I hope everyone has had a chance to see the new chastity and cock ring gear at koalaswim.com. Right out of the gate the best seller has been the Lord of the Cock Rings. Yes it was named after one of my favorite multi part movies but if you see this ring with its massive weight and size you will understand that no other name would have worked as well.
The weather report says 72 on Saturday and 80 on Sunday! Wow that is some crazy weather for this time of the year. Those are the numbers for the beach this weekend in Southern California. My guess is we will be seeing lots of men and women wearing very little at my favorite Venice Beach spot I will surely be one of them. Earlier this week I got some quality sun time near our office wearing my micro bikini but since it was just a lunch hour or so break it was just me by my tan little self.
Last week I did a post on the Koalaswim blog about working on my ass. The first week has passed with a ton of ass work. It is not my imagination; the muscles are starting to bulge. Can’t wait to see how they look in six or seven weeks maybe like some of the Brazilian girls at my gym with big round butts.
Come on by and check out the caged cocks in some of the hottest male chastity cages on the planet! This is the largest addition we have ever made to the Male Chastity section of Koalaswim. There are so many amazing devices I don’t know where to start. This would be one long post if I talked about all of them so let me point out a few special ones near and dear to my cock. The Bull Dozer is insane, the Incorruptible is erotic and sensual and the Tiny Jail is pure torture. These are just a few of the twenty or so new styles including some very cool ruff cock play gear. Take a look and let me know what you think!
Michael David
Male Chastity
Don’t forget about the August Newsletter Sale
I did an extremely intense beach walk in deep sand the other day wearing a pair of our new sport pouch tights. The tights I was wearing were a pair of matt black spandex (coming soon) and a spandex compression top. It was a very athletic look with a wonderful tight exposed bulge. Needless to say I would never wear undies with my tights I want at least some penis shape to show through. My workout lasted over two hours and I went for miles in the deep sand. There were a lot of people at the beach for this time of year. I worked my way to the Santa Monica pier where I stopped to get a bottle of water. It was cool out and lots of women were wearing tights but I was the only guy in them. They are extremely sexy but still athletic looking enough to use in with the hundreds of people there and there were no funny looks just some nice smiles.
I have included some photos that might have got me arrested at the beach but was just fine in the office. Sometimes a man needs to get in touch with his feminine side. It is hard to get more feminine then this. Suit is a Gender Bender.

Men’s Swimwear and male to female transformation designs.

Here are some photos of Chris showing off in Koalaswim.com micro suits.
A couple photos today and more coming.
Men’s Swimwear
Ramblings from Michael David