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A new swimwear design born from a need

Today and most of the week I have been stuck in the office no way!!!
Yesterday I did get about an hour to lay out in the sun. My pool area was empty, not a sole around and I was wearing my Streamline suit. Started to get comfortable and realized this was the first time in a couple weeks it was under 100 decrees. Not sure why but I had the urge to let my little pals (my balls) out to get a little color. They are always hidden away tucked in tight to what ever spandex swimsuit I am wearing. I figured no one was around so no problem. At first I pulled the balls out the side of the suit I wanted to keep the shaft completely covered. That did not work very well. Since the Streamline has a thin strap running between the legs I decided to use that as a splitter and the balls were fully exposed between my legs and split. Fact is if some one did see them they would have appeared as hairless lips. It even looked like a vagina to me. It did the trick and I got to sun my balls for a while but the thought came of having a suit that exposed the balls using some sort of adjustable ring so they could hang more naturally. I also wanted the suit to look like a standard, g-string, thong, bikini when the balls were not on display.  I came up with an idea and jotted it down. Can’t wait to get busy with the girls creating this one.

Mens swimwear

New suits, newsletter and your opinion on my beach day

It looks like we will have all the new designs in stock and online by early next week. Right on schedule! I think these new designs will blow you away.
Sorry but no newsletter for October. We are so busy trying to get thing done for the new suit up-date we just could not get it out. We will have one for November.
With all the freeway crap going on in Los Angeles this last weekend I still made it to the beach on Sunday and the pool party afterwards. I would love to say the pool party was a blast but it was just OK. I went with a couple of friends and there were a few girls wearing g-strings and one other guy wearing a thong. I had on a sheer Overwhelm suit. The design pushes your shaft and balls way out in front and people could still see my tan line from the beach earlier in the day. Not sure why the party was so laid back but I guess the heat took some of the energy. Of course it is always fun to see friends. The beach was hot, sunny and a little busy. Almost all girls since this time of years the guys are all watching Football. Funny thing happened and it was not until latter that I think I missed out on some fun. I would love to hear your opinion on the following (if you happen to be one of the couple I am talking about feel free to comment on what was going on). First let me mention a great product. Not sure why but my lips (not the ones in a pussy suit but the ones on my face) have been getting burnt badlly the last few times out. Almost like a sun allergy. I used a new product called Cotz Lip Balm and it is awesome. We do not offer it but I found mine on Amazon. No swollen Mick Jagger lips this weekend. Let me layout what the scene was like Sunday. Laking out maybe 50′ frome the water. Girls in front of my on both sides along with an older couple.
Everyone just relaxing and getting sun. The surf was huge so no water time. That and I only had a couple of hours because of the party. Not long before I was going to leave but still laying out in my micro I heard a couple walk up and they put there stuff about 15′ from me. They went over and talked to the life guard and I looked over to see if I knew them. I did not. The man was middle aged wearing shorts and the girl was nice looking with a very nice body wearing a one piece lifeguard style suit. Did not think much about it only that with so much room they put their towels very close. They came back and were laying out. I had a towel over my face (to much sun their=wrinkles) and not sure why I glanced over and she had taken off her one piece and was wearing bikini bottoms and a very small top. He was on is side starring intensely at me. While I was looking over she rolled over and he pulled her bottoms way up her very nice ass all the while looking at me. She did not look over but her ass was nice and tan. Not the first time it had been exposed to the sun. He just kept looking but did not smile or waive so I just put back the towel on my face and kept tanning. They left a short time latter. Now I wonder if they were looking to have a little party? Not sure what do you think?

Mens swimwear

Male chastity

Locked away in the valley no beach bikini time!!

We are literally locked out of the beaches this weekend. Shit! The 405 freeway for those of you not familiar is considered the busiest one in the world and it connects one side of LA with the other. They closed it this weekend which you most likely heard about on the news. Crazy stuff. It is still way to hot today to go out by the pool but we just might all get together Sunday and see who wears the sexiest suit. Boy or girl. I will do my best to win!!!!

Mens swimwear

Male chastity blog

Wearing micros there is exposed and there is very exposed

Anyone else feel even more exposed when trying to sun on your side? I was out by the pool during lunch today and was trying to get my sides done. Wearing a thong even on a lounger I feel much more exposed. Any way I move or turn my hole is spread and open with the balls very prominent. Usually not an issue but we had real estate agents showing a unit today with loads of people coming out to take a look at the pool. I figure there is little use in rolling over since by the time I hear them they have had a good show. In addition there is that exhibitionist part of me that likes them to look. Guess if I can get it all dark enough I would be more at ease. I have been doing it for years and no one has said one thing negative to me at the pool.

Male chastity

Yes I blew it.

Lets see instead of standing in front of the computer all days today just pecking away I could have been at the beach with a beautiful German girl, most likely both of us wearing thongs and rubbing oil on each other and watching the Space shuttle on the back of a 747 as it flew by us. Yes I would say I blew it big time. Guess life is not always glamorous.

