Hot beaches and over active police

HI guys I just wanted to let you know most of the sale suits including the ones from previous newsletters will be coming off sale the end of this month. You have a couple more days to get the best deals ever!

This last weekend was beach perfect and I spent both Saturday and Sunday afternoons enjoying the amazing weather. Saturday was packed with tons of people and I got some special attention from the police. Here in Los Angeles the police patrol the beaches throughout the day and I have never been bothered by them even when I wear completely sheer suits or penis shaped pouches. They tend to come up real close to me when I wear something like the Spicy Girl because I look so much like a woman that they seem to be checking me out to see if I am going topless (I am) but I think the bit of hair on my legs gives it away that and I’m more muscular than 90% of the girls. The hassles come from the police helicopter that cruise the beach looking for who knows what, seems like a colossal waste of money. If I am on my back or front no matter what type of suit I am wearing things are fine but when I try getting sun on my side is when it peak their interest. From the air I must appear completely nude so they hover above me in a tight circle taking a close look with their massive camera the same ones you see them use on the car chases. Everyone on the beach looks over to see what is happening and most often there is someone is drinking alcohol a huge no no in LA. All I need to do is roll over one way or another so they can see I am actually wearing something and they are on their way.  Next time I might just roll over and seductively pass my hand on my tight little pouch. Maybe that will turn them on.


April Newsletter

Links to last Newsletters

Sale 1

Sale 2


Just a few more days!

Different thongs for different days



I’m not sure why other than it’s fun to do but I have been changing thong styles much more often lately. I wear one style by the pool and another to the beach. I have used four different styles over the last two weeks. The thongs are cut close enough in size to keep my tan line intact. I was wearing the Surfer Boy Thong on Sunday which turned out to be an amazing beach day. I enjoy the matt rubberized finish of the fabric. It is totally micro with very little coverage but it does not show quite as much of my penis shape as some of the regular spandex designs I wear. The bulge is tight and compact but visually my penis does not look as small in this suit because it has a nice, balloon style smoothness to it. I’m not sure what got into me but wearing that design and knowing my penis looked larger than the sub one inch it looks like in many of the thong’s I wear I was bold enough to stroll along a very busy Venice beach with my friend. Wearing a micro thong still attracts a whole lot of attention even at a beach like Venice which has so many other distractions.


Men’s Swimwear

Thong stretching at the beach today.



I had a meeting this evening in Beverly Hills and instead of fighting the traffic at rush hour I headed to the beach to bake in the sun rather than eat lunch from there it is an easy trek to my appointment. It was breezy and beautiful, for some people maybe a little cool outside but I thought it was close to perfect. I was surprised that the beach was not packed since most of the schools in LA our out for Easter vacation, just a smattering of people enjoying the sun and the usual flow of folks walking the beach. The sun the breeze and that salt air put me to sleep in seconds and of course I was wearing a micro thong. I was out a little longer than I should have been since the next thing I felt was a little too much sun on my very tan ass.  After my nap I still had some time before I needed to run and stretching seemed like a great idea. I love to stretch every day but stretching on the beach wearing just a tiny thong brings a level of excitement to my stretching that is rarely achieved at the gym. When I am doing some of the more intense stretches my swimsuit virtually disappears and I would appear nude to anyone passing by me of which many people did with more than a few double and triple takes. That in itself is fun for an exhibitionist like me but add in a downward dog and happy baby stretches and only a proctologist would have a better view! Now that is fun in the sun.


If you have not had a chance to read the Koala April newsletter now would be an awesome time to do it!

Going Small in front of the neighbors



As most of the readers know given my choice I prefer to wear a swimsuit mostly thong designs that show my penis in a very compressed state. They take a small penis and it makes it look extremely small. These are not feminizing swimsuits designs just standard Koala micro pouch styles. Many of the micro pouch designs compress the penis enough to confuse people that might be taking a quick peek at me, wondering if I am male or female it also helps that I keep between my legs completely shave and the designs I wear keep that entire area almost fully exposed all the time. The end of the pouch is just at the very base of the balls followed by a narrow strap. I know how many people view this not only from neighbors telling me so while I’m sunning around the pool but hearing from total strangers talking loud at the beach and some even coming up and asking. Most of the time it seems to be women that are confused. My neighbors are used to it but every once in a while someone asks me about my choice in swimsuits. I completely understand this because as I glance down at my pouch it looks ridiculously small even to my eyes. From two feet away on my own body I see how many would think I might be female. Years ago that might have bothered me a little but I have learned to love it after all the female form is awesome and the fact is I am never going to blow someone away with my giant cock pushing through a little pouch. I’ve learned to enjoy and get immense pleasure from going micro.



The April Newsletter and sale is on right now. Take a minute to check it out!

You need to take a look at this! Link to the early release: April Koala Newsletter.



The readers get first crack at the deals being offered in the April Koala Newsletter which will be e-mailed to everyone later on tonight and tomorrow! There is one deal in particular that is truly amazing and it will most likely not last long, that is the Grab bag sale. Take a read of the newsletter and then checkout the specials. It is possible the Grab bag deal might only last a few days and once we are out that’s all folks.


