One of the new designs we are working on for the February collection is a full bikini with full rear/ full front that uses the custom larger anal spreader. It will work with the standard anal stretcher that was first introduced in the Anal Exploration suit but it is designed to work with our even larger new anal stretcher coming out the same time the new suits are out. Many of the new suits using our anal stretcher plug will work with either plug but on suits like this with larger side straps it is much easier to get the straps through the plug slots on the larger plug. This as yet un-named design is so shocking because it offers full front and what seems to be full rear coverage but at the very bottom of the bikini your hole is spread and exposed. The feel of it is beyond words and the look is so erotic. What a hot party suit. The fact is you would have no problem it at the beach while tanning on your back and you could most likely tan the rear with your legs tight together to hide the spreader if need be. I can tell you from my experiences at the beach wearing the Anal Exploration is that once you are in the water playing in the surf the water flushing in and out is orgasmic. It is also very hot to flirt with people while wearing it. The feel of these amazing stretchers united with spandex swimsuits is wonderful.
Mens swimwear
New Men’s swimwear designs going ultra micro
One of the things I like most is wearing micro swimsuits at the beach, one that is showing much more than anyone else realizes is how much fun and how erotic it is. The micro g-strings we have been designing that show the balls filling a narrow pouch while the compressed shaft, mostly compressed head is on display through sheer fabric have been hot movers. They are a blast to wear because the way the balls fill the solid spandex fabric looks like your entire penis is in the pouch. If your balls are large you look like you have a small to medium sized cock but if your balls are small to medium your cock looks very small. Either way the look is so sexy and right out in front is your shaft though the way it looks blended with the sheer fabric it is hard to tell what is being viewed. The new designs based off of these styles go with even narrower ball pouches and much smaller shaft cover pouches. These are as small as possible while still keeping the compressed shaft down and no extra meat spilling out. Don’t worry this suit won’t let you get hard but you might just get wet. Photo is me trying on one of the new designs. Yes I know I need to lose a few.
Mens swimwear
Amazing beach day and more new suit news
Amazing beach day and more new suit news OMG can it really be summer? It was close to 80 at the beach here in LA today. After a couple weeks of cold weather it looks like we are going to get at least a week or great beach days. I was out in my micro bikini wearing it as a thong. There was a fair amount of people at the beach considering it is the middle of winter. Love seeing the bikinis when it gets warm. There must of been thousands of people out today by the beach riding bikes. Many girls in bikini bottoms and tops. Not sure if there are many things sexier, girls on bikes, young guys on bikes with no shirts showing off their hot bodies. Maybe hot guys on bikes with no shirts wearing bikinis…that would be hot! Come to think of it why not girls in bikinis with no tops, that makes as much sense to me as guys with no tops. Which seems to be perfect. How about Gold member? Well not sure about the name but the suit is a one-off of the Raging Wetness (one of the best-selling cock shape suits ever) It is done in a very similar fabric, sort of a rubberized spandex feel but this one is in shocking gold. Can’t imagine how this design filled with a hard cock shimmering in the sun at the beach would look like totally reflecting the sun. It might even draw a little attentionJ
Mens Swimwear
Men’s swimwear and sex wear fetish designs
Continuing information on new men’s swimwear and fetish wear designs. I have been telling everyone I can about how awesome our Anal Exploration suit with the custom fitted gaping hole anal plug. This design has far excided our wildest expectations and based on that and our customer feedback we are offering a number of new swimwear and sex wear designs. I have included a photo of me trying on a sex wear style just relaxing and taking a little break. Anal sex is definitely the next big wave for straight men. You see more and more articles in magazines everyday about the joys of anal and how it is not just something for gay and bi men to enjoy. The truth is at least for me it took getting used too but it is so enjoyable, stimulating and arousing I cannot do without it any more. Adding sex suits is just a natural progression since once the plug is in place you are just aching to clamp down around it and it totally intensifies any type of sex. It also looks amazing.
