More new site info and a new design we are working on

Hi Just wanted to add one more thing about The Men’s Swimwear Store site. Even though it is a sister site to you will need to re-input your customer information to use the new site.

Thanks for all the feedback!!!


Thought I would post a photo of a new design we will be offering. Sorry that it’s not a real model…just me! Let me know what you think.

2 thoughts on “More new site info and a new design we are working on”

  1. Not a new design. Seen this years ago. Guess you copied it? Bob

    Bob I have seen it too in fact I had one but it did not work. I would not stay on. Ours will because there is an actual pouch but you are right in that the concept is not mine.

  2. How does the suit stay on? Love to have one of those suits.

    We created a pouch that catches the balls and shaft just right. Not sure if it will stay on bodysurfing though!

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