Gym buddy by the pool



It’s still March and we have had some of the most amazing sun bathing weather I can remember. Perfect in the 70’s, who could ask for more? This last Friday I was lying by the pool after work soaking up a little afternoon sun all by my lonesome when I heard the gate swing open and someone pull up a lounge right next to me. That was not a big deal because there were only a few decent spots left with the late afternoon sun so why not share. I was wearing a Steel Force Thong. I love the slinky shiny fabric and the cut of the pouch. There is a little more pouch room in this design compared to the thong I normally wear. The effect being that my penis when flaccid which is most of the time while I’m relaxing in the sun stands straight up with the head just barely pushing into the pouch. With the other style the pouch is so small that even my tiny shaft can be laid over the balls pushing both the head and a little shaft into the fabric. The Steel Force highlights the absolute smallness of a cock if that is the way you are so endowed but does so proudly with a sense of style. I had my typical towel over the face so it would not get any sun and as such you could only see my body. It turned out the some guy in a Speedo was my new neighbor. I was on the tired side and not too eager to be chatted up but when someone starts talking to me I try never to be rude.  Without me even pulling off the towel he introduced himself, hi I’m Kevin…I haven’t seen you here before. That voice sounded so familiar that I pulled off the towel and said hi Kevin I’m Mike nice to meet you and started cracking up. This is one of the guys I had been working out with for years at the gym. Though not close buddies we do say hi and share a machine now and then.  He looked shocked. My guess was he didn’t want anyone we know to here he was trying to pick me up, which he was. It took a minute for me to put his mind at ease.  I had always known he was gay and though I’m bi he is not really my type that said he is very good looking and very muscular. He could not get over that I was wearing such a micro swimsuit. He told me he never would have guessed that I would wear a swimsuit like that. I told him to check out my tan line next time I’m in the gym’s shower with as a little tease, I’ll be there he said with a huge smile. We hung out and ended up swimming some laps. On the way out I told him I would see him at the gym latter. He flashed a panicked look on his face but I reassured it was our little secret.


Men’s Swimwear

Take a look at the last post to see the items that are on sale. Amazing gear at insane prices.

Make sure to check out the new male chastity cages including the new ultra micro worlds smallest Little Joe. See how small a penis can be shoved into a tiny cage.

New male chastity cages and plugs online now!!!!!!!

All the new male chastity cages and plugs are online now and they are all in stock! I am happy to say I have sourced some of the world’s smallest cock cages, cages that can make my tiny cock lock rather large. Hope you enjoy the close up photos and the amazing new designs.


New Male Chastity Gear and Anal Plugs

Giant Swimsuit Sale

Incredible once in a lifetime prices on amazing men’s swimwear

Sale One

Sale Two

Afternoon feminine sun bathing


The other day I either had a cold or terrible allergies something I haven’t had for a while. I’m like most other guys I think I’m dying when I get a cold. A lot of guys are like that in fact most of the guys I know think they have the flu when they have a cold. In some ways I think these things hit men harder because in the end males are not designed as well as females to handle pain and sickness. That’s why the female of most species generally live longer and of course are able to bear children, which has little to do with this post. Since we have been having 90+ degree days this week I decided that trying to bake out my symptoms in the sun might just do the trick. I decided to wear an All Girl suit without the anal stretcher to try to channel the power of my inner feminine and because I felt like being completely femme. I figured a couple of hours in the heat with a towel over my face would do the trick but since it was a Wednesday in March I did not think there would be anyone else around the pool. When I got there I was alone which was perfectly fine, just me and my little camel toe enjoying the sun and trying to stop my sinuses from flowing. Being in the sun I felt better right away and I dozed off for a bit. I find wearing our femme style male to female transformation suits to be both exciting and inspirational.  With the shaft forced down and held flat to the body near the top of the lips (that is the balls reshaped to appear as vagina lips) there is no feel what so ever of having a penis. It is a completely feminine experience and I would go as far as saying that the shaft feels like what I imagine a clitoris would feel like, emphasis on imagine. The feeling is truly special and it has been shared with thousands of Koala customers. Visually if you spotted me lying out I would appear completely female in the crotch. The sun and the heat actually helped me feel better by drying out my sinuses. After an hour or so I had company, a lot of company. It seems like a handful of guys and girls had the same idea at the same time which was to grab a little afternoon sun on a beautiful March day. The pool I was at is in a complex at a friend’s townhouse not my regular pool near my work but I still knew a few of the new arrivals and the lady that grabbed the lounge next to me was someone I have talked to many times. She has seen me many times in a bulge style micro thong which as most of you know is like wearing next to nothing but she had never seen me this way. We chatted about the weather and what was going on in the complex. I noticed she glanced down a couple of times and I wondered if her brain computed what her eyes noticed. If so it did not stop her for slightest moment from our chat. I had seen most of the people who were there on other occasions and most had seen me wearing my little thong. No one was gawking at me which might just mean that my normal little bulge it not all that much bigger than my vagina bulge. I can live with that. Being out with lots of other people makes me want to wear my femme style designs more often to the beach. They are in fact extremely comfortable and I never have to worry about getting an erection because it is impossible.


Sale Swimsuits

Ramblings from Michael David