Another customer Idea

One of our customers sent us a photo of a g-string with a zippered front and a small open area on top that exposes the chastity device the model had on. He thought it would be interesting to offer something like that.
I am working with the girls to offer a suit that can handle all the different devices. This style would have a standard shaped pouch not one that is shaped like the device as our others are. I like the idea of the peek-a-boo top that shows you are in fact caged up. Do you think you would wear a suit like this in public, we might even make a bikini style one.

Mens swimwear

3 thoughts on “Another customer Idea”

  1. Hi all,
    Yes, I’d be daring enough to wear a suit like this in public. I’ve longed been interested in chastity, and would find this incredibly kinky and fun to do.

  2. i would like some piercing chastity like from the forced woman hood site the
    Frenum Chastity look so cool i would love one but theirs are so high

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