I did a little beach clean-up on my own Saturday afternoon. The beach was actually very clean but I managed to get some of the small stuff like foam and cigarette butts that the truck normally misses. It would be amazing if each of us could do this once in a while at your favorite beach, lake or park. Maybe we could get a trend going. The beach weather was a bit mixed during the day, cloudy which is perfect for cleaning the beach though the beach gods allowed me to bask in the sun for an hour beforehand. It was a little cool out and this kept my cock much smaller (if that is possible) than usual. It was tiny and standing straight up almost like the little guy was giving a salute to non-stop walkers going by. Because of the way the waves were coming in they all had a dazzling view of my little head trying to work its way through the fabric.
If you have a moment please take a look at the two new items under the “Male Chastity” section at Koalaswim.com. A very cool new type of plug and what I’m sure will be a very popular new cock cage.
The new Sheer lady Gear micro shorts were the hot shot seller of the holiday weekend. We were a little surprised by how many of these new micro shorts we shipped yesterday after the long weekend. I knew they were going to be a great selling design because they are so fucking hot (excuse my French). The Male Room is still the hottest seller of all the new designs, actually in the last week and half it has been our best-selling design period.
If you have not had a chance to visit Koalaswim.com now is the time to do it!
All the new designs were just added to the Koalaswim.com today! It would have been great to have had them up a few weeks ago but at least they are there now and ready to ship on Monday. Please take a look and let me know what you think of the suits and the new models.
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Koala Men’s Swim, fun and workout wear.

Here are some photos of Chris showing off in Koalaswim.com micro suits.
A couple photos today and more coming.
Men’s Swimwear
I had the afternoon off today and even though there were thunder storms in parts of LA the beach was looking great. Other than people walking and running I had it to myself with just a handful of other sun bathers enjoying themselves. A nice little thong was my swimsuit of choice today. After a nice little nap I decided to try some yoga moves to see if they would help my mostly healed back. Yoga while wearing a thong on the beach is almost as perfect as doing it naked but without the possibility of being thrown in jail. I was near the surf which was pounding, making perfect sounds for doing a meditative workout. My Cobra and Downward Dog pose felt wonderful with a gentle breeze blowing and my Happy Baby must have been an interesting sight for the folks walking and running by. I went for about a half an hour and my back did feel great! More beach yoga wearing a thong is going to be a definite addition to my workout routine.
See all the new Male Chastity cages and cock rings at koalaswim.com
I am always excited to try on our new designs and like they say there is nothing like the first time! The fact is I am blown away by virtually everything we make if I was not it would never get to production. Koalaswim.com is first and for most a labor of love. If we were not making these designs I would be out there trying to find a seamstress capable of creating these extreme fashions from my dreams, a very difficult and expensive journey. There are times when the excitement is over the top and borderline orgasm inducing. That is the case for a new suit that I tried on a few days ago. Created in matt black rubber like spandex using an Ass Spark to keep it together (my favorite Ass Spark for product testing is the Tear Drop. It offers deep penetration but is very easy for me or the ladies to slip in when everyone is watching) The pouch on this design was stunning and with its sexy thong rear I would not think twice about wearing it on a public beach in fact I can’t wait to can my hands on one of my own so I can do just that!
Ramblings from Michael David