Category Archives: Uncategorized

Caught changing

was out in the sun today and decided just to change in the water. No one was around so I stripped down and walked over to the pool. The water now is cold no more heater until May but I think it is refreshing. As I was dipping my toe in the water to see how cold it was a women walked in the gate and caught me standing there naked. She was about 70′ away and I guess this time I was lucky my cock was only about an 1″. Not sure how much she saw but I got the rest of the way into the pool and slipped on my Slut g-string. She walked right over to the pool and as it turned out she was a real estate agent looking for a unit. She asked I told her where to find it she said thanks and that was it. Wish nudity was that simple with everyone.

Mens swimwear

Sex, Spandex,Lycra,Swimwear, sheer and micros

All of the above are favorite topics of mine. I love wearing micro suits, sheer suits and having sex that starts with Lycra spandex swimwear. Spandex has given me an instant hard-on for as long as I can remember. I was wearing the Wet Works Thong during the photo shoot the other day. It has a micro penis shaped pouch even guys as small as me can fill them up all the way and some. It turned the model on because he came right over and started sucking my cock while the suit was on and it sure felt great. The suit works very well and the pouch expands as your cock grows. Over the weekend I hit a pool party with friends girls and guys. I was the only guy wearing something other than shorts though some of the guys ended up wearing nothing after a few drinks. The girls were in all in bikinis, thongs and some went nude as the night went on. Me being me opted for the Smoking Gun Micro. It is not only sheer and very sexy but  I can fill the pouch too no matter how small I might be and it grows as my cock gets hard something that happened a number of times that night. I can tell you that girls enjoy sucking on sheer covered spandex penis shaped pouches. Wonder if they would have liked the solid color as much?

Mens swimwear

Spending a hot day in the pool

Yes it was hot today and in more ways than just the heat.
Carlos from KMC and myself did an in the pool photo shoot of Gabriel.
He is such a great looking guy and he loves wearing spandex. He gravitates to the cock exposing suits but also loves our designs that are built with the Ass Sark. He looks great in bikinis, thongs, g-strings and his birthday suit.
We got him swimming around in all sorts of designs and I am hoping that the footage looks as good online as it did in person. Carlos said he will try to get it online next week and should have some free clips to check out.

Mens swimwear

Spandex Sex

Spandex sex and spandex men’s swimwear is what we are about.
I am planning on getting some oral wearing the original Diablo tonight.
I would love to hear and post your spandex sex stories. Let me know what you have going on with your boyfriends, girlfriends, both or on your own.
Everyone loves hearing other peoples sex stories and spandex sex stories are my favorite ones.

Mens swimwear

What does your doctor say

I just went in for a skin check-up to my dermatologist today. Haven’t been for a couple years and wanted to check a couple thinks out and have the birthday suit checked for skin cancer something I think all us sun gods should stay up on. My regular much older lady doctor did not make it in today so I ended up with a 32 year old doctor. I showed her the few things I wanted to check including a couple small things that were easily zapped with heat. She said you are very dark and I want to do a complete  head to toe exam for skin cancer. No problem I said. Little did she know I am naked around women at work all the time so it really does not bother me. When she was looking at my backside she said you wear a very small bathing suit which I agreed with and she kept going. No moles, no nothing anywhere on my skin other than it being dry. She gave me some things to take away the dryness and sent me on my way. Wonder if she said anything to the girls in the office, shaved with no pubes and he wears a very tiny suit? Most doctors do not say much or even acknowledge your tan line. Wonder what your experiences have been? Any thing funny or interesting. Speak up!

We are still on target for the new designs, the anal spark style suits have been the hottest sellers this last month along with the Changed man suits and we are doing a Pool shoot this Thursday with Gabe.

Mens swimwear

Hot new Brazilian Design and lots of bikini models

Hit the beach with a friend today and just relaxed trying to enjoy these end of the season days some of which are the very best beach days. While we were there a photo shoot was taking place with about ten very hot girls in bikini and some in Brazilian ass exposing bikinis.
All were drop dead beautiful. Has the camera girl was shooting away they were busy bouncing around, getting close and intense with each other and just having a great time. As a photographer it was fun seeing how a big time shoot works. This must of been for a magazine. It was run very well but the thing again that sticks in my mind is how at ease and natural the girls are with their bodies touching each other and basking in their sexuality.
I’m sure it shows in the shots. Wonder if men will ever evolve to this level of free spirited relaxed joy with their fellow men?

