New bulge style swimsuit


When we are creating new designs often we try building upon styles that are both interesting and popular. One of the design features we are into is having swimsuits with butt plug options. It’s a stimulating mix! My opinion on the subject from many customer interactions over the years is we have done our duty of getting men of all sexual identities to try anal stimulation using a butt plug and based on ordering trends once tried many are hooked, after all it does feel great. Mix that in with being able to do it in public and you have an intoxicating mix of pleasures. Our last collection of designs included the Pegging Brazil which was wildly popular. I decided to build upon that style by doing one with the same awesome bulge front but with a little less coverage in the rear, still enough coverage to wear it on any beach. I’m always excited about getting men to expand their comfort zones whether that is a swimsuit with a small plug or maybe one with a large cock shaped plug and at the other extreme going total feminine and reshaping the penis into a vagina. I have a personal story about femme style suits that I will post next time.

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