Tag Archives: micro swimsuit

Day at the beach wearing a Postage Stamp G-string

Day at the beach wearing a Postage Stamp G-string

Hit the beach Saturday afternoon and when I got down there, I realized I forgot to take my go to thong the new Secret Service with me. It is an ultra-micro design that barely leaves a tan line. I looked through my bag of suits I keep in my car and could not find anything as small until I came across a Postage Stamp Micro G-string, an insane design that forces the shaft inside of the body and only the balls are in the pouch which is pulled down between the legs. The look is stunning pink castration. Laying down it is a smooth semi-v shaped pouch not femme to speak of but there is barely a bulge to be seen. I was a little nervous to wear it with so many people around me, being Memorial Day Weekend but decided it was the only suit I had that was as small, smaller than the Secret Service. Not five minutes after suiting up and laying down a couple of girls walked by, and one said I love the color of her suit; they were looking right at me. Though not a femme design like our camel toe suits which do make you look female my guess is my bulge was small enough to pass as a vagina bulge, quite the turn-on but lucky for me my shaft stayed soft and hidden away. A few girls in thongs spread their towels nearby a sure sign they figured I was either a girl or a total femme boy.

Perfect lips and more.

Perfect lips and more.

First off I wanted to let you know I finally signed up for Instagram from the nudging of a friend in the business. You can find me under michaeldavid766

I just added my first photo and it is a close-up of me wearing a transformation suit. I think I am going to have fun with this!

Next I tried on four new designs we are working on. If you get the Koala newsletter and I hope you do, I have mentioned in the past that working on big introductions of new swimsuit designs at one time is a thing of the past at least for now. The girls and I have decided it would be much more manageable and less pressure on all of us if we introduced four new suits at a time. It’s hard for me because I always have a ton of ideas floating around my brain which I can’t wait to try. Two of the new designs were perfectly executed the first sample out right from my drawings and description which is amazing. They are heading into production as I type this. The other two needed minimal changes to reach the level we are looking for which is perfection.  Two of the new designs are male to female transformations styles, one is a bulge design with a penis shape and the other is a micro bulge suit with a super sexy rear cut. More to come in the next fem posts which I promise will be sooner rather than later.

I wish you guys could see me trying on the new designs. It is incredible how important to the ladies I work with to make the perfect lips on our MTF designs. Me standing there wearing these tiny designs while adjustments are made so precisely that the finished product looks exactly like I have a vagina and not just to my eyes but the girls checking every nook and cranny!

Men’s Swimwear

Do you remember your first time?

Do you remember your first time?

I remember my first times wearing a tiny bikini in public have a hard time not be erect and aroused the entire time. I often would be on my towel getting some sun and the precum would just flow out. It was unstoppable I was highly aroused every time I was wearing a micro suit. It was almost uncontrollable and a few times I had little orgasms right there on the beach without touching myself and with other people around. Lucy there is always water to cool off and clean off in. I still have great fun and joy wearing my tiny suits and I’m often aroused. But it is not non-stop like it used to be. Sure I miss the times when I was so young and so easily aroused that the wind would blow on my pouch and I would get wet. It’s funny because thinking back I’m sure I would have been happy in my younger days if I could be out on a busy beach or even strolling on the beach without having to jump in the water to hide the wet marks. I would love to hear about you first time and a little about then and now.

Men’s swimwear

Love those beach days.

Love those beach days.

I love being seen wearing my micro swimsuits. I love the way they feel, I love the way they look and I love the way people react to me wearing them. You might think that after all these years it might become routine but that never happens. It is always fun and exciting to turn heads as I did this weekend at the beach and in some ways it is more fun than ever since so many women and girls are wearing what I believe to be the sexiest swimsuits I have ever seen as far as so many of them partaking in wearing them. I see moms with kids wearing thongs and the most extreme Brazilian cuts with lots of ass exposed and by the looks of it no pubic hair what so ever. Even the older teens are wearing very little and around there families to boot. Things are definitely loosing up that is people are getting much more comfortable as a whole showing skin. Even the micro suits I wear which are always smaller than the smallest suits I see the ladies wearing are not shocking people over the edge. Yes people stare but they are almost always smiling these days and many times, more than ever I am getting positive feedback from many different types of people including straight guys!, how times have changed and for the better.



Men’s Swimwear

Spring or Summer?

Spring or Summer?

It looks like we had a very short spring on the West Coast especially SoCal where it is absolutely blazing today. Out here it can be downright cold and cloudy in May but it is very hot today with even the beaches on the warm side. Just for the hell of it I just looked over a weather map of the United States and it looks to be nice to very hot all over the place. Al this talk of weather leads me to the obvious point that it time to get ready for a long micro swimsuit season. If you have let those bushes grow over the cold season then it is time to trim or my preference shave it all off and maybe look for some other areas to trim, shave or wax! Don’t forget your Tendskin to keep all the red bumps away. We have it in stock or you can buy it at many pharmacies or even Amazon. Make sure to keep your skin well hydrated with skin lotions and by drinking much more water.  Also keep in mind if you are checking out other guys wearing hot spandex micro suits (hopefully only Koala suits) and the pouches look extremely full, many of them might just be wearing our new Tango Penis cover/ extender. The Tango keeps you from getting the ever present wet spots we all tend to get from being so aroused wearing micro bikinis, thongs and G-strings and also gives you the additional benefit of naturally making your penis look much larger in the pouch. You will not have to dream any longer of having that extra inch at the beach.


