultra micro

One of the new designs that will be going into production is based on the suit I wear most often.
The Slug g-string is my suit of choice for many reasons, here are a few. I love the way it fits. It takes my cock and forms one of the sexiest and sweetest bulges around. It duplicates the nude tanning experience. The beaches of Southern California are my home tanning spots beautiful beaches but with the exception of a few far away spots no legal nude tanning. Ultra g-strings might not be legal but no one has ever bothered me and I have not heard about anyone else being hassled and as long as no complains it seems like girls can get away going topless most of the time. The Slut is so small in front that as long as you move the straps up and down as you tan it will not leave a tan line something I am into right now. The rear is a double strap. I not only like the way it looks nicely framing your ass but I like the way it feels and it just barely covers my hole, not even barely if my legs are spread. So what is up with the new one off design? First I love yellow it is one of my favorite colors and the second is one big change to the suit. The Slut is so small in front  snug to the top of your cock and sometimes getting out of the water if the pouch is pulled down even a fraction of an inch there is shaft showing. I needed to come up with a way that would allow me the Slut no tan line front i:e ultra micro but a way to cover a little more skin when walking on the beach, down to the water and more coverage when getting out of a hotel pool or the water at the beach. Last summer an idea came to me in just that situation. I came up with a folding elastic strap that fits around the top of the suit. When flipped down it has the same shape as the Slut g-string. Flipped up it  covers another 1/2″ give or take of  additional skin. Just enough to keep me and you out of trouble. The design works fantastic and it will be my future #1 beach suit.

Mens swimwear     Check out our male chastity  large photos

Fireworks at the factory

There are days when my work is a real pain in the ass and nothing seems to be going right, I know that happens to all of us but we can only hope the good days out number the not so hot ones. Today started off with a blast. I went over to our little factory to see how the new production was coming along and it was looking great. That was enough to make my day but then my head pattern maker wanted to tweak one of the new designs. That design was the Explosive Sex model with the removable front pouch. I thought it was perfect last time but they made a new sample and wanted me to try it on. Whenever I try on an anal style suit I do a full enema even if I just took a shower which was the case but when something goes up there I want it coming back out crystal clear. I was in a little rush but said I would do it and took my trusty little kit to the bathroom and cleaned myself out. We added lube to my ass and my cock, doing that makes it much easier to put the rings on and take them off and we lubed up the hook. It is fun having them fuss over me helping put on the suit so it looks perfect, having them insert the hook just to remove it a few minutes later then put it in again. After 45 minutes of taking it off and putting it back on after a quick change here and there it was perfect in their eyes, it looked great to me all along. They wanted to snap a few photos of it which I said was fine but I needed to fluff up my cock so the shoot would look its best. While stroking my shaft one of the girls noticed the strap on the back hook was twisted and asked if it was OK to untwist it. Sure I was busy getting my shaft hard as a rock when I felt her pull the hook out and insert it in again. She must of hit the perfect spot because all of a sudden I could barely hold back from blowing my load. I told them to snap the shot fast because I needed to cum. I barely held off for a couple shots then exploded. Must be the hook pushing against my prostrate which gives me the most amazing orgasms. That is how my day started and I can hardly remember the rest of the day, it was that good!

Mens swimwear

More Ass Spark based suits

We have new suits based on the Ass Spark cock ring.Butt plug suits have been our most popular line of new suits in years. I am sure it helped that we sold tons of Ass Sparks before any designs came out and that the suits could be ordered with out the Ass Spark because we knew so many already had one.The samples of new designs are already approved and we have started production. The one I wanted to talk about today is a Brazilian bikini rear suit with a full front. We have a bikini and we have a thong to complete the line we needed a g-string and a Brazilian rear suit. The finished product is fantastic. It can be used in most public beach, hotel and other areas where you want to be seen. The metal section is fully exposed only when your legs are spread while laying down and even then most people would have no idea that  very moment you were having excellent sex. This designs was created with the idea that you want to be seen wearing it hell thats half the fun!

