Male to female transformation and sex
I’m in a horny mood this morning and rather than working I would love be to having my pussy licked. Technically that would be my cock but for all intensive purposes once I slip on a Changed Man Bikini I look and even more important I feel like I have a vagina. There is no penis there and my brain feels feminine at that point. I have used this design and many of the other male to female transformation styles when having sex. It makes little difference whether it is a man or woman eating you out because the role play is so extreme as to expand your entire understanding of what a sexual experience can be. It is just a wicked little day dream right now but we will see how it plays out tonight!
Some things I can never mention enough and the one thing today worth mentioning is the new Blog at I am adding more albeit for the most part shorter posts than you see here but I am hitting more subjects that guys and gays like you and me enjoy.
This is the rear of our new sheer pink male to female transformation design I was talking about the other day. The fit is awesome and the camel toe which can be seen at is very lovely and intense. I love the way the penis is hidden even though it is completely sheer.
There is more to come, make sure to check out the
and join me on twitter.
If you are anything like me and listen to the news, read magazines, newspapers and scan the internet for more news you have heard of the third sex revolution. I find it very interesting that being able to choose your gender identity whether male, female or neither is very interesting. It is becoming part of the law in a number of states and it looks to be rolling full steam ahead. At Koala we have believed there are other choices for decades offering swimsuits that at one time were unimaginable (and still are to some people). We have been offering swimwear designs created to overtly change the male form to female for over a decade. The question is now why would I need to decide what I am and the answer is you do not. Not everyone fits the typical norm for male or female. What was once considered a fetish is now becoming totally main stream and I believe this concept of third sex is a driving force behind the popularity of our male to female transformation designs which are by far our most popular. It is OK to want to see how it is to be female without wanting to change your gender. It’s OK to try transformation just because you want to. One day we might even come up with some styles to let women get in touch with their inner maleness.
Men’s Swimwear, Spandex Tights and Male to Female Transformation Designs
One of our upcoming new designs from the 2016 collection is a total fem look male to female transformation bikini. This one is all pretty and sexy in our matt black rubberized feel fabric. I love this fabric as do many Koala customers and I was jazzed to see that it was a great fit with this male feminine design. I have included a photo of me trying it on. This is a very cute suit and I can’t wait to take a stroll on the beach wearing one. I think it is going to turn some heads!
Men’s swimwear
Our two hottest categories of men’s swimwear are micro shorts and the other is male to female transformation designs. The transformation styles are our single hottest trend of swim and fetish wear. One of the most extreme styles ever is in the process of being perfected. It is a multi use vagina style suit that offers fully exposed lips or fully covered lips. This is a perfect vagina look swimsuit extraordinaire to be used with or without a butt plug. This fashion is for all men who are curious about gender transformation and transgender women who are looking for the ultimate feminine look. The look and feel will be nothing short of stunning.
Men’s Swimwear
Make sure to check out the newest male chastity gear!
Ramblings from Michael David