Going Anal with penetration swimwear

Penetration swimwear designs are by far the most popular new swimsuit and fetish suits we have created in a long time. It is amazing that an entire line of suits has sprung up around these highly stimulating designs. The most popular are the many different designs that use the Ass Spark. The new Ass Spark double has been a fantastic seller for guys who already have suits that use the standard Ass Spark. The other very popular designs are the suits that incorporate the butt plugs. We have a couple styles that come with a choice of two bump plug style silicone plugs or one large Penis shaped plug. Most customers have been ordering the suits with the Penis shaped plug. These designs have introduced many men to the joys of anal stimulation. I have customers phone and e-mail me saying that they had never tried anal and now they love it. If you are like me once you slip on the Ass Spark you will be as hard as ever.  Guys please post your feedback about using our anal penetration suits.  So other men on the fence can find out how hot they are!

Mens swimwear

3 thoughts on “Going Anal with penetration swimwear”

  1. I modified my Ass Spark by adding a little more length to the bar that sits on the perineum(taint)and it fits better on me. I guess my taint is longer than normal. Anyway, I have worn it at the beach with strings, thongs and rio backs and it just plain feels good sliding around inside my rectum. I can sit in my chair and push on the cockring and move the ball around inside. I have shown it to a couple of other people and they want one, too. I sometimes wear it at home.

  2. I have a Sparks Plug that I used on the beach this summer with the “penetration bikini”. A great feeling, but it is sometimes difficult to keep it in place while swimming or being rolled in the waves!
    I think the Sparks “double” will probably fit better, unfortunately I know that the 1.75″ ring will be too small. Any chance you would build it with the 2″ ring?

    we might add that size

  3. Hi there all,

    love swimming and tanning “plugged up” in small G-strings. Till now I did with plugs with modified ends which fit then “concealed” behind the rear “cat walk”.

    It’s really a horny feeling doing this in well fitting G-Strings and at public beaches etc. as well !

    Regards from Germany

    Mens swimwear

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