Enjoying the New Year.

Happy New Year!



The end 2016 went off with a bang for us as one of the busiest weeks of the year and the first few days of 2017 has been amazing. One of the reasons is we figured out many of the people on our mailing list did not receive the December Koala Newsletter. They did not see the sale suits and were not informed of the new designs being added to the site. We corrected the problem with our e-mail system and resent all the e-mails. Lot’s of the sale suits are already out of stock in some sizes or in total but there were so many designs on sale that we still have a nice selection. Since many customers just received the mailing we are going to keep the sale running another two weeks.


I hope you all had a wonderful New Year’s celebration. Mine was low-key with friends and family which is the way I like it to be. As I type this I am at work wearing a sexy pair of compression tights walking at my treadmill desk and enjoying the feel of spandex on my body. I hope 2017 brings you great health, happiness and lots of opportunities to enjoy the feel of spandex on your body.


Michael David


Koala Men’s swimwear

The shorts have it.



The new Sheer lady Gear micro shorts were the hot shot seller of the holiday weekend. We were a little surprised by how many of these new micro shorts we shipped yesterday after the long weekend. I knew they were going to be a great selling design because they are so fucking hot (excuse my French). The Male Room is still the hottest seller of all the new designs, actually in the last week and half it has been our best-selling design period.

If you have not had a chance to visit Koalaswim.com now is the time to do it!


What’s hot for the holidays?



Wearing spandex is hot all year around. Is it cold where you are? If so how about a sexy pair of tights. You can choose from soft and stretchy Supplex or steamy hot wet look spandex. Maybe a great looking bulge set of tights to show off your small, medium or large cock in time for your next run or workout. Want to try something truly exotic than you might want to slip on a pair of our male to female transformation tights and see how hot a vagina looks on your supple body. There are either a lot of guys who are planning vacations to warm and sunny destinations or more likely you are into wearing sexy spandex no matter what time of the year as am I. The new collection is out and the runaway best seller is the Male Room. The next two hot designs are in a neck and neck tie for second place: the Perfection Micro Shorts and The Pink Lips. I actually thought that the Pink Lips would be the best selling new design since its style and effect are fantastic but that hot scrunch Butt style is lighting up the sales charts.

It’s holiday time don’t forget to treat yourself to something special, something sexy, something that we make you feel wonderful all year around, you deserve it. Of course I’m talking about picking out a new spandex design the one Santa was to shy to get for you.


Men’s swimwear, tights, micro shorts, male chastity gear and so much more.



Off to an early lead!!!



The Male Room has jumped off the starting line and is by far the best selling of the new designs for the first two days the new suits have been online. If you have not checked it yet make sure to take a look. There is still another week or so of the December Koala Newsletter with the biggest sale we have ever offered and at the lowest prices to boot! Make sure to check out the newsletter before the sale items are gone.


I might need to squeeze one more beach day in this year. It has been cold here the last couple weeks but today is looking good and tomorrow might just be close to a perfect 72 degrees. To make things even better I just might have a meeting tomorrow that gets me very close to the beach around lunch time. I’m not sure I can think of many things better than having lunch on the sand wearing a micro thong and getting some sun on a late December day.


Koala Tights in public



I took my puppy running at the college today wearing a tank top, sweat shirt (it’s in the 60s today) and a pair of Pinnacle Ballistic Sport Tights in matt grey Supplex spandex. As most of the blog readers know I would never ruin the lines of our tights by wearing any sort of underwear other than a G-string or thong though my preference is just the tights and that’s what I did. Again as most of you know my cock is rather small and the cold weather does not make it look any bigger but I slipped on an Ultra Sheath silicone cock ring, one of my favorites and right up there as one of the most comfortable. My cock, the cock ring and the tailored pouch of the tights made a very presentable bulge, nothing large enough to scare anyone but big enough to be mildly noticed. Lots of running and power walking all the while feeling great in my spandex tights.



Koala newsletter

The kick ass sale suits are going fast!

