Your biggest payload.

Our swimsuits designs are the smallest on the planet but every now and then I have customers complain that they can’t keep their pouches full even micro pouches. The problem is that some men have shrinkage issues that are so extreme they almost look cockles. The way to tackle that issue is to use a cock ring. If you are prone to extreme shrinkage a cock ring will be a life saver. No more looking like one of the girls unless that is the look you are going for. (That look happens to be one of the looks customers at Koala like best but this post is assuming you want to actually look like you have a penis) If you are using a cock ring under a suit and going into the water I would recommend silicon or aluminum. I prefer the feel of a metal cock ring but having a couple of both means you can go with what is most comfortable in the moment.

One thought on “Your biggest payload.”

  1. Keeping the micro pouch full on my tiny bikinis and g-strings has never been an issue with me. Am rather well-endowed, and sometimes have trouble keeping the goods tucked in! Don’t like the compression pouches of some Koala suits, as I do prefer to be able to flaunt the goods. Sometimes use a cock ring to pump up the volume, as it were. Usually get some looks of approval, not to mention a few offers or two!

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