Choosing the best swimwear style for your body
It’s funny how different styles look better than others on any given day. I generally go with my default which is a micro thong. This works great for my body since I have a fairly large round ass that craves attention and a very small penis which craves the minimal amount of coverage. My body enjoys the fell of being almost nude and generally wearing less sometimes way less than anyone else on even the busiest beaches. There are times when my body is not in the mood to wear a tiny thong and I feel that I look better in a bikini or a pair of micro shorts. If I am taking long walks on the beach one of my personal favorite suits to wear is the Party Girl bikini, it fits me to perfection and has enough coverage in the rear so even if we are walking over to Santa Monica pier which can have thousands of people I still feel like I’m wearing enough and I am finally used to having the front pouch look like a tiny vagina, it’s so sexy and so confusing. When I’m really active playing volleyball or body surfing I will go with a pair of micro shorts. I keep a few different ones around and go with the ones that look best that day though my choice is always going to be one that shows a lot of cheek, that’s just me.
Men’s Swimwear for all bodies that want to look hot!
I am always the guy wearing the smallest swimsuit…except for
This was the first weekend in a long time with summer like weather. We had two glorious beach days. Mid 70’s that might just have kissed the 80’s and it’s still winter! The beach was wonderful though the water is still too cold for me. Yesterday was perfect and breezy today it was almost too hot. Both days I spent wearing a tiny micro thong and I can’t remember seeing someone wearing anything smaller, except for today. One of my friends pointed out a younger Asian guy walking down the boardwalk wearing something so small I could not believe it. It looked like a tiny G-string possibly made of silk. His penis was clearly visible and unlike spandex suits that control and compress this man’s ample penis was all over the place, like it had a mind of its own. It was putting on quite a show for crowds of people in the area. He must have been a total exhibitionist. He was walking on the boardwalk not the beach, wearing nothing else. What balls this guy had. I wish I could be so bold I mused to myself. We only noticed him as we were walking down to the beach but what an impression he must have left with anyone he passed by.
Men’s Swimwear
New fat cock ring, cock ring engraving and info on new Neoprene suits
First things first I wanted to tell you about a new very cool cock ring. It’s called the Chubby and it is think, fat, available in many sizes, made in the USA and designed to keep you nice and hard. We are offering custom engraving on most of our aluminum cock rings. You will see the option on the product page and you can order custom engraving with up to 27 letters. Make sure they know who owns that cock.
I am so excited to tell you about the three new neoprene swimwear designs we have ordered. They are custom styles made just for us and there is nothing else like them anywhere that I have found. These are truly micro bikini and thong styles with real micro bulge pouches. Two are bikinis, one a semi full back and one a Brazilian style rear both with ultra micro style bulge pouches. They are extremely hot! The day the samples came in I was prancing around all over in them. The third style is an over the top micro bulge thong with a skin tight fit I would call spectacular. We are shooting on having them available in about five weeks or so ready for summer fun.
I felt like a real man today.
Most of the time while wearing a micro thong my penis looks pretty small and most of the time I am happy that it looks that way. It looks small because it is sometimes flaccid well under an inch. Many of the Koala designs including the ones I wear have been created to show off how small you are and even if you are large like my friend that was with me today by the pool (one of our models) with his hugely large 8”+ cock, our suits can make that piece of meat look small too(it did). So is it possible that a guy like me can look larger then my friends bulge? It is! Not sure what I was day dreaming about (you can leave it to your imagination being right next to a very cute model) when I found myself sporting a very intense hard-on one that seemed very happy to stay and visit a while. It was so hard I could feel my cock straining against the spandex which was doing everything it could to keep my little penis contained inside the pouch. Good thing it stayed put since there was a number of other people around the pool enjoying the hot summer like sun.
Make sure to check out the new neoprene designs at Koala posted under the category “Neoprene”
Have you had a chance to check out the February Newsletter and sale yet? If not here is the link! Koala Newsletter
When it gets hot at the beach it generally gets hot with the beach crowd. I love seeing all the people wearing so little clothing. I know the girls are better at it than the boys but I will be out there doing my share trying to wear the smallest suit, man or woman of anyone in Southern California. I would love to know other guys are doing the same. Let’s make the last weekend of August the most micro weekend of the year. Let’s give those hot girls wearing next to nothing a run for the money. Pick one of your favorite Koala swimsuits and hit the beach. I would love to see a big turnout at MDR in SoCal but no matter where you are if the weather is nice make sure to take advantage of it and go as micro as you dare!
