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Trying on the new men’s swimsuits and fetish wear

Friday was our try on all the swim and fetish wear designs with the girls and take photos so I can write the copy day. This is not our photo shoot but me trying on all the designs, making sure all the changes and tweaks are perfect and taking detailed photos of each so I can write all the copy we use on the site. When I am wearing the suits and then looking at the photos it gives me more inspiration for writing inspired copy than if I am looking at hot models wearing them. I think it is about the excitement and fun that I feel every time I slip on a suit and I get to pretend I am a model. The summer collection includes bikinis, extreme Brazilian bikinis, thongs, G-strings and always a nice selection of fetish swimwear/sex wear. Our production is moving along at a great pace and it looks like they will all be online and in stock by the end of June.

I included one shoot of me wearing a new bikini. Sorry we can’t all be modelsJ


Mens swimwear

Micro bikini to thong might be my perfect swimsuit

June is just about perfect in LA but not at the beach. We have what is called June gloom which means for the better part of the day our beaches have a marine layer, not every day but often. This is the time of year where it is just great in the valley and I have been taking my lunch by the pool everyday this week. I have been wearing the Heavy Metal Micro Bikini. I figured that since the kids our out of school I would wear a suit that cover at least part of my ass. It covers about 30% of my cheeks but when I am tanning I use it as a thong. The pouch is very small and fits beautifully but the things I like best about this design is how reflective the fabric is, how my penis head pops and the shape is clearly visible and how it looks like liquid metal poured over you. The bikini came in handy today. The entire week I have been the only one out there. Today not five minutes after I grabbed a lounger and changed my micro bikini to a tiny thong a group of girls my guess young collage ones appeared and grabbed the loungers next to me.

I heard a few giggles and my guess is that a few of them snapped photos on their phones to share with friends. Maybe I should tattoo on my ass cheek.

Mens swimwear

Men’s bikinis, thongs and G-strings Normal? Newsletter link

Are people getting used to seeing men wearing bikinis, thongs and G-string swimwear?

My thoughts are that since more and more men are wearing these designs at the beaches I visit people are getting used to seeing them and it is just not that big a deal any more, not the same shock value which I think is a very good thing indeed.. In addition I was in Las Vegas a few weeks ago just over night but I always make it a point to visit some of the hot hotels pool areas and noticed a number of men wearing bikinis that were not Speedos but real bikinis, some of which I was relatively sure were Koala suits. It was not that long ago when people at the beach saw girls wearing tiny thongs that their jaws would drop. Sure I was never one of those jaw droppers I loved the show of sexuality and body liberation but these girls are no longer subject to disapproving looks, they are just accepted and enjoyed as part of the beach scene. The reason this question came to my thoughts this morning was yesterday while spending a few hours at the beach working on my tan and wearing a micro thong I noticed quite a few families setting up camp all around me. Not one or two but by the time I left there were many younger families with kids playing and parents lounging seemingly with nothing more than a smile for me. There were plenty of other spots for them to spread their out their towels away from the guy wearing almost nothing but it just did not seem to register with them. Could it be that we are finally moving into new territory?  I have noticed for years and have blogged about it in the past that women of all ages have no issues plunking their stuff down right next to me, my guess with that is they figure I am gay and will not bother them which in my case is at least partly true because I am there to relax, the beach being one of my favorite parts of the planet. I love the fresh air coming in right off the ocean it cleanses and rejuvenates me.  Let me know your feelings about the beach, lake and other places you have been seen wearing your spandex swimwear and what sort of response if any positive or negative you have recently had.


Here is the link to the June newsletter.

Shaved clean cocks in style now?

How about those shave your cock clean commercials airing all over the place now.  I have always pushed the clean shaved cock and completely shaved pubic area when wearing micro men’s swimwear. My cock has been completely shaved forever or at least it seems that long. I find it funny that companies like Gillette are pushing their new shaving tool the Pro-Glider all over Network and Cable TV. Don’t get me wrong a nicely trimmed bush looks great on many of our designs. The shaved cock and shaved pussy thing is a personal preference but one I am happy to see go mainstream. I remember making one of my first girlfriends shave her pussy completely clean when I had never seen that before. Trying not to date myself but all the cocks and cunts had lots of hair back in the day. The standard pussy look today is completely shaved. Love it! I hope with all the ads I have been seeing that we start seeing more and more men completely shaved or at least beautifully manicured cocks.

Mens swimwear

Mens swimwear and short shorts

Yesterday was a try on suits day and I had an interesting surprise. The girls knew I was working on new short shorts and they had an idea of their own based on what I have been talking about. They showed me a pair of cheek exposing denim look little shorts. Made of a cotton spandex blend they would be used for wearing around, working out and most of all as swimsuit cover-ups but not for in the water use.  They fit perfect and we decided to make a limited run so we could bring them out with the summer collection without slowing things down. We are looking at the end of June to introduce all the new suits. We talked about the new short shorts that I want to make. They will not be ready for the Summer Collection but right after we finish the production of this 15 suit collection we are going to do a run of only short shorts. I am guessing two or three designs and will release those this summer too.

