Mini shorts and men’s plug swimwear
Let’s start off with men’s plug swimwear. Since it is almost winter and cold as can be in most of the USA and Europe I am guessing the reason we are selling so many of our plug style suits, designs with butt plugs and designs with built in hole stretchers at a pace even greater than we were doing this summer must be that like me you use your plug suits for much more than swimming. These designs are great fun as foreplay wear for sex and nasty panties for under your clothes you wear to work. Can you imagine how much fun would it be to get anal stretched through-out your next business meeting or while working with a customer! I can’t think of a more erotic holiday gift to give yourself it you have not tried one yet. This also must be the season of the mini short shorts. The three new styles we added The Deep Penetrating short shorts, The Ice Man and The Blush shorts are selling amazingly well. Most customers order all three but I would say that for men choosing just one style to try the Deep Penetrating Short Shorts have been the most popular. I have been wearing the Deep Penetration Shorts to swim at my gym without any problems. A friend of mine that swims there was asked to wear more when he had on a thong and a micro bikini which is strange because I see girls swimming everyday some wearing very small string bikinis without a care in the world and no one say a word to them. That said I think it is sexy being able to wear these shorts that do show a fair amount of exposed cheer at a very busy gym. It makes swimming laps much more exciting.
Make sure to check out the Cock Ring Corner and new Oxballs products at Koala
Men’s Swimwear