Salute of the small beach penis. New chastity gear from Koala.



I did a little beach clean-up on my own Saturday afternoon. The beach was actually very clean but I managed to get some of the small stuff like foam and cigarette butts that the truck normally misses. It would be amazing if each of us could do this once in a while at your favorite beach, lake or park. Maybe we could get a trend going. The beach weather was a bit mixed during the day, cloudy which is perfect for cleaning the beach though the beach gods allowed me to bask in the sun for an hour beforehand. It was a little cool out and this kept my cock much smaller (if that is possible) than usual. It was tiny and standing straight up almost like the little guy was giving a salute to non-stop walkers going by. Because of the way the waves were coming in they all had a dazzling view of my little head trying to work its way through the fabric.


If you have a moment please take a look at the two new items under the “Male Chastity” section at A very cool new type of plug and what I’m sure will be a very popular new cock cage.

Hey that’s Koala!

Hey that’s Koala!


Yesterday was a typical perfect Summer day in Los Angeles but lucky for me it came in early Fall. I decided to have lunch at the beach since earlier I had a meeting with one of our Fabric vendors downtown. It was so nice that my hour lunch turned into almost three hours. The night before I had shaved my legs and what little chest hair I had mostly because I love the male feminine look but also because I knew there was a chance of hitting the beach. My suit of choice was the Lucky Girl which is one of our best styles for exposing lip, no I did not use the metal anal stretcher though I have used them at the beach in the past, I was not going for the total slut look. Amazing for a Wednesday there were people on the beach, guess that is what almost 80 degrees in the Fall will do. Three girls nearby were wearing Thongs and there was one man in a bikini another had his running shorts made into a bikini, it was kind of sexy. When I go feminine I am proud of it but I do realize that from a few yards away I appear female especially with my body oiled up. There were more guys around me in no time.  The waves were large and I was not going to swim but I did wade in the water enjoying the rush of salt water over my body. From over my shoulder, I noticed a guy walking towards me. A young nice looking guy in very tight little shorts (not Koala but the world is not always perfect) He walked right up to me and asked if I was wearing Koala, yes I was and wondered how he knew. I’m a fan and I wear Koala too. We chatted and off he went on his way never knowing that I’m with Koala. If you are the guy I met, you have a great ass! Hope this made you smile.


Men’s Swimwear

It’s fixed and it’s better than ever!

It’s fixed and it’s better than ever!

Sorry about this last weekend I know a lot of people had issues trying to place orders with their credit cards not being accepted. Our shopping cart is by Big Commerce one of the largest and most secure providers in the market place. We were updating to their newest fastest checkout page and some of our credit card processing did not move with it. That is all fixed now and everything is working great, faster and easier than ever! We have also added the Amazon Pay option (Hooray!) for all you  400,000,000 Amazon users out there. I have used Amazon Pay to checkout on many others sites and thought it was awesome. We are extremely excited to now have this option at

If you haven’t checked it out yet make sure to take a look at the Newsletter Sale for some of the best deals of the year. Make note: if you order ANY three sale suits you will receive a FREE surprise suit included with your order!


All the guys must be watching the NFL on Sunday because it seemed like it was only me and tons of girls at the beach where it was close to 90 degrees out. Lots of thongs and lots of Brazilian style bikinis on some very large and lovely rears. I actually was one of them choosing to wear a Brazilian style bikini, but of course a micro, micro front.

The Following day, Thongs Galore.



God I love thongs. I love them on men and I love them on women. It must be one of the sexiest things you can put on your body. The other day I was literally in a cluster of mostly women but some men too wearing thongs myself included. I decided to change things up from my usual suit and went with a Surfer Boy Thong. It did not start off as a cluster in fact when I arrived there was just one girl on the beach wearing a thong and then tons of other folks in less risqué wear surrounding us. I decided to set up near her but not on top of her. Within an hour there were at least eight of us in thongs all right next to each other, what a beautiful sight. Not much interaction just some hellos down near the water and of course talking about how beautiful it was out. The girl who was in the area first was absolutely stunning. She was in her mid thirties with a beautiful face and an incredible body. She had long legs and a bubble butt most men and women would dream of having let alone playing with. The few times we made eye contact it was all smiles and I waived hello to her. That was it until she decided to put on a little show. She must have needed to stretch and show off that body to someone and that someone was me. She did a full program of stretching and I must say she was stunning from every angle. You need to have a lot more confidence than I have to be able to do those stretches in a thong and showing just about everything that can be seen depending on the angel. It was twenty minutes of pure beauty. Afterwards she sat down started to get her things together, removed her top without a care about who was looking and slipped on a t-shirt dress. In the old days that sequence might have been enough to keep me hard for the rest of the day but these days I was more than happy to feel my equipment trying hard to escape its pouch. She left looking like the goddess she was and gave me a smile with a waive good by, God I love the beach so.



