Even though many of our men’s swimwear designs have very small pouches there are times that smaller works better and keeping a suit on hand in a smaller size can be helpful. It turned out to be beautiful today and in the seventies so I decided to grab some sun on my break. There are some problems guys and girls with large Brazilian style asses have and I fall into that category. When I try tanning my backside there is a small area right where the cheeks meet the legs that never gets sun unless you stretch out and go spread eagle. You see girls at the beach who either do the spread eagle tan or they have super white creases in that spot. No one ever complains seeing girls spread eagle on the beach. I have seen thousands of legs spread wide, sometimes a little lip showing sometimes a lot many times a little brown eye and like any hot blooded male I love to see it. Even around my pool this would be considered normal but not so for a man. Spread eagle with say some balls or a huge pouch full of cock jetting out and a little brown showing. The brown is not an issue because people need to be gawking to see that much but the balls or exposed pouch is another story. Today I wanted to make sure I got sun there so I opted for my usual micro suit but in a smaller size. It completely constricts the balls and compresses the shaft nicely to the point that I look completely female from the rear. No load of cock or big balls on display just a very tight package that does take a few minutes for me to get used too, that is because it is being pressed on so tightly. No erect cock today. But no spread eagle complaints either and I was completely spread eagle.
Mens swimwear
Penis enlargement equipment blog
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Mens swimwear/sex wear insanity
For me it is all about pushing the limits and that is for both swimwear and sexwear. Male sexuality is blurred between stimulation and fashion. I get tremendous enjoyment from blurring those lines. The input I receive in the form of posts on this blog and e-mails sent to me help guide me and give me ideas which brings me to a design I just started working on last week. I had many customers mention to me I needed to add some nipple stimulation suits. It was something they wanted and I thought the idea was great but I needed to find parts. The first design to incorporate those new clamps is already being worked on. The design in our as yet un-named nipple wear line will be a cock display suit with cage that offers a butt plug holder and multiple adjustments to make everything perfect. The nipples will be directly attached to and support your erect or non erect shaft being pulled up by the nipples. Might be a little painful but it will be highly stimulting all over your body.
Mens swimwear
Male chastity (a blog about cock cages and other chastity bits and so on)
Swimwear on the beach
I did get away for a couple hours yesterday for one of the best beach days of the year. Got there and set up around a couple of girls one in a Brazilian bikini and the other wearing boy shorts(what a waste of a great figure) KNocked out for about a half an hour. I was near the water with my micro bikini hiked up all the way to a perfect thong. It was beautiful out and I must of had a hundred or so walkers and joggers pass almost on top of me. When my nap was over I looked around and there were now many bikini clad girls, one thong and a very hot looking guy across from me wearing what looked like a Koala Close Shave style suit. Total g-string and his pouch filled much larger than mine standing proudly in the air as he tanned laying on his back. It was an outstanding view. A very full pouch for everyone to see. I walked down to the water hoping he would join me so we could chat about suits but he just watched me dip my feet in the water. Maybe I should have walked over to him but I did not want to invade his personal space. Still a big thank you goes out to a man who is willing to show everyone on the beach as very sumptuous cock. He was staring at me a lot and before I left I changed the European way just sliding off my micro, he was the only one starring and I made sure he could see my cock as I slipped on my shorts. Any time spent on the beach is very high quality time indeed.
Mens swimwear
Working on new suits keep your ideas coming
I met with my girls this morning and went over some of my new designs ideas and a couple customer design ideas. My girls are hard at work on a suit that can hide everything or completely expose the balls. I had a fantastic idea come to me based on a comment one of our customers e-mailed me about the options stretcher. This cock stretcher is going to be quite a bit different from the others. They are all amazing but this one should be able to be used at work! We will be doing a number of designs in the spandex rubberized wet look fabrics and I gave them my sketches for a pouch design that will make my small cock huge and middle and large cocks giant! I am hoping to start trying on designs next week!!
