The Stock Market has been crashing the last week or so including today. What a drag. It is always so depressing but lucky for us we can always slip on a sexy spandex suit. I say treat yourself to something special, I’m sure you have been a bad enough boy to deserve it. If you have a cock how could you not love wearing a cock display? Here are some shots of me wearing a Diablo cock display. Hope you like them enough to share some of your own! [email protected]
Men’s swimwear and fine cock displays!

Last week my post stated that we almost had these new amazing shorts perfected. I was with the girls this morning trying on the three samples they created and I could not have been happier and more excited by the results. Two of the samples were very similar with a bulge style pouch and one of the two was absolutely perfect. The third pair of shorts was another take on the original idea. This was my head pattern maker/designer that came up with this style and it was so exciting and in its own right perfect too. This design did not have the bulge pouch. It was a little less brash but still extreme, how could they not be when the short shorts have an Ass Spark holding them together between the legs. Even though the shorts are completely open between the legs with the exception of the metal bar running between the front and rear of the shorts you can wear these in public as long as you don’t go spread eagle! We decided right there and then to add the second pair to the collection we are working on. The bulge style will be offered in black and the flatter front pouch style will be in white. I believe most Koala clients will find them irresistible. The latest time update is the entire collection should be ready the end of March. I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Men’s swimwear
I hope and wish you a wonderful New Year filled with good health, happiness and lots of sexy swimwear and fetish wear!
We will do everything we can to help you with the sexy stuff and adding additional happiness into the mix.
We should have an update in the next few days on how the production of the new collection is coming along and how long it will be until it is online. We will also be shooting some new chastity and anal gear products in the next week or so. I am even thinking about adding men’s spandex workout tights to our line. I am just exploring this right now but I would love to hear what you think about it. Would you be interested in wearing workout tights? Do you think they are sexy?
Best wishes for the New Year
Michael David
Men’s Swimwear
We have had problems with the website the last few days but I believe they have been fixed as of this morning. If you placed an order no worries we received it but if you were having trouble looking at products on the site please try again it should be working fine. The new designs are coming along nicely but just not as fast as I would like. I’m told patience is a virtue one that I am working on.
I found a few very nice new cock rings we will be adding to our collection next month one that features a hinged design which makes it very easy for men new to cock rings to use along with a monster anal hook that features a bunch of metal balls to go up your ass which I can’t wait to try out!
Men’s swimwear
After spending a couple hours at the beach Sunday I am going to say it is official that Brazilian bikinis are huge right now in women’s swimwear. Every other girl I saw was wearing a Brazilian cut bikini some that were almost as small as mine. I have never seen so many Brazilian bikinis at one time on the beach. There were young women, middle aged women and even a couple older ones. There was a nice selection of fantastic rears and very average rears including some chubby ones. I love it all! Sure a great ass is always a turn on but I do love seeing the larger rears too. I love the confidence it shows and I think it looks sexy on all men and women. My ass is by no means small or anywhere near perfect but I still enjoy wearing swimsuits that show a ton of skin, today was no different with about 80% of my rear exposed on our extremely busy beach.
Men’s swimwear
Ramblings from Michael David