Not quite the perfect beach day but sexy fun anyway.



I headed down to my mid-day appointment on the Westside and my extra long lunch break at the beach yesterday with high hopes of a mid seventy degree beautiful sunny beach day. I was fully equipped having grabbed a Surfer Boy thong and a pair of Perfection Micro Shorts. I was hoping to get some quality time relaxing on the beach but when I got down there it was in the mid sixties and though there were a few girls chilling on the beach in their bikinis it was a little cold for me. It was amazingly sunny out and I thought that a nice long walk on the beach would be in order. I was about to slip on the Perfection Micro Shorts when I decided to go with the Surfer Boy Thong and my sweatshirt. I figured if I’m wearing a sweatshirt I will stay warm but my lower half will be fully exposed to the sun. The combination of sweatshirt and thong looked real cute. The top was not too long and exposed just a hint of skin above the thong and a full view of my legs, ass and pouch which on that suit looks spectacular. Not to get to far off track but the Surfer Boy Thong’s front pouch is very special. The fit and the matt rubber like spandex keeps the pouch nice and firm while providing a beautiful exposed head print. By head print I mean that no matter where your penis shaft is on the pouch there is a clear head outline showing. That was true when my penis seemed to be less than ½” or closer to a nice 4” display while I was doing a run.


More on this next post


Our biggest Men’s Swimwear sale ever!!!!


We are in for another large storm but tomorrow might be a beach day!



We are in for a blasting big storm Friday through Sunday. I’m not complaining because we need the water so badly. This storm might bring upwards of six inches and you know that six inches always sounds good to me. In typical LA fashion Wednesday is projected to be in the mid seventies at the beach and my good luck has me nearby for a meeting. It looks like I will be grabbing my tiniest swimsuit and heading down for a lunch time break by the water. Even with all the rain we have had this season there always seems to be at least a couple of beach days thrown into the mix during the winter months.



Don’t miss out on our biggest sale ever! The February sale is still going strong with the lowest prices ever on styles we are discontinuing. Find that perfect bikini, thong or G-string, maybe a few of each!  Slip it on and feel the spandex love your body. Your penis will thank you.

Super Bowl Spandex



It can’t just be me can it? I enjoy watching a good football game now and then but the Super Bowl with everything going on is a much watch event. I was watching the game with a bunch of friends, guys, girls, gay and straight. Great game but what caught my eye the most is those nice asses with painted on spandex tights. Those are some tight butts! I overheard a couple of girls talking about how hot the players looked wearing tights so I guess I was not really the only one thinking about spandex. Many men consider football to be the most mucho game of them all and I would not argue with that but I would love to know what all these guys see and how their brains process the way these players look in tights, kind of femme in a sexy way. P.S. I have noticed over the years we have a spike in sales after the Super Bowl and last night was no different. My guess is the Super Bowl turns on a lot of spandex freaks including myself.


Make sure to check out the 2nd half of the biggest sale we have ever had!

It’s part of the February Koala Newsletter

The second half is here!



The second half of our largest sale ever is starting today! The Koala Newsletter started getting mailed this morning. Here is a quick link to the newsletter and all the sale items. The swimwear designs on sale are on a first come first serve basis. Not all sizes are in stock and once a design is gone it is gone forever. I love every single design being offered and I am sad that we have had to discontinue so many styles including styles that I wear to the beach to make enough room to handle new ones. On the plus side I love that you boys are getting the world’s hottest designs at prices that will never be duplicated! Enjoy the newsletter and an exciting shopping experience.


Koala Newsletter Sale!


Las Vegas Workout

I’m going with some friends late Thursday to Las Vegas for a few days and I was packing up my clothing including my workout gear since I try never to miss a workout. The hotel I am staying at has a nice spa and fitness facility so all that is left is to grab the right tights for the gym. Since it is Las Vegas I’m going to go with some flashy tights. Pinnacle Predator Tights and the Girl Power Tights. I figure I can go either feminine or bulge and do it wearing an eye catching wet look spandex design. I love working out in tights and there is no doubt these are going to get a lot of attention. I think I am going to do my power walks around the strip wearing them to. I’m getting aroused just thinking about it.


Men’s swimwear


Spandex and rainy days.


It is getting cold again and it looks like we will be having a blast of one storm after another from Wednesday through Monday. Through that span of time we might get as much rain as we received in all of 2015! Don’t worry we will share. The projections are these nice large storms will flow right across the country.  If I sound like I am complaining that is not the case, I am thrilled as can be to get the rain, the rain we need so badly. It looks like a lot of my fun is going to be of the indoor variety. As most of you blog readers and spandex freaks know I like to spend as much time as possible wearing spandex. It has been rather cold the last couple weeks in LA and I have found myself wearing many different pairs of spandex compression tights to both work out in and to hang out in. They are so sexy and so comfy. Since it is still sunny today but on the cold side I think I am going to mix it up a little and wear a pair of Man Heaven Short Shorts to work out in. They are risqué for a man but hardly earth shattering compared to what the girls at my gym wear. I guess I’m just doing my part to enable men to be on an equal spandex footing with the ladies and that it gives me an extreme thrill to wear them in such a busy public place is a nice benefit.  There’s no hiding or trying to blend in.


Men’s swimwear, Short Shorts, Compression Tights and other sexy men’s attire.

Are Penises in hibernation?



On top of being flooded with orders for swimsuits and tights this last weekend which was one of our busiest in ages, actually busier than any of the pre holiday weekends we also sold a bunch of male chastity cock cages which we shipped all over the planet. Does this mean more cocks than ever are being put at least temporarily into hibernation? The thought of that many caged cocks excites me. I wish all of you men, slave boys and sissies would send us more photos to post! [email protected]  It is so arousing to remove your penis from a male chastity cage and slip it into some new, warm and spandex. There is a 100% possibility of you getting wet from the experience.


Men’s Swimwear and so much more!

In between the rain



Wow January 8 and I eked out a little quality micro bikini time at the beach today. Amazingly enough there were even people in the water and I was not the only one showing off some ass, there were at least three others wearing string bikinis and thongs nearby.  What we had was a nice seventy degree day right after a rainy day and tonight we are in for a huge downpour maybe the biggest in the last ten years. Looks like rain for most of the next week which might come close to what we had in total last year. Guess it’s back to tights and a hoodie.



Men’s swimwear and more

The question is:

How much smarter are women?


When it comes to fashion it’s a great question. How far ahead women are with the swimwear designs they wear compared to that of men until companies like ours and other progressive men’s swimwear companies starting expanding and in our case annihilating the boundaries of what men could and should be wearing to the beach, to the gym and the pool? The same can be said for tights. I have been wearing tights to the gym more in the last month or so than ever but living in Los Angeles my default is almost always to shorts. Sometimes spandex shorts and other times baggy basketball shorts. This last month and especially the last few days have been wet and cold something we are not used to. Yesterday I had on a pair of shorts which I wore to work knowing I would hit the gym right afterwards. That said I was cold all day but so busy I didn’t stop to grab a pair of Pinnacle Tights to warm myself up. When I got to the gym it was packed and the one thing you notice being a spandex freak is every women in the place was wearing spandex tights. I have no doubt they were nice and toasty in them and of course amazing to look at. Today I came to work wearing a pair of tights, a long sleeve compression short with a tank over it. The spandex is keeping me warm it is skin tight and feels great. I can’t wait to get to the gym and strut around. Its shoulder and bicep day but I’m going to throw in some legs exercises just because.


Compression Tights and More.


Ramblings from Michael David