I had a sneak off day to the beach yesterday. I took the afternoon off hoping it would be lovely by the shore and I was pleasantly surprised to see it was. Back at the office it was blowing about 20 knots but by the ocean there was a beautiful breeze. I decided to go full on G-string. I grabbed a Ballz swimsuit which we call a semi thong but in fact was an awesome G-string. The pouch ends right at the base of the balls so the view is fantastic as is the tan line. This design is very similar to my usual go to suit the Streamline. The fronts are close enough to the same cut which gives me a perfect fit the big difference is way less coverage in the rear. It felt great to be lying out with all the other slackers and sun worshippers with my naked ass fully exposed. This might just be the year of the G-string for me.