Could use your help to spread the bikini gospel

My purpose in life is to get men out of surf shorts and into bikinis, thongs and g-strings. I think the beach would be so much more interesting if men would show way more skin. This is a work in progress. We know that trying to get videos up on youtube is very hard to do when showing men. It is completely OK to show just about anything you want on a women’s body but if you show a man wearing a thong or a little bulge it gets kicked off almost everytime!
I have started posting photos on which offers tons of beautiful photos and over the past few weeks they have allowed shots of men wearing bikinis with nice bulges and even thongs. You see many with women but ours are the few with men. I want men to feel it is has normal for men to wear sexy swimwear as it is for women. This is something I work on everyday. Yes I would like to see all men wearing Koala suits but I would still be very happy seeing more men at public places i.e. beaches, lakes, public pools, hotels and so on wearing sexy swimwear no matter what brand it is. I will ask you to visit my photo postings at  here is the link and add some likes to the photos if they move you to action. The idea is to make men in sexy swimwear a more main stream. Please try to drop by there!!!  Thanks Michael David

2 thoughts on “Could use your help to spread the bikini gospel”

  1. I have suggested before to set up a display at Venice Beach and promote the hell out of your suits especially the ones that can be worn there. I doubt if there is a better location here in SoCal.

  2. You will be happy to know that I am doing my part to change the world. I regularly go out to a local lake here in Colorado in micro swimwear. I usually go somewhere where there aren’t a lot of people close by, but people see me from a distance. Every once in a while some people will wander by close enough to get a good look, and it is quite a thrill to be seen almost naked yet out in a public place. I’m not gay, but it seems like the men are as interested in my suits as the women. I would reccommend to anyone to get out and do this, it is a wonderful feeling, even when other people aren’t around.

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