Men’s Swimwear

Sorry I missed posting the last couple of weeks! Fun beach story.



I have been so busy remodeling our offices, making sure every order gets shipped on time and what seems to be non-stop running around that the summer seems to have flown by. We were so busy I did not get a chance to take a vacation at all but I did manage to get some very good quality beach time in.

Our offices are completely done and we are humming along nicely not to mention much more efficiently. All this should allow me to start posting regularly again. Not sure if this coming weekend is going to offer much beach worthy weather but I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Last weekend was absolutely perfect beach weather. Sunday was a particularly nice day because I met a new very sexy friend. I never like to get right on top of people when looking for a spot to tan, I like my space and I respect other peoples space that said if people choose to park right next to me when I’m obviously as close to nude as one can be without being nude, I’m cool with that. I had a feeling it was going to be a nice weekend for people watching. It started Saturday with a young European couple parked right next to my spandex buddy and myself. Both of us were wearing micro thongs .Some of the time we end up other guys hanging around us, guys into seeing us in our tiny swimsuits. More often than not girls wearing swimsuits almost as small end up close by, this is something I have noticed for many years. Back to the couple: This couple could not have been out of their twenties, he was thin with a nice tone body wearing spandex shorts, nothing too sexy but it was showing a slight bulge. His girlfriend was wearing a little black bikini with some cheek showing…nice. They went down to the water and were having a good time, very sensual play, no kids around so why not.  Back on their towels I noticed them looking at us so I waived and she walked over. Is it OK to go topless here she said in a thick Eastern European accent? It’s OK with me I said but added that it’s not legal but the worst I have seen is the police asking girls to put their tops back on. She thanked me and dropped her top off the second she was back at her towel. She was stunning. The police seemed to be rolling by more often than usual my guess is to check out those lovely breasts because they never stopped to say boo.  Maybe our boys are starting to grow up?


Continued next post


Men’s Swimwear

Lazy and ready for the beach

Last weekend in LA was a blowout with both Saturday and Sunday being completely overcast. This long Labor Day weekend promises to offer some great beach days. It is hotter than hell and at our offices in Chatsworth (the northern most part of Los Angeles) it has been averaging right about 112 degrees. That is ridiculous heat, way too hot for me to being out getting sun. The beaches on the other hand have been running in the high 70s to low 80s. That is perfect weather to strap on a micro swimsuit over my little cock and head down to the beach. I have plans with friends for Saturday and Sunday. I hope to get something going for Monday too. I don’t consider Labor Day the end of summer since we get great beach days through October and some of the nicest beach days even later in the year. That said I hope my spandex friends everywhere will be hitting the beach wearing as little as possible in big numbers! In some areas it is the last call to show off how little you will dare to wear.

All this talk of relaxing has got me feeling a little lazy. While I’m busy typing this blog post on a lovely blazing hot Friday morning (I would much rather be at the beach) I should be taking all the August sale suits offline but I just don’t feel like doing it today so I’m going to let them run until Tuesday! Make sure to find some special treasures for yourself. Remember Fall and Winter are on their way and nothing feels better then a Koala suit under your jeans to make you feel special and sexy all day long!


The last few days of our huge summer sale, it’s been extended due to an extreme case of laziness on my part.

We are in for another heat wave.



When it gets hot at the beach it generally gets hot with the beach crowd. I love seeing all the people wearing so little clothing. I know the girls are better at it than the boys but I will be out there doing my share trying to wear the smallest suit, man or woman of anyone in Southern California. I would love to know other guys are doing the same. Let’s make the last weekend of August the most micro weekend of the year. Let’s give those hot girls wearing next to nothing a run for the money. Pick one of your favorite Koala swimsuits and hit the beach. I would love to see a big turnout at MDR in SoCal but no matter where you are if the weather is nice make sure to take advantage of it and go as micro as you dare!




Make sure to hook up with the last days of August Koala Newsletter Sale

Ramblings from Michael David