I have actually had a chance to lay around the pool a couple of times this week during my lunch break. Mid 70s and low 80s is just about perfect weather in my book and a great way to end the month of March. I have continued doing 300 squats a day and I plan on continuing and maybe even adding to that in April. I am very motivated to make my ass look as good as possible for my favorite time of the year, Micro swimsuit season. Thought I would post a photo to show how it is coming along. It is no model’s ass but I think it is starting to get there.

Men’s Swimwear and so much more!
I am planning to make some clips for Youtube something we have not done for years, featuring a model on the beach wearing some of our neoprene designs. I was wondering if there is anything special you would like to see. The model I will be shooting is most likely Gabriel who is the model on our site wearing the neoprene suits. He is cute and I like the way he moves and will look great on the beach. While I’m filming and taking shots I will wear something sexy too most likely femme so my little camel toe will be showing. Gabe’s cock is on the large size so I might as well show off how extremely small mine can be!
Men’s Swimwear
It’s raining and I’m all snuggled up in tights.
Like everyone else I do have my favorites but when it comes to tights it is hard to pick a favorite. If I had to choose one it would be the pair I am wearing as I type this up walking on my treadmill at work while it is pouring rain. That would be the Pinnacle My Girl Sport Tights. They are smooth and silky form fitting and though it’s not too cold today they are giving me a nice warm feeling. I don’t believe there is another pair of tights for men that can so completely transform you. The little camel toe shape these tights deliver make me look like I have the pussy of a much younger woman. That in itself is interesting since my cock has been transformed by the tights to look that way. It definitely makes working and hanging out while it rains a much more erotic experience. Next stop the gym and my all out pussy look.
Men’s Spandex Tights and Leggings
Ass Update-Squats are working great
I was talking to a friend yesterday and the truth is I would like to be doing something to help change the world but at the moment I am just doing something to change the shape of my ass. He pointed out that I do make a contribution to change by making it easier for many men to experience change through spandex enlightenment. Letting men feel their feminine self and letting men express themselves in a more sexual manner. I thanked him for the pick me up but at the moment I still feels like I am putting more into my ass. On that note I am getting much better results with the now 300 squats a day I am doing versus any other form of lifting. I am doing squats with a fifty pound dumbbell and have been amazed by how quickly changes happen with those large glute muscles. In two weeks my ass has shaped up faster than doing any type of weight exercise on any other part of the body. Fuller, rounder and tighter ass, I wish that it was that easy to build my chest that way.
Men’s Swimwear
Here are the links to three new products we just added to Koalaswim.com
The Depth Charge http://www.koalaswim.com/Depth-Charge_p_826.html
Intense anal pleasure anytime all the time.
The Tear Drop Ultra http://www.koalaswim.com/Tear-Drop-Ultra-Ass-Spark_p_825.html
An Ass Spark combo cock ring anal plug with attitude!
Tango http://www.koalaswim.com/Tango-CumPrecum-Dam-and-Head-Enlarger_p_824.html
The Tango is the answer to that age old problem of spandex pre-cum spots along with being a whole lot of fun to use.
We have a new product coming out late next week called the Tango. The Tango is a pre-cum/cum dam that fits over the head of the penis keeping all those juices inside with nothing left to spill out. I was so excited to find the Tango since I have been looking for something like this for years. Something I could wear under any swimsuit, shorts or tights that would keep me from getting those big wet spots I always get while wearing spandex, I know many of you have the same issue. The Tango is a soft clear silicone head cover with a little separate dam to collect the juices. It can be used all day long, is easy to clean, looks great** and feels amazing. Once on it stays on and it is easy to get over any cock head no matter how large or small. I have already used it extensively at the gym while wearing Koala bulge style tights and it works great. There is an additional benefit some of you might like. **the Tango makes your cock look much larger and it keeps it looking large and natural. For you boys into wearing the feminine style designs we have tested it with those too and it is soft enough to almost completely flatten out while still staying firmly attached to your penis. A win, win, win.
See it at koalaswim.com
Here in LA Tuesday was one of those perfect eighty degree sunny days made for wearing a micro swimsuit which in fact is exactly what I did on my lunch break. I was hoping for the same today after all there are few things as fun as slipping on a micro suit to enjoy the sun and strut your stuff. That was not in the cards today. It was warm enough but lots of clouds and too much work. I actually had lunch in front of my computer. I was still able to sneak in some spandex fun. I have been doing two hundred extra squats per day at work using a fifty pound dumbbell. I wanted to add some spice to my workout and decided to wear a thong. Wearing a thong and nothing else I was able to make sure my form was perfect using the mirror with a direct view of my ass, sweating the reps with spandex and a hard cock makes it a much more fun experience. While doing squats with a thong on the deeper the bend the more stimulation from it rubbing your hole. I wish I could wear nothing but a thong at the gym.
Men’s swimwear, tights and spandex micro shorts.
Questions about Neoprene Fashions
The new Koala neoprene bikini and thong have been going great in fact so much so that we are going to be adding more neoprene styles and I wanted to ask you boys some questions. As many of you already know the two styles we offer now, the Wet Slut and the Skin Diver are both transformation style suits that give you a complete feminine look. I would like to know if you would like more male to female transformation designs or you would like to see bulge style neoprene thongs and bikinis. If it seems like the demand is there we will most likely do both types.
Neoprene Swimwear
Ramblings from Michael David