Mens swimwear

More new stuff and a funny story

First the funny story. We have had great weather this week with Monday being an awesome 88 degrees.
I spent lunch around the pool. Had it all to myself even though it was a holiday. While I was sipping on my diet
Coke I noticed the nice old lady whose townhouse is right next to the pool walking over with a camera in hand. I see her all the time and we always say hi to each other. She has seen me in just about every suit we make that I can wear in public and most likely has caught me through her window slipping nude into the Jacuzzi every now and then. She came up said hi and asked if she could take my picture, before I could answer she said she wanted to e-mail it to some of her friends who were freezing in Chicago. She said they would never believe how warm it was here without a picture. I said sure being the exhibitionist I am and she snapped off a few shots and told me she was going to e-mail them right away. I was back out at the pool today and she must of been watching for me. She came over smiling and said her friends loved the photos and wanted more. I’m so thrilled I can still turn on those 75+ year old ladies!

Another new as yet unnamed design is a version of the Penis Stretcher on steroids. It was suggested by many customers that a penis stretcher with even more pull would be something they would like to have. I gave it some thought and came up with a design that offers an amazing amount of pull on your shaft, of course you control the amount of pressure. While playing with it I was able to pull my shaft  super hard and even when I became aroused it still kept the pressure on.If you are into cock stretching or you feel you have gone as far as you can with the standard penis stretcher you are going to love this ultra version.

Mens swimwear

Mens swimwear new idea, bulge break and the beach

Maybe not in that order.

Los Angeles Monday 11:43 and it is over 80 outside. The Sun God is calling for me to pull out my tiniest g-string and spend my lunch break around the pool, it is a holiday here though we are working a normal full day.
Hope I have the pool to myself. If not  some neighbors are going to get an eyeful!
It was beautiful here all weekend, Saturday was a great beach day the first in quite some time. Grabbed my Slut oiled up my body and found a great spot. Funny there were almost no guys on the beach, maybe watching football games lots of girls walking by a more then a few comments like that is tiny, wonder if they are talking about my suit or my cock, one for sure was talking about my cock but if you are going to wear a suit that starts at the base of your shaft and just barely covers shaft and balls with your entire lasered pubic area tan and showing I expect it. Sometimes us micro suit wearers forget that many people actually have pubic hair down there and when there is absolutely nothing it is going to attract attention.

Wanted to talk about our new exposed vagina look suit. This is not the one we are working on that not only shows the lips but works in such a way that the penis is transformed to a clit thus showing a complete pussy.
This design shows exposed lips completely hides away any thought of a cock shaft and does so in a stunningly beautiful fashion. Everyone who took a peek agreed 100% that I looked as if my anatomy was female. Very hot.
If I lose a little more weight maybe I wear it as a girl eats my pussy and I will take some shots and post it.

Mens swimwear

New design info, did I mention I was jazzed?

If you did not get the vibe from the last post about how jazzed I am with the new designs at the last fitting let me state again I was blown away and I can’t wait to get this collection out to you guys. Talked to the girls this morning and they think we will have full production of the new designs by the end of February. Knowing what I do about making suits for the last 15+ years I will tack on another 4 weeks to that but will be pleasantly surprised if they deliver any where near the date they told me, just being realistic.

Since none of the designs have names yet I will use a similar suit to describe this one. It is a micro sized version of the Smoking Gun design in the beautiful mostly sheer bronze fabric we use on Pierced. We made this design for Chris a customer who is into the style and I liked it so much that I knew we needed to offer it to everyone else. The first sample right off the bat was beyond perfect. I say that because the fit was superb, the extra small shaft made me instantly feel like a man. I filled it the second I was in and the way it is designed the pouch stayed full hard or not. It had enough stretch to handle my hardest erection and the sheer fabric looked stunning. The balls in the lower section looked tantalizingly tasty.

Mens swimwear

Ramblings from Michael David