Interesting Male chastity blog
Penis pill blog
Some times blending but once in a while a giant bulge is hot
Most readers of this blog know that I am on the small side as little as 1/2″ shaft size when in a micro bikini and not aroused. We had a fantastic beach day Sunday and I took full advantage of it. There were lots of people near my normal spot and lucky for me I already had my Heavy Metal Bikini on. Mostly girls and I just wanted to blend in which was a little hard to do because my suit was so shinny with the sun on it. The metallic finnish is fantastic as is the fit. My balls are a nice size so the pouch is full but you can clearly see the little head through the fabric and it is easy to figure out that the wearer, me in this case has a very tiny penis. As you also must know if you follow this blog I am proud of my little cock. It gets to a decent size when hard, I would say just a tap smaller than most guys. Laying there I did fit in all the girls had on bikinis or Brazilian suits and a couple of girls next to me were Brazilian. I am relatively sure that we looked very much the same from the rear with our nice round firm butts and most likely very similar from the front they were sans that tiny little bulge I had. There are times I wear our male to female transformation suits to the beach. I need to be in that fem mood. When wearing that style my front is as flat as any girls pouch. Once in a while a large bulge would be awesome but even fully hard that would be difficult for me. I was thinking how awesome it would be to have this amazing fabric with something that made me look like I might have a real 8″ down there. I know how to do it with manipulating the shaft and balls but not quite that large. The idea of a super bulge for guys like me was born on the beach Sunday. I have been working on it today and will try to get a drawing to the girls in the morning. A bright shinny huge bulge would be a wonderful X-mas gift to myself!
Mens swimwear
One of our hot selling new items
My last couple posts were long. This one is short and right to the point. The shower blaster is our best selling new Cock and anal gear products we have added in quite some time. I thought about it today not only because I used it last night and it is amazing but we are again back ordered on it for a few days. We have been ordering and selling out of this product every week! It is a fantastic value made beautifully here in the USA. Personally I love it and some of the other guys who work here have been added to waiting list to get one. They should be in middle of next week. Clean fun by Koala.
Mens swimwear
Male chastity blog
More bikini beach time
Just as I thought there were very few people down there but there were a few little groups. I went. I spread my towels right near where I always do and as it turned out near a few girls and one guy who was body boarding. In a way it is liberating not having anything else to cover up with and just being happy and relaxed with my body. The girls were all in their twenties and and they were snapping pictures of me laying out. No problem. I think my as looks good brown and round. Most butts looks their best laying out getting a tan. It was an interesting couple hours. The sun was fantastic and warm the first hour and a half and I had a couple surfer boys walk right next to me and laugh thinking they were going to see a nice girls ass. To bad they just could not appreciate a nice mans ass, I heard one of them say shit I thought that was a girl. Sorry for the disappointment but I always take it as a complement when guys walk real close thinking they are going to see a topless girl or exposed but. Makes me think it was at least nice enough to look at and it motivates me to go back to the gym everyday and work my ass off. I walked down to the water to dip my feet in, love the feel of salt water. Plenty of people walking and running on the beach and I must say it felt good just knowing everyone is looking and exhibitionists dream come true. I walked back to my car no top on wearing just my bikini by the time I got to my car I was wet with excitement. The little things that turn us on. One day I might be brave enough to do it on a busy summer day.
Mens swimwear
Bikini brave and thanks the new designs are a hit!
Sometimes it takes a while to see how the new suits will do and sometimes we have an avalanche of orders right away. Either way it usually works out about the same it just takes us a little longer to get a feel for what is hot. This time it was an avalanche of orders the first few days of the introduction of new designs. There are no superstars yet because it seems like all the new designs are selling very well. I would say within a couple of weeks we will see which designs are the most popular.
I had a meeting yesterday afternoon and even though it was cloudy I decided to take a chance and spend a couple hours at the beach. When I got there the weather was beautiful even though the entire drive over it was mostly cloudy. The weather gods smiled upon me. I opted for the new Snake Charmer Bikini. It has a fuller back but with my big butt there is no problem wearing it as a thong too. I wanted to walk from where ever I parked down to the water wearing just a small tank top and the bikini. I was feeling brave (that and it was Tuesday in Fall and I had a feeling the beach would be empty) I did not even take shorts with me so the most I would have was a bikini. My parking space was close to the water maybe a block away. I had my water, keys and towels in hand a started down. I passed a few people walking dogs who all smiled and said hello. Guess living by the beach they see girls walking in bikinis all the time and with my small cock I am not that far from one.
More on this post tomorrow
Mens swimwear
Male chastity Blog
Did I say that?
Yes I did. In yesterdays post I said that the new designs would by online the middle of next week. Well my webmaster is on a trip to Chile and without letting me know put everything online today! All the new suits are up and ready to go. Hope you llike them. Would love to hear your thoughts about the new collection. If the 17 new designs do not show up when you go to koalaswim.com make sure to refresh your browser.
It never stops but please help me choose new swimwear designs
I am always working on new designs. We just finished the last batch of 17 hot new designs, we have them all in stock and they should be online later next week.
Once we finnish a batch of suits we get right into creating new designs. That is where you come in. Please tell me what you want. What your dream suit is. What styles you would most like to see. Do you want more bikinis, more thongs, more g-strings, more sex suits, cock displays or ? Please post it here. I use your feedback!
Michael David
Mens swimwear