Up bright an early this morning and will be out of the house in a few minutes to meet with my girls and see how the production is going. I am hoping to have all the new designs in stock by today. That may be wishful thinking but we are planning on launching the new collection next week. I will keep my fingers crossed and let you know. Help. I don’t ask to often but since this blog is growing everyday I thought why not ask for help to get even more guys and girls checking it out. Here is what you can do to help: forward links to friends, list us in the signature section of any forums you belong too, add links for this blog where ever you can, links are very helpful! and just try to let like minded sexually open people know about us….thanks. We did our last underwater photo shoot of the summer for KMC yesterday and there should be a few free clips posted in the next week or so. KMC members should have an hour plus of all the new designs underwater. It was so cold my balls are still thawing out. I can tell you this, the new anal spark enhanced suits especially the full bikini style is more fun then you can imagine. The idea of being violated at the beach with no one knowing is very exciting.