Mens swimwear
The magic of a male enhancement swimwear pouch
On of the new designs for the Feb 2013 collection is our boldest ever male enhancement bulge pouch design bikini. Most of the time I hit the beach I want my package to look micro and sometimes barely visible. There are times that I want to look huge and have people look over because my pouch is so huge. In real life that could never happen because my cock is on the small to very small side. Short of sticking a huge dildo in the pouch and playing pretend which is just not me I wondered how to do it.. I wanted something that could take what I have and make it breath taking. The concept came to my mind at the beach last summer. I might of been staring at a guy wearing a bikini who no doubt had a cock three times my size. It got me thinking of a new design. Thought I would post this photo and see what you guys think. This is me trying on the finished design and I am not erect. This pouch will stay this size no matter what and yet it is all me!. Just a little magic!
Mens swimwear
New swimwear designs
Friday was wild and I tried on 14 new designs. We had 15 but one of them looks like we will be holding it over for the next collection we are having problems finding a part. There still will be 15 new designs. We were talking about new styles when I remembered a number of customers had asked me about doing the Raging Wetness as a Bikini, we decided that would be a great idea. A few of these new designs are based upon customer requests and ideas so keep them coming. The minute we finish a collection we start on the next. No rest for the weary. I will talk about new designs all this week. The one thing I can say is trying on some of the more penetrating designs is a highly erotic experience and in some ways more intense than having sex!
Mens swimwear
Male chastity, anal gear, mens swimwear
Just got in all our new male chastity and anal gear products today and I can’t wait to try them all on (and in) to make sure they are just as awesome as the original samples we received. I have contacted our hot young Italian model to see if he is up for shooting with these extreme products and should have a date set for shooting soon. If he is the model maybe I will be the helper! On the swimwear front I am meeting with my girls in the morning to try on all 15 new styles. It should be a workout. No Newsletter for January but I am already working on Februaries issue. Would Love to hear your favorite get out of the cold winter vacation destination!
Mens swimwear
Happy New Year
We are just wrapping things up at work today. Trying to get all the weekend orders out and make everyone just a little happier for the New Year. I wanted to take a moment to wish all of our Koala customers and all the readers of the Men’s swimwear blog a very happy and very safe New Year. If you are anything like me you have made or are working on a list of things you would like to change, do or experience in 2013. I hope whatever you are looking for comes to be. Thought I would look through our collection and find a photo I enjoy to post at the end of the year. I am looking forward to 2013 with excitement!
My little guy
Mens swimwear
Holiday fun and new swimwear designs
First hope everyone who celebrates the holidays had a great one and the lucky ones who received gifts got what they wanted. Most of the men’s swimwear blog readers are to some degree as twisted as me so it is likely many of the treats you most wanted you will need to get for yourself. No worries we are here to serve Our new male chastity designs are on their way to us and there are some startling ones. We are progressing nicely on the 2013 collection of swim and extreme wear. There will be 15 new designs in all and we are shooting for late February. Many have asked so I am posting again that we are working on a 2” custom ass stretcher plug that will work with the Anal Exploration G-string along with a number of new g-strings. This 2” design will be able to handle some larger strap designs that we will be offering. Should be amazing.
Mens swimwear
Male lingerie, men’s swimwear, male chastity, helpful clips
It has been so cold here that it is the first full week in a long time that I did not get any micro bikini sun time. I imagine it is the same for most of the readers of this blog unless you are lucky enough to be on your way to a faraway land where it is now summer. Yesterday was the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. You might think less light would not be good for a swimwear company but since so much of what we sell would be considered male lingerie you would be off target. Yes it is cold out but we offer many different designs made to help you heat things up. Nothing like an extremely hard cock wrapped in a spandex cock display to get things boiling. I just received an update on the new male chastity products we have coming in and we just might do a photo shoot a week from today with them . I did a shoot a long time ago showing how to put on many of the more difficult designs and it was very popular as a free clip on KMC. Not sure what happened to that clip but I wonder if you think that would be helpful to have a clip like that available?
The Male Chastity Store
Mens Swimwear