Hot new Brazilian Design and lots of bikini models

Hit the beach with a friend today and just relaxed trying to enjoy these end of the season days some of which are the very best beach days. While we were there a photo shoot was taking place with about ten very hot girls in bikini and some in Brazilian ass exposing bikinis.
All were drop dead beautiful. Has the camera girl was shooting away they were busy bouncing around, getting close and intense with each other and just having a great time. As a photographer it was fun seeing how a big time shoot works. This must of been for a magazine. It was run very well but the thing again that sticks in my mind is how at ease and natural the girls are with their bodies touching each other and basking in their sexuality.
I’m sure it shows in the shots. Wonder if men will ever evolve to this level of free spirited relaxed joy with their fellow men?

As we get closer to the new eighteen suit 2012 collection, we are still looking solid for early November I have another new design to tell you about. This is a Brazilian bikini with a high back style that cover a lot of your lower back(for a bikini) but shows a ton of exposed ass.
It is very sexy and this new design works with the Ass Spark. There is metal exposed but it is your secret as to what it is doing there. This will be a fantastic suit to be seen in.

Mens Swimwear