Going all out at the gym



If you are anything like me on occasion you decide to do something completely crazy on the spur of the moment without much thought behind it. Sometimes it works out great and the experience is amazing while other times not so much. Yesterday I was working out with some gym buddies and two of the girls in our group wanted to swim laps then take a dip in the Jacuzzi. I had a few suits in my car so I agreed to join them. Both girls know I am in the swimwear business and have seen me wearing micro shorts in the pool. When I went out to my car and looked for a swimsuit one in particular jumped out at me it was the Spicy Girl. Immediately and without much thought I decided to wear it, a total feminizing bikini at my very busy gym. Once I got back to the locker room I started having second thoughts. The locker area is always crowded with guys and there was no way I was going to slip on a tiny bikini that made my cock pussy like in front of all these men. I decided to undress and put everything in the locker and wrap a towel around me. I figured you need to rinse your hair before you go into the pool so I went into the shower rinsed my hair and slipped on the Spicy Girl there. Once I had the suit on I needed to walk to the pool past a lot of people. I just wrapped the towel around me and walked out to the pool, something I see many guys and girls do. Once by the pool my gym buddies were waiting and wondering what type of swimsuit I would be wearing. I decided to give them a little warning of what I was wearing which just made them more eager to see it. Neither one could believe how completely my bikini bottom me look like a girl one even said mouth gapping open where did your penis go? Once in the pool I was completely comfortable but still aware that many ladies and a couple guys gave me confused looks while other might have assumed I was wearing a very small Speedo. Speedos are popular at the pool and I guess with enough rear coverage this suit could pass as one but oh what a thrill it is to have that wickedly sexy front pussy look pouch. Once we were in the Jacuzzi everyone was chatty with no undue attention my gym buddy girls loved it and were blown away that a design like this existed. I have to do it again soon.


The Koala Newsletter Sale is still going strong! This is your chance to try some new styles at prices that will never be repeated.

Getting in a sexy workout



It’s beautiful out but too cold to hit the beach wearing a micro bikini so I decided to do a beach walk on Sunday in the sand. I hurt my back the other day playing basketball so a run was out of the question but I still wanted to get in a good sweat. In addition I also wanted to look hot doing it my exhibitionist side was pushing me to go sexy. If it was warmer I think I would have slipped on a Clever Girl thong with a short sweat shirt one small enough to show the entire suit but I opted to go with the small sweatshirt and a pair of Pinnacle Girl Power Tights. I was completely in the mood to go ultra femme and there is little doubt that the Girl Power Tights are the most attention getting of our femme style leggings done up in a matt wet look almost rubber like spandex finish. The pussy bulge these tights show off is exceptional and as feminine as a man can be and still have a (maybe or maybe not in spectators eyes) penis, a penis that has been completely erased and recreated into a vagina. I walked for miles in the sand getting a hell of a workout. Most of the people on the beach this time of year are other women working out while most of the men seem to be watching the football games. I talked to a few ladies I had a lot of interesting looks and smiles and I finished up with some stretching on the beach. As I was stretching I had a chat with a yoga girl I see down there all the time, both of us standing by the surf both in tights and both looking very feminine to all the people going by. What a great way to spend a couple hours.


Have you seen the Koala Newsletter Sale? The prices are our lowest ever and the selection is the largest (though we are running out of some styles and sizes). Make sure you end up with the holiday gifts you really crave and keep in mind we can drop ship gifts to your special friends (only the best boys deserve Koala!)

Huge Koala December Newsletter Sale Update and information!!!!



First for those who have not yet had a chance to check out our biggest sale ever with the lowest prices we have ever offered here is the link: Koala Sale

Make the holidays absolutely amazing with your favorite spandex designs and make sure to try something new!

We have been getting non-stop e-mails with questions about the sale so I thought I might take a moment to explain what is happening. We are discontinuing the largest number of designs ever. This is for two reasons 1: we are out of space and we need to make room for new items on there way. 2: is our production capacity is such that we are finding it difficult to get new collections to market while still trying to fill backorders for such a huge selection of designs so we decided to concentrate on the new styles and keep the very best selling designs as stock items. This means we are clearing out a lot of styles our customers and I love. Once we are out of a size that option will be removed from the site and that is why sometimes you can choose a style but not find your size. Some of the items we are already completely out of even though the sale has been on for just a few days. If you select a style and nothing goes to your cart you know it is no longer available. It is hard for me personally to let go of many of these designs that I have enjoyed immensely but there really is no other choice and at least I know Koala customers will get to enjoy them at amazing deals to boot.


Michael David


Ramblings from Michael David