Mens swimwear

Male chastity blog

Great tan and the German girl

I spent all day today looking at model photos and the new suits. Wow there are more bikinis this time around, many more extreme bikini borderline thong styles in our new collection. I used one of them today on my lunch break around the pool. The first time this week. It has been too hot even by the pool. The suit I used today is almost identical to the Streamline in that it is designed to be used as a thong but when walking around you have the option of wearing it as a micro bikini. This was in a metal style spandex fabric with a micro pouch. It is very reflective when the sun hits it. A real attention getter. Today’s session was for sides only one of the areas I tend to tan least. I find it a pain to lay on my side on the beach but it works well on a lounge chair. By the time I was finished and back to work I had very nice easy to see white lines against my brown skin. This after noon I had a great work out at the gym and I even had a chance to exercise my jaw muscles talking to many guys and girls. There is one special German girl that goes to my gym who is just outstanding. Tall, very tan, blond and beautiful. On top of that all she is sweet as can be and has a body to die for amazing! She is so hot that I notice guys rarely talk to her and girls just stare. I do not see her often but when I take a few minutes to chat. Today she mentioned how tan I looked and I said not nearly I dark as yours. She said she had been off the last few days and had been to the beach. She wears short shorts that just barely cover her cheeks while working out I can’t imagine what she wears at the beach, well maybe I can. I said that sounded great and how nice the beach must of been the last couple days. She said she was going back on Friday and I told her how jealous I was. She invited me to go! I told her that I would love to be I had to work and that I don’t wear these big baggy trunks to the beach but something much smaller. Like what she said and I told her I wear a thong. No big deal lots of guys in Germany wear bikinis and she asked if I was sure I would not join her. Fuck how stupid am I! but I do have so much to do in the morning. I took her number and said if I could get away I would. I have a feeling should would be wearing a G-string. Just a guess but if my body looked like hers I would go nude everywhere until I was arrested!

I just don’t know what got into me

I just don’t know what got into me this weekend. I spent the day at the beach by myself (by choice) just needed some alone time after a stressful week. I had on my little Streamline  micro bikini and there were just a few people around me. It was one of the hottest days I could remember at the beach itself almost 90! All of a sudden there was a huge party with tons of guys and girls playing volleyball. They were up the beach but every once in a while some guys and girls or combos of the that would run down to the water. They were all in their late twenties to early thirties. Guys all in Surf shorts and most girls in Brazilian style bikinis. They looked great many with lots of ass showing. A couple more girls wearing Brazilians parked their towels right next to me. They looked good not perfect but you know I love them to show some cheek. It would have been perfect if some of the guys were wearing more daring suits than surf shorts but no luck. I was the only one. Running past me every 15 minutes or so I heard some girls giggling and one guys say did you see how dark the guy in the Speedo is but nothing negative. There were also a bunch of young surfers in the water. The girls next to me were right in front and I think they picked that spot just to get a great view between my legs. Not sure why but with all those people running around all of a sudden I was to shy to go in the water or walk around in my tiny suit. That never happens to me and I was not to happy with myself. After I left I vowed never to do that again. If I become shy for ny reason I will fight it. I might even change into something more reveling just to challenge myself.

Mens swimwear

Seeing swimwear on models

We did our photo shoot the other night and it went on for hours. We had a very hot young model with a body I wished I had but even though thiss young man had such a hot body we all have our good parts and the parts we can do a little work on. Until the shoot the only body I had seen the designs on was my own. The model had a great six pack but his ass was on the small size and as most of you know I look like I stole my ass from a Brazilian girl. Point is suits fit different on different bodies. All the suits looked great on him but sometimes having a fuller ass looks better on a suit, of course that depends what you like. We shot 17 different designs, quite a marathon session but the photos are looking good and we are on track to indtroduce the full line and have it all in stock the first week of October.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Mens swimwear

Swimwear on a different level

Just a quick note about a conversation I had with some friends at the beach the other day. A couple of girls walking by wearing wonderfully small thongs strolling down the beach. I found both very attractive and as they passed we could tell they were from Brazil by their speech. Their bodies were very nice but no where near perfect and one of the girls with me asked what I thought about the way they looked. I think they are both beautiful I said, my buddy said the one girls ass was a little flat to wear a thong and the other a little plump. The girl with us was in agreement with him. I said it is not about perfection but about how beautiful they carry themselves with a level of confidence I have never seen in a man wearing anything so small and that includes myself. Sure much of that was cultural and I am sure as they walked for what was most likely a couple miles on a very busy beach the thought of how little they were wearing and how much skin was exposed let alone is my ass to big or small came into their minds. That to me was a thing of beauty. I found them irresistible and wished I could have their attitude and confidence. They were beautiful it was just that simple.

Mens swimwear
Male chastity blog