Great waves and great breasts! Just yesterday I posted that there was not much topless action at our beaches. There are lots of thongs, G-strings and Brazilian style bikinis but not many girls going sans top. That post was yesterday! Today I was at the beach with friends and family body surfing some extremely nice large waves wearing a pair of Steamy Micro shorts and switching to my thong when tanning. A thong would have never stayed on in this surf but the micro shorts did great. I noticed there were at least four youngish women around us going topless and the police did not bother them at all, bravo! I wonder if they were asked to put on their tops and replied they identified as male what the police would have said. I know it is no longer summer but today might have been the hottest beach day of the year!
BTY I believe women going topless make it easier for us guys to wear smaller and smaller suits at the beach.
Men’s Swimwear
I am inspired by all the great asses I have seen and continue to see at the Olympic Games! Yes there are amazing men’s asses and women’s asses too but like with most things we see it is mostly women’s asses that are exposed. Both the men and women have such amazingly beautiful bodies I wish they would go old school, I mean really old school and hold the games with the athletes totally nude, Could you imagine how viewership would go up, I know I would never leave the TV. Seeing the Volleyball players in Brazilian style bikinis get’s my creative juices flowing and is giving me ideas for new designs.
I had a great day at the beach on Sunday and in addition made some new friends. On busy summer days it is impossible to get a spot away from the crowds but I do my best not to get a spot around tons of kids. It is almost impossible to get any R & R with crying babies and little ones running around so I try to grab the least crowded spot I can find. I got to the beach yesterday and the clouds were still burning off so it was not totally packed yet but it was warm out. Got my spot, stripped down to my micro and started working on my tan. In no time there were lots of couples around me, guys and guys, guys and girls and girls and girls. There were lots of thongs and string bikinis on the girls and a couple of guys wearing full back bikinis. I got a quick nap in but was awakened by a very noisy group of people walking by. Please no kids I thought to myself, I love kids but needed some relaxation after a tuff week. The happy group ended up being two guys and five girls all Brazilians here on vacation. Brazilian men and women really are great looking! It was all thongs on the girls and form fitting spandex shorts on the men. I started talking to the girls while taking a dip in the water, no waves so no bodysurfing unfortunately. They invited me to come over and sit with them which turned out to be a blast. Such fun and exciting people and so relaxed about their bodies and mine.
Men’s Swimwear
Every once in a while I get very lucky. Lucky in that I end up around a bunch of other people wearing thongs and bikinis. Saturday was just one of those very special days so special I needed to check the calendar to make sure it was not National Thong Day or something along those lines. I got to the beach which was already on the crowded side with a girlfriend of mine, one that likes wearing extremely skimpy swimwear like me she might just be a female version of me. We grabbed what looked to be a nice spot with lots of couples and spread out which turned out to be thong gold. There was a guy across from us in a thong, right in front of us was a very pregnant woman with her husband and a little one and she was rocking a thong looking very sexy, young girls galore with at least fifty percent wearing thongs and the balance wearing nothing larger than a Brazilian cut bikini. There was lots of exposed cheek to go around. A little later in the day we had a group of German tourist camp out next to use and all the guys were wearing bikinis, young guys with nice bodies and very well hung to boot you could see their nice large cocks right through the suits, something I can’t relate to. Some summer days are more perfect than others and this was one of them!
Did you have a chance to check out the August Koala Newsletter yet?
There is a workout for my tiny penis later this week. I get to do the male chastity photo shoot with all the new products. Should be slightly painful but fun!
I had to take most of Friday off and get down to the beach it was so bloody hot in the Valley. I needed some micro bikini time! Hot with great waves on Friday and Saturday with a healthy dose of exposed ass thongs. Mostly girls but some guys too. There were so many women wearing thongs and extreme Brazilian cheek exposing swimwear I felt right at home taking a walk on the beach wearing my thong on Friday and playing in the surf with a friend on Saturday. The waves were too large to thong in both days and I ended up wearing a pair of micro shorts over my skimpy suit while bodysurfing. The waves were almost huge on Saturday and while bodysurfing in on a large on I noticed what I thought as a person next to just completely blowing me away on the wave in. It turned out to by a large a quite beautiful seal.
Men’s Swimwear
We received a number of new male chastity products this week and we have more coming in next week. We did a photo shoot the other night staring my penis and some very intense male chastity gear. We have three new male chastity cock cages with built in Ass Sparks. They are extremely stimulating designs and we have a new super heavy duty male chastity cage with an adjustable cock ring that has a range of just under 1.5” up to 2”. This design weighed a ton on my little cock but it sure felt good. This was one of the must secure cages I have ever used.
The new items should be on the website in a week or so.

With all that going on I got to spend a beautiful afternoon at Venice beach the other day. There were a number of guys wearing spandex shorts and a few in bikinis and thongs. It must be a fact that thongs and extreme Brazilian cut bikinis that show a ton of ass are what are going to be huge for the girls this summer. Less fabric and from the looks of it larger butts are the in thing.
Men’s Swimwear
Ramblings from Michael David