Make sure to hook up with the last days of August Koala Newsletter Sale
The other day I either had a cold or terrible allergies something I haven’t had for a while. I’m like most other guys I think I’m dying when I get a cold. A lot of guys are like that in fact most of the guys I know think they have the flu when they have a cold. In some ways I think these things hit men harder because in the end males are not designed as well as females to handle pain and sickness. That’s why the female of most species generally live longer and of course are able to bear children, which has little to do with this post. Since we have been having 90+ degree days this week I decided that trying to bake out my symptoms in the sun might just do the trick. I decided to wear an All Girl suit without the anal stretcher to try to channel the power of my inner feminine and because I felt like being completely femme. I figured a couple of hours in the heat with a towel over my face would do the trick but since it was a Wednesday in March I did not think there would be anyone else around the pool. When I got there I was alone which was perfectly fine, just me and my little camel toe enjoying the sun and trying to stop my sinuses from flowing. Being in the sun I felt better right away and I dozed off for a bit. I find wearing our femme style male to female transformation suits to be both exciting and inspirational. With the shaft forced down and held flat to the body near the top of the lips (that is the balls reshaped to appear as vagina lips) there is no feel what so ever of having a penis. It is a completely feminine experience and I would go as far as saying that the shaft feels like what I imagine a clitoris would feel like, emphasis on imagine. The feeling is truly special and it has been shared with thousands of Koala customers. Visually if you spotted me lying out I would appear completely female in the crotch. The sun and the heat actually helped me feel better by drying out my sinuses. After an hour or so I had company, a lot of company. It seems like a handful of guys and girls had the same idea at the same time which was to grab a little afternoon sun on a beautiful March day. The pool I was at is in a complex at a friend’s townhouse not my regular pool near my work but I still knew a few of the new arrivals and the lady that grabbed the lounge next to me was someone I have talked to many times. She has seen me many times in a bulge style micro thong which as most of you know is like wearing next to nothing but she had never seen me this way. We chatted about the weather and what was going on in the complex. I noticed she glanced down a couple of times and I wondered if her brain computed what her eyes noticed. If so it did not stop her for slightest moment from our chat. I had seen most of the people who were there on other occasions and most had seen me wearing my little thong. No one was gawking at me which might just mean that my normal little bulge it not all that much bigger than my vagina bulge. I can live with that. Being out with lots of other people makes me want to wear my femme style designs more often to the beach. They are in fact extremely comfortable and I never have to worry about getting an erection because it is impossible.
Sale Swimsuits
Today August 31 is the last day of the Koala Newsletter Sale and it might be as much as three months until we have the next one. If you have not yet checked out the amazing deals please do so now. Here is the Koala Newsletter Link.
I believe I mentioned on the last post that we found and have ordered the Strap-On Pussy they are on their way from a supplier in Germany! The latex strap on functional pussy fits over your anus to make a beautiful feminine love tunnel. I have been experimenting with it and if you tuck just right you can completely hide the penis. The Strap-On Pussy can be used under panties while tucked to show a realistic visually beautiful vagina outline and you can use it to cover the penis or the anus with penis exposed or if you are great at tucking like I am you can spread it over the hole and cover the penis.
Labor Day weekend is one of my favorites. We have a pool party to attend and I will be rocking a very tiny suit but I have not yet decided whether to go thong of bikini. I am leaning to bikini because there might be some kids there. I know with three days to the long weekend I am bound to get some beach time too.
I grabbed the wrong suit last Sunday and ended up wearing a Streamline instead of my usual Ballz swimsuit. The Ballz has a smaller pouch but the interesting thing was it makes my cock look larger than the larger pouch on the Streamline. (Keep in mind when I am talking about one pouch being larger than the other I am still talking about extremely micro pouches on both) The Ballz pouch fits my tiny package ever so tight and smooth where as the Streamline pouch offers me a little more room and my shaft has room to stand leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination when it comes to size and thickness. You can clearly see when I get out of the water the shaft is about one inch and not very thick. I enjoy wearing both styles but I think for all day use the pouch that keeps me smooth works better.
I just finished trying on a couple of new butt plug powered bikinis and they are fantastic. I believe they are so popular because both can be used as sexy bikini swimsuits without the plug but when you want to spice up your day at the beach or around the hotel pool you can mount a nice large butt plug in either of these new designs and lay around with a huge smile on your face. Maximum stimulation with total stealth, both designs are really hot. I had a couple fantastic beach days this last weekend. Total micro thong days in the sun. The funny thing about spring days at the beach here in LA is it can be breezy which it was both days and the breeze is on the cool side. That keeps lots of people away from the beach and makes parking easy as can be. The best thing of all is that these days might just be the nicest of them all. The breeze keeps you from overheating but the intense sun keeps you nice and warm.
Men’s Swimwear
Extreme swimwear and turning the corner.
I missed the lightning and rain today which out here is a very rare occurrence. Yesterday the beach was lovely and ever so crowded. I worked out hard in the morning and got to the beach early. I was lucky and a surfer was leaving just as I pulled up. I got parking almost on the beach. If you are from Los Angeles you know this is an amazing feat. I had on my tiny micro bikini covered by a pair of micro short shorts and a sleeveless tank top. The shorts were so small it almost looked like I was wearing a mini skirt. You could just barely see the end of the shorts and a hint of bulge peeking out. Though it was not busy yet I figured it might end up being very busy but decided not to bring anything bigger than my micro shorts. I picked out a great spot and as it turned out many other people thought it was a great spot too. Tanning with just about my total ass exposed did not stop a ton of people from camping out right next to me. There were families with kids, twenty something girls, young guys playing soccer and throwing around the football along with couples and singles of all ages. There were a couple guys wearing bikinis and a number of girls wearing thongs and Brazilians. There were so many people around me and yet my tiny swimsuit did not feel out of place. I started wondering to myself if we have finally turned the corner on acceptance of men wearing sexy swimwear. With so many people around I used my micro shorts over my bikini bodysurfing and again no one gave me a second look. No gawking. It was exceptional. Each time I got out of the water I would slide my shorts off to expose the tinniest swimsuit on the beach. It was a peaceful relaxing stress less day and I had this feeling that people are getting used to men wearing so little. I’ve always enjoyed the shock value of wearing micro swimsuits but acceptance is the ultimate goal with men being able to express themselves through fashion on an equal footing with the ladies.
This is what I look like from the rear wearing my bikini/thong minus the string sticking out which is an adjustment on a fem style suit with a vagina front. One coming out in August.

Ramblings from Michael David