Mens swimwear

Working on shorts for swimwear and cover ups

I have a question for you boys.
Last weekend I hit the beach wearing a pair of short short’s ones that exposed the a little cheek over my micro bikini swimsuit. I feel very sexy walking around in these tiny shorts with nothing to fall back on. I don’t bring any larger shorts with me so my little daisy dukes are all that is standing between me and peeling down to my micro which is very close to nude just the way I like it to be. One thought keeps running through my twisted brain and that is a name for the shorts when we get the perfect ones done. I figure there will be three different styles from showing a lot of cheek, that would be the one I think I would choose that for more beach and hotel gear and two others one showing about half that much cheek and the other would be just a hint of cheek for the less daring amoung us. That was the long winded way to a quick question which is the name of the line. Never one to be shy about these things I love the name Pussy Boy Shorts. It sounds very sexty to me but I could be way off base. What do you guys think of that and if you hate it do you have any ideas?


Mens Swimwear

Ultra micro mens swimwear how small do you want it?

There was a blog question today that got me thinking about micro pouches. The question was will there be a pouch smaller than the Monaco Micro? The pouches that we do have that are smaller some much smaller hide the cock shaft, the balls or both. The Speck Bulge suits which I considered our smallest bulge style suits force the balls into the body and compress the shaft down to a tiny little bulge. I would say that suit makes you look like you have a ½” cock. It is a hot look but I wonder if we should make a smaller pouch for everything. Personally my penis is on the very small side shaft wise but my balls are fairly ample. The Monaco Micro sized pouch is about as small as I can go without trying to reshape the balls. My question is should we go for an ultra-micro pouch men’s swimwear design that holds men who have both a small shaft and small balls? I would like your feedback. Thanks MD

Visit the Male Chastity Store

MIcro swimwear gets even more micro

This has been a crazy week at Koala. We had a flood in our building which did not affect us directly but it did keep us working hard to help get our neighbors unit dry and cleaned out. I would much rather see water at the beach or in the pool.  In my last post I mentioned wearing one of our new designs at the beach last weekend. There is no name yet but it had a rear similar to the Streamline with a narrower front pouch and a built in cock ring to keep the pouch fuller. Since the pouch is narrower than most it needed to be deeper. For boys like me on the smaller side we need the adjustable cock ring to push everything forward and fill the pouch. We made this micro bikini/thong in the matte finished spandex. The fit was perfect and I could wear it as a thong but when I took a little walk on the beach there is enough fabric to cover a tiny bit of ass. Calling it a bikini is a stretch but on the legal side it is just that.

My standard suit is a micro bikini and wearing this new suit caused something I had not seen for a long time. My tan line is about as small as it can be without tanning in the nude. Wearing the new design exposed some virgin un-tanned white as can be skin.  Tiny triangles of white skin on the sides of this ultra micro pouch. Made me think back to the days when I switched from shorts to Speedos. Do you remember how funny your tan line looked? I remember mine!

Mens Swimwear

Mother’s day and men’s swimwear and fetish wear

All year we talk about fetish wear, micro men’s swimwear cock displays and other wild designs for men. Today being Mother’s Day I thought I would talk about twisted designs for women.  First let me say we have an interesting mix of clientele at These are estimates but I would say about 40% of our customers are gay, 40% straight and the balance made up of bisexuals, transsexuals and a-sexual men. We cater to many different lifestyles but the main thing in common with all is the love and longing for interesting Lycra creations, I too fit somewhere into the above mix.  For years we have had husbands, boyfriends, friends and the women asking us to do swimwear and fetish wear for them. There are so many companies doing women’s swimwear and even on the erotic extreme side doing a very good job at it. I feel that market is better left to them but with the introduction of many of our butt plug ass stretchers and other fetish designs we have had many customers contacting us for those styles for women. That is something I think we can do very well. We are working on a few fetish spandex designs for women as I write this blog. I would love to hear feedback from the blog readers and if any of you ladies are interested in these designs I would like to hear from you too. In fact we have some female customers who have volunteered to be fitting models and I am looking for a few more. Feel free to contact me at [email protected]

Next post test driving a new micro bikini/thong at the beach and fooling with micro shorts.

Mens swimwear

Cock ring corner at Koala!

Just added the new Cock Ring Corner section to

You might need to refresh your browser to see it. I think these rings will go great with many of our designs for the times you are want a larger pouch look. If you have not tried on a head ring before they feel great and they do make your cock look larger in swimwear and underwear.

Mens swimwear