As we get closer to the new eighteen suit 2012 collection, we are still looking solid for early November I have another new design to tell you about. This is a Brazilian bikini with a high back style that cover a lot of your lower back(for a bikini) but shows a ton of exposed ass.
It is very sexy and this new design works with the Ass Spark. There is metal exposed but it is your secret as to what it is doing there. This will be a fantastic suit to be seen in.

Mens Swimwear

New Swimwear and new sex wear

It is funny to say swimwear and sexwear because to me it is all sex wear. Spandex gets me hard and gets me wet. It was that way when I young and it is still that way. When I try on new suits I get hard almost on contact just like and 18 year old. I have always enjoyed the way spandex feels on my cock, how a g-string feels up my ass, how sex suits feel when they split my balls and position my shaft for play. That said I am always looking to create interesting products that will keep us all happy and excited when summer is over yet we still crave the feel of spandex. One of the new designs I was writing copy for today is a new sheer full back bikini with a full size male form Penis pouch. This will be a fun suit to wear at the beach but is so comfortable you could wear them as undies all day long.
The second design is one of our most radical and the expensive ever. It is based on the Diablo design which not only perks up your sexual fun but it makes masturbation even more fun too. This design has a large stainless steel butt plug connected to it and this ramps up the intensity of the design big time. I know that is hard t believe but with rings and plug working together the out come is a very happy you.

Mens swimwear

Just letting you know

Just wanted to let you know that the new Koala newsletter is out today.

You can check it on this link

Talked to my girls this morning and we are still on track for the new designs to be ready
the start of November.

Doing an underwater photo shoot next week with Carlos of KMC
with Gabriel who is not only hot but very into spandex!

g-string run and playing with new stuff

I love the NFL! It makes my drive down to the beach on Sunday so fast. I can make it there in about 17 minutes which I did and back in about the same time. It would be great if the NFL season was in the middle of the summer. I spent Saturday and Sunday at the beach and both days were just beautiful. Saturday just was out by myself wearing my g-string and enjoying the sun. No waves so al the time was in the sun. Sunday went down with a couple girl friends and they talked me in to taking a run on the beach. I was going to put a bikini on over my g-string but they talked me out of it. They were both wearing bikini but I guess they wanted to see my g-string bounce just like I enjoy seeing their tits bounce. Good trade off.
There were not that many people at the beach and the only reason I can think of is all the NFL games. Mostly women and I think my bouncing g-string got the most attention.
Was working on more new designs today when I decided to pull out the Penetration suit and see if that style would work with the new silicone Ass Spark coming out. I am glad I did because I thought the new silicone units were to big to use with the suits designed to be used with the metal Ass Sparks. It is a tight fit but for you guys that already have these suit designs
(all the ones that work with the Ass Spark metal cock ring anal plugs) your suits will work. They are a tight fit but they do work. With some lube and a little help I put on the Penetration suit with the Silicone Ass Spark sample I have and it fit and looked fantastic. We will make designs that will work for both metal and silicone Ass Sparks that will be easier to slip the new units in but it great that they will work with all the suits you already have!

Mens swimwear

More on new swimwear designs

Some swimwear designs are in a class all to themselves and if they end up being popular or in this case insanely popular we build upon the success of the design. The Changed Man and the Changed Man Bikini are in this class. If you are not familiar with these suits what they do is hold your shaft strait inside of you flat and expose the balls split one one each side. They are pulled back and what you have is a male body with what looks to be a perfect Vagina unless your balls are large and it looks like a swollen or fat pussy. No matter your sexual identification gay, bi, straight, confused I would venture to say that most if not all men who are sexual have played with their cocks to try to make them look like a pussy. It is fun, sexual and normal play. The Changed Man takes it to another level allowing you to see the real girl inside and it is a huge turn-on. Don’t worry about what turns you on just enjoy it as long as it does not hurt anyone else.
Now back to the new suits we will be offering in our next collection. These are based on the Changed Man design and we even have names for them. One is the Changed Man Control Freak and the other is the Changed Man Lip Control. Both these designs were created from me playing with the originals. I wanted more control of how my man pussy would look and with the additions we made to these you will indeed have more options to control the look of your penis changed to a vagina. Enjoy the fun, enjoy the look, enjoy finding new boundaries.

Mens swimwear