It’s beautiful out but too cold to hit the beach wearing a micro bikini so I decided to do a beach walk on Sunday in the sand. I hurt my back the other day playing basketball so a run was out of the question but I still wanted to get in a good sweat. In addition I also wanted to look hot doing it my exhibitionist side was pushing me to go sexy. If it was warmer I think I would have slipped on a Clever Girl thong with a short sweat shirt one small enough to show the entire suit but I opted to go with the small sweatshirt and a pair of Pinnacle Girl Power Tights. I was completely in the mood to go ultra femme and there is little doubt that the Girl Power Tights are the most attention getting of our femme style leggings done up in a matt wet look almost rubber like spandex finish. The pussy bulge these tights show off is exceptional and as feminine as a man can be and still have a (maybe or maybe not in spectators eyes) penis, a penis that has been completely erased and recreated into a vagina. I walked for miles in the sand getting a hell of a workout. Most of the people on the beach this time of year are other women working out while most of the men seem to be watching the football games. I talked to a few ladies I had a lot of interesting looks and smiles and I finished up with some stretching on the beach. As I was stretching I had a chat with a yoga girl I see down there all the time, both of us standing by the surf both in tights and both looking very feminine to all the people going by. What a great way to spend a couple hours.
Have you seen the Koala Newsletter Sale? The prices are our lowest ever and the selection is the largest (though we are running out of some styles and sizes). Make sure you end up with the holiday gifts you really crave and keep in mind we can drop ship gifts to your special friends (only the best boys deserve Koala!)
The October Newsletter is being mailed out tonight but here is your link to it and its live now!
Link to the October Koala Newsletter and One of our biggest sales of the year.
It looks like we are going to do the photo shoot for the new male chastity products and the wonderful new Strap-on simulated vagina this week. The Vagina is a truly amazing design that I am very excited about sharing with you. I hope to be able to show it being used at least that is the game plan.
I am now working on the copy for the new swimwear designs that we hope to have online in 4-6 weeks. I tried them all on the other day and they are wonderful creations. One of my favorites is a beach bikini with a sensuous and very dramatic curved penis shaft display. This is a full coverage wear anywhere bikini that just so happens to show off the fully covered shaft in a perfect downward facing skin tight covered pouch. As I was writing this I started to day dream about wearing this suit and having my shaft toyed with, kissed and teased until I was ready to burst the seam.
I will try to add some photos this week of me trying on some of the designs.
I’m trying Twitter again. A friend told me he was keeping in touch with his customers and even offering specials here and there. I figured why not give it a try. Follow me and I will follow you. (Wasn’t that a Genesis song?)
Nude beaches are just amazing and Blacks Beach is one of the most beautiful you will ever see. Located near San Diego it is something every guy into micro swimwear should check out. The times I have gone I enjoy wearing a tiny G-string and then stripping down to nothing. It seems like our friend Frank enjoys doing the same. Please send in your photos at the beach, lake, pool, bedroom, snow, you name it. I love posting photos of men in spandex. [email protected]
The tights have been a major pain in the ass. The production has required more work than we could have imagined which has left us way behind on the introduction of the new designs. I am so happy it is not a life or death issue. I have said this many times but since I know almost everything is in stock it should only take another two week to have everything completed. With 20/20 hindsight now seeing how late the production of the tights has been I would have shot the swimsuit and fetish wear portion of the new collection in December and did a separate shoot for the tights. Oh well life goes on.
Make sure to check out the February Koala newsletter lots of sale suits and male chastity devices.
Franks favorite swimsuit the Koala Ballz.
Frank your ass, legs and cock look amazing! Keep up the good work.

Black Saturday? The December Koala Newsletter is posted here.
I hope you find the December Koala Newsletter full of articles of interest geared to your inner spandex freak. I have touched upon the range of gear from cock displays to male transformation to wearing suits with butt plugs and so much more. We decided to get into the holiday business spirit and have made the sale section the largest of the year. I think you might just find some of your most favorite gifts right here! Enjoy.
Link To the December Koala Newsletter
My guess is you will find your favorite gifts right here!
The last summer sale! Click here to see the August Koala Newsletter and our awesome summer sale!
This last weekend offered some of the best beach days of the summer. There were tons of people, decent waves for body surfing in bikinis, interesting friends and hot long days. Saturday I spent time with an old beach friend. She came over to chat and asked if I was still in the swimwear business. Yes I said still selling the tiniest micro swimwear for men just like the one I am wearing. I like it she said and asked if she could bring her things over and camp out next to me. Absolutely I said. What’s up with the bikini I asked knowing that she almost always wears a G-string. Nothings up she said as she peeled it off to expose a very tiny G-string. She pulled off her tank exposing her nice breasts. Going topless I asked? No way she said and told me her friend got a $150.00 ticket last week for going topless after being warned a first time to put her top on. We hung out and had a blast body surfing all afternoon. Sunday I went down with a bunch of girlfriends. I had more than enough sun on Saturday but still needed more water time. I decide to wear a pair of Spanked Shorts. The girls that knew me asked why I was wearing so much clothing and the ones that did not seemed to always be peeking and my nice full pouch secretly kept nice and full by the hidden cock ring.
It is warming up in Los Angeles and there have been some nice beach days this last week with more coming this week ( I will try to sneak away for a few hours). I had a chance to spend a couple of my lunch breaks around the pool lounging in my micro bikini. I met some new neighbors whom I am pretty sure had never seen a man wearing such a tiny swimsuit with a nice round plump little bulge. My Yoga is coming along nicely and since the production of our new collection is taking longer than I would like the stress reduction is wonderful. All my yoga workouts are performed wearing some very tiny skin tight shorts. Doing yoga in these little shorts is giving me great ideas of how to make some truly stellar yoga short shorts. Funny thing about working out in a very crowded yoga class wearing spandex shorts and no undies is that if your penis moves you cannot adjust it without people seeing, in my case I just leave it where it is. I have not had an erection yet but my shaft moved to the side and you could see the entire little guy pressed into the spandex. The yoga instructor came by and made an adjustment with her hand on my waist almost touching the shaft. I guess what she does to the girls she does to the boys. The position I was in was so difficult (for me) that the only thoughts in my brain were holding the pose and noticing how much I was sweating. Glad it did not get hard, even I might have been embarrassed! I have a feeling this summer will be the best yet for viewing men wearing thongs, bikinis and G-strings here in Southern California based on what I have seen at the beach so far this year. As I was typing this I stopped to call my girls in production to see when everything would be in stock. It is Tuesday as I post this and they told me by Friday I would have all the new styles for sure. I wanted to double check and make sure we could go ahead and set up a photo shoot for next week. If you have not had a chance to take a look at the April Koala Newsletter now is a great time. The sale runs for just another handful of days.
Ramblings from Michael David