I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend we are just now getting caught up with things here at the office. I only had one beach day out of the three but boy was that a beautiful day. I hit the beach with a girlfriend on Sunday. The weather was perfect and the crowds big. Personally I like the days when there are fewer people but having them all there makes exciting people watching,. I was wearing one of my smallest suits I’m sure I was one of many getting gawked at. We parked it around a bunch of girls which was fine by me, I can’t get over how many women of all shapes and sizes are showing so much ass this season. Needless to say I love that. There were not that many guys at the beach and I was one of a very few that I noticed wearing a thong, bikini or G-string though I did see a number of men wearing skin tight fitted shorts. The water here is still on the cold side and I try not to get in too much after all my cock is so tiny to begin with and that cold water almost makes me one of the girls not that I looked much different than the girls around me. I know most people walking by assume I’m female until they get close enough to see my bulge even than they still might think I’m female but oh well. I can’t wait for more awesome days at the beach.
The June Newsletter Sale Starts Today!
Here is the link: Koala Sale Newsletter
Don’t me the buy two sale suits and get a free Spread and Lubed suit!
When it comes to wearing tights which is just one among the thousands of other things the ladies can teach us, even the most masculine men.
Walk into any gym and you will see women of every shape and size wearing absolutely skin tight tights. I love seeing all these different body types, women proudly showing off their bodies. Some of the tights they wear are so thing and so revealing it is almost as though they are working out nude which again is something spandex freaks like me enjoys seeing. What I love the most about it is how confident they are in their bodies. Some of them are quite large and others are soft in many places but they are all out there showing virtually everything. It’s all wonderful. There are now more men than ever wearing tights and I see many guys with amazing bodies wearing skin tight tights but I would love to see more of the non model types like me out there too. Our line of Pinnacle Sport Tights have been incredible sellers in fact so much so that we are almost always a week or two behind on them. Our tights are made one at a time with loving care. They might just be the sexiest men’s tights on the planet and we offer both bulge pouches and femme style pouches (personally I love working out wearing a femme style pouch but on occasion I go bulge and wear a cock ring)
Men’s Tights
The October Newsletter is being mailed out tonight but here is your link to it and its live now!
Link to the October Koala Newsletter and One of our biggest sales of the year.
It looks like we are going to do the photo shoot for the new male chastity products and the wonderful new Strap-on simulated vagina this week. The Vagina is a truly amazing design that I am very excited about sharing with you. I hope to be able to show it being used at least that is the game plan.
I am now working on the copy for the new swimwear designs that we hope to have online in 4-6 weeks. I tried them all on the other day and they are wonderful creations. One of my favorites is a beach bikini with a sensuous and very dramatic curved penis shaft display. This is a full coverage wear anywhere bikini that just so happens to show off the fully covered shaft in a perfect downward facing skin tight covered pouch. As I was writing this I started to day dream about wearing this suit and having my shaft toyed with, kissed and teased until I was ready to burst the seam.
I will try to add some photos this week of me trying on some of the designs.
I’m trying Twitter again. A friend told me he was keeping in touch with his customers and even offering specials here and there. I figured why not give it a try. Follow me and I will follow you. (Wasn’t that a Genesis song?) https://twitter.com/Spandexfreak
If you follow my blog you know I have been searching high and low for workout tights aka compression tights that are both functional while still being super sexy. I have found some nice designs but nothing that meets all my requirements those being tights that show off the detail of my ass, tights that are penis centric showing off that splendid cock shape and tights that fit like a second skin. The most important thing is that are designed to be used in public. I wanted tights I could workout in at the gym, go for a run or just kick around in them like the ladies do wearing spandex tights and yoga pants. I found them! We had to make them ourselves in order to have everything I wanted. We will be offering five different designs when we roll them out with our 2016 collection of suits and fetish wear. We are shooting to have both the tights and the suits ready in late November for the Holiday season. I have included a few photos of me in tights they are sure to look even better on the models. One is in a matt finish and the other in a four way stretch spandex. All the new tights are bulge pouch styles. The next designs we will work on will be male to female transformation tights.
Let me know what you think!

Ramblings from Michael David