Wanted to let you know I personally look at every post, for the most part I leave them alone and post them errors and all but I do look at them. The other day I asked about short shorts and a reader blogged about offering them with a built in cock ring. I never thought about that but a pair of tiny shorts with a built in cock ring or a cock cage might be fun. I will try making up some sample shorts to see it looks as good as it sounds.
Questions about Lubes
Do you guys and girls have a favorite brand and if so do you have a favorite type of lube. We are going to switch to new silicone style lube because I think they work perfect with our fetish suits and fantastic for all sorts of sex, a friend told me about a type of lube called relaxing anal glide which seems like if it works would be great. I have some samples including the anal relaxer and will try them out. Let me know if you have any thoughts about lubes.
New swimwear update. My webmaster is working on the new suit updates for Koalaswim.com It looks like the update and us completing the full inventory of new designs by late next week.
I really wish you would design us some boobs tops to complement the feminine bottoms so that it looks if a guy has boobs as well. That will at least complete the feminine look….please I ask on my knees
yes sounds cool and kiniy