Bikini waxing for men


If you have been into wearing micro swimwear for a long time you most likely have checked into getting a bikini wax. For those few that are unfamiliar with what a bikini wax is here’s the info. You go to a beauty shop or a waxing studio and you strip down most often completely nude for a full bikini wax. Most of the time it will be a woman working on you but some spots feature men. You are more apt to find male at salons doing waxing in major cities. I have had both men and women give me Brazilian wax and there is no difference. It all has to do with skill and experience (you do not want to be one of their first) Using hot wax that is spread on the bikini line, the butt, the hole and if you choose the shaft and balls, on in small areas at a time and then ripped away with a fabric strip. The hair comes off with the fabric along with the wax. It hurts but in a strange way feels good too. There are few things as sexy a freshly waxed full Brazilian. The great thing is no versus just a few years ago most places will do a full Brazilian on a man. It used to be hard to find places that worked on guys but now you can find them all over the place. If you decide to go with a full Brazilian wax make sure to have Tendskin (a product we stock but you can also find at most beauty supply stores)to keep the red irritation bumps away.

One thought on “Bikini waxing for men”

  1. I’ve done waxing once, actually I prefer “sugaring” it’s faster and far less painful. But my real preference is for full body laser hair removal, something I began doing 15 years ago, and now I only have a scant hair here and there.

    But on the subject of the elimination of hair and wearing micro swimsuits, to me the two go together hand and hand. Totally smooth skin is the “only” way to properly show off these suits and our beautiful male bodies!

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