Men’s Swimwear

It’s getting nice out and my ass is starting to look better.

I have actually had a chance to lay around the pool a couple of times this week during my lunch break. Mid 70s and low 80s is just about perfect weather in my book and a great way to end the month of March. I have continued doing 300 squats a day and I plan on continuing and maybe even adding to that in April. I am very motivated to make my ass look as good as possible for my favorite time of the year, Micro swimsuit season. Thought I would post a photo to show how it is coming along. It is no model’s ass but I think it is starting to get there.


Men’s Swimwear and so much more!


One sun day one squat day


Here in LA Tuesday was one of those perfect eighty degree sunny days made for wearing a micro swimsuit which in fact is exactly what I did on my lunch break. I was hoping for the same today after all there are few things as fun as slipping on a micro suit to enjoy the sun and strut your stuff. That was not in the cards today. It was warm enough but lots of clouds and too much work. I actually had lunch in front of my computer. I was still able to sneak in some spandex fun. I have been doing two hundred extra squats per day at work using a fifty pound dumbbell. I wanted to add some spice to my workout and decided to wear a thong. Wearing a thong and nothing else I was able to make sure my form was perfect using the mirror with a direct view of my ass, sweating the reps with spandex and a hard cock makes it a much more fun experience. While doing squats with a thong on the deeper the bend the more stimulation from it rubbing your hole. I wish I could wear nothing but a thong at the gym.


Men’s swimwear, tights and spandex micro shorts.


Hey that’s Koala!

Hey that’s Koala!


Yesterday was a typical perfect Summer day in Los Angeles but lucky for me it came in early Fall. I decided to have lunch at the beach since earlier I had a meeting with one of our Fabric vendors downtown. It was so nice that my hour lunch turned into almost three hours. The night before I had shaved my legs and what little chest hair I had mostly because I love the male feminine look but also because I knew there was a chance of hitting the beach. My suit of choice was the Lucky Girl which is one of our best styles for exposing lip, no I did not use the metal anal stretcher though I have used them at the beach in the past, I was not going for the total slut look. Amazing for a Wednesday there were people on the beach, guess that is what almost 80 degrees in the Fall will do. Three girls nearby were wearing Thongs and there was one man in a bikini another had his running shorts made into a bikini, it was kind of sexy. When I go feminine I am proud of it but I do realize that from a few yards away I appear female especially with my body oiled up. There were more guys around me in no time.  The waves were large and I was not going to swim but I did wade in the water enjoying the rush of salt water over my body. From over my shoulder, I noticed a guy walking towards me. A young nice looking guy in very tight little shorts (not Koala but the world is not always perfect) He walked right up to me and asked if I was wearing Koala, yes I was and wondered how he knew. I’m a fan and I wear Koala too. We chatted and off he went on his way never knowing that I’m with Koala. If you are the guy I met, you have a great ass! Hope this made you smile.


Men’s Swimwear

It’s fixed and it’s better than ever!

It’s fixed and it’s better than ever!

Sorry about this last weekend I know a lot of people had issues trying to place orders with their credit cards not being accepted. Our shopping cart is by Big Commerce one of the largest and most secure providers in the market place. We were updating to their newest fastest checkout page and some of our credit card processing did not move with it. That is all fixed now and everything is working great, faster and easier than ever! We have also added the Amazon Pay option (Hooray!) for all you  400,000,000 Amazon users out there. I have used Amazon Pay to checkout on many others sites and thought it was awesome. We are extremely excited to now have this option at Koalaswim.com

If you haven’t checked it out yet make sure to take a look at the Newsletter Sale for some of the best deals of the year. Make note: if you order ANY three sale suits you will receive a FREE surprise suit included with your order!


All the guys must be watching the NFL on Sunday because it seemed like it was only me and tons of girls at the beach where it was close to 90 degrees out. Lots of thongs and lots of Brazilian style bikinis on some very large and lovely rears. I actually was one of them choosing to wear a Brazilian style bikini, but of course a micro, micro front.

Lazy and ready for the beach

Last weekend in LA was a blowout with both Saturday and Sunday being completely overcast. This long Labor Day weekend promises to offer some great beach days. It is hotter than hell and at our offices in Chatsworth (the northern most part of Los Angeles) it has been averaging right about 112 degrees. That is ridiculous heat, way too hot for me to being out getting sun. The beaches on the other hand have been running in the high 70s to low 80s. That is perfect weather to strap on a micro swimsuit over my little cock and head down to the beach. I have plans with friends for Saturday and Sunday. I hope to get something going for Monday too. I don’t consider Labor Day the end of summer since we get great beach days through October and some of the nicest beach days even later in the year. That said I hope my spandex friends everywhere will be hitting the beach wearing as little as possible in big numbers! In some areas it is the last call to show off how little you will dare to wear.

All this talk of relaxing has got me feeling a little lazy. While I’m busy typing this blog post on a lovely blazing hot Friday morning (I would much rather be at the beach) I should be taking all the August sale suits offline but I just don’t feel like doing it today so I’m going to let them run until Tuesday! Make sure to find some special treasures for yourself. Remember Fall and Winter are on their way and nothing feels better then a Koala suit under your jeans to make you feel special and sexy all day long!


The last few days of our huge summer sale, it’s been extended due to an extreme case of laziness on my part.