I love designing and creating micro swimwear styles, transformation styles, bulge styles along with bikinis, G-strings and micro short style swimsuits. I love designing them because I love wearing them. This summer my standard bearer was the new koalaswim Air Male Thong which is a bulge style suit but the bulge is so amazingly small people seeing me wearing it on the beach must think I have the worlds smallest penis, well under 1”! I love it. The cut is right up to the compressed balls and shaft with skin exposed that has never seen the sun on the beach unless I was tanning in the nude. It is a fraction of the size of the thongs you see most of the girls wearing in Venice beach my regular hang out. When I say micro swimsuit, I mean micro in fact it is so tiny that I wear another micro bikini design as a cover up or if I am going for a run. I wear the Boss Bikini which is on e of the worlds smallest men’s bikini swimwear design. I fits perfectly over the Air Male and I wear it down to the pool at hotels when I am on vacation instead of wearing shorts of my Air Male Thong. The truth is I designed this on specifically for myself but I am happy our customers love it too. Koalaswim.com has a few new gender fluid styles coming in September. These are not male to female transformation styles that make you look like you have a vagina but the bulge on these is unique in that the balls are forced inside of the body and just the shaft is compressed and covered. The effect is that one will find it hard to tell what sex you are, you can be whatever you feel like wearing these new designs.
Keep your eye on the men’s swimwear blog for more info on these new creations!