I am inspired by all the great asses I have seen and continue to see at the Olympic Games! Yes there are amazing men’s asses and women’s asses too but like with most things we see it is mostly women’s asses that are exposed. Both the men and women have such amazingly beautiful bodies I wish they would go old school, I mean really old school and hold the games with the athletes totally nude, Could you imagine how viewership would go up, I know I would never leave the TV. Seeing the Volleyball players in Brazilian style bikinis get’s my creative juices flowing and is giving me ideas for new designs.
I had a great day at the beach on Sunday and in addition made some new friends. On busy summer days it is impossible to get a spot away from the crowds but I do my best not to get a spot around tons of kids. It is almost impossible to get any R & R with crying babies and little ones running around so I try to grab the least crowded spot I can find. I got to the beach yesterday and the clouds were still burning off so it was not totally packed yet but it was warm out. Got my spot, stripped down to my micro and started working on my tan. In no time there were lots of couples around me, guys and guys, guys and girls and girls and girls. There were lots of thongs and string bikinis on the girls and a couple of guys wearing full back bikinis. I got a quick nap in but was awakened by a very noisy group of people walking by. Please no kids I thought to myself, I love kids but needed some relaxation after a tuff week. The happy group ended up being two guys and five girls all Brazilians here on vacation. Brazilian men and women really are great looking! It was all thongs on the girls and form fitting spandex shorts on the men. I started talking to the girls while taking a dip in the water, no waves so no bodysurfing unfortunately. They invited me to come over and sit with them which turned out to be a blast. Such fun and exciting people and so relaxed about their bodies and mine.
Last night we did a male chastity shoot and boy is my little cock sore today. Trying on so many cock cages gets me so aroused, just not when I am wearing the cages. Lucky for me I had a happy ending after we were finished which eased the pain quite a bit but those anti release rings sure are scary. Do any of you notice how big your loads are after having your cock locked away for hours on end? All the gear ended up looking great and one of the new cock cages is by far the smallest I have ever found. For you more endowed boys we even have some new cages for your ample cocks! All the new male chastity gear and a couple extremely cool new cock rings should be online in a week or so. It’s Friday afternoon and the only thing I can think about is getting to the beach in the morning and getting wet any way I can. I hope you have a chance to get wet too this weekend.
Every once in a while I get very lucky. Lucky in that I end up around a bunch of other people wearing thongs and bikinis. Saturday was just one of those very special days so special I needed to check the calendar to make sure it was not National Thong Day or something along those lines. I got to the beach which was already on the crowded side with a girlfriend of mine, one that likes wearing extremely skimpy swimwear like me she might just be a female version of me. We grabbed what looked to be a nice spot with lots of couples and spread out which turned out to be thong gold. There was a guy across from us in a thong, right in front of us was a very pregnant woman with her husband and a little one and she was rocking a thong looking very sexy, young girls galore with at least fifty percent wearing thongs and the balance wearing nothing larger than a Brazilian cut bikini. There was lots of exposed cheek to go around. A little later in the day we had a group of German tourist camp out next to use and all the guys were wearing bikinis, young guys with nice bodies and very well hung to boot you could see their nice large cocks right through the suits, something I can’t relate to. Some summer days are more perfect than others and this was one of them!
There is a workout for my tiny penis later this week. I get to do the male chastity photo shoot with all the new products. Should be slightly painful but fun!
Now that that’s done I’m off to pump some iron followed by a day at the beach. I here the surf is up and I’m sure the bikinis and thongs will be out in full force including mine.
We grabbed a nice spot and I could tell Jake was starting to relax and get into the adventure that is wearing spandex. I’m sure you remember your first time and if it was anything like mine you could not keep your cock from getting and staying hard the entire time or at least when you were not busy rinsing off all that pre-cum. (something that still happens to me every now and then). Last post as in many, you read that I prefer being around girls when grabbing my rays, I find them always to be the most relaxing group of people to be around. Unfortunately for Jake we ended up getting one of my least favorite groups. I hate to generalize but teenage to early twenties surfers can be a pain and we ended up with a big group of them right next to us. It actually surprised me that so many young men would set up within a few feet of us, so close they had a wonderful and fairly close up view of my pouch between spread legs on my back and on my tummy not to mention my total ass and Jakes cute micro shorts. The fact is I am cool with anyone that chooses to camp out near us and I would never cover up but I could tell Jake was extremely uncomfortable. If he had a baggy pair of surf shorts he definitely would have changed immediately. The interesting thing is that these very handsome surfer boys were nice, all smiles and good cheer. Who knows maybe they were a group of gay surfers but either way too young for us. We hung out most of the day and by the end Jake told me he enjoyed wearing his new suit. Just wait until I get you into a thong!
The following day could not have been more different but maybe there is a lesson in it. I spent Sunday at the beach to get away from the heat and smoke, another perfect day at the beach. I picked an area not as packed as most but still ended up with a bunch of people around me. Obviously they see how little I am wearing and if that bothers them I’m sure they would choose another spot. Based on my interactions lately I would say that is one hundred percent on target. I ended up with another group that in the past I have been less than thrilled with. Teenage girls, middle teens but again my predisposed notions turned out to be wrong. There were four girls five feet away directly in front of me. The first thing I noticed was how skimpy their swimsuits were. Brazilian cuts and thongs, kids have become much more daring in their swimwear choices but then I remembered I would wear the same at their age, for a young guy that really was daring. Yes they giggle a lot, they stare a lot and I’m sure they took more than a few photos on their phones but the fact was they were sweet and respectful. I might have to reclassify or doing away with prejudging groups of people based on gender, age, sport or everything.
It was smoking hot in LA this last weekend with a combination of extreme heat and huge amounts of smoke and ash all over the place from a huge fire just north of us.. The only part of the city not hit by that mess might have been the beach so that is where I headed with a buddy on Saturday. My friend Jake had never had on a sexy swimsuit but I talked him into wear a pair of Man Heaven Shorts and I went micro with a pair of Ballz. Heading to the beach there was so much smoke we almost turned around but I talked him into taking a look. As it turned out the only clear place in the city was the beach but literally a block off the water it was smoky. There was just enough of a breeze to keep the smoke at bay and to cool it off slightly. It was still one of the hottest days on memory for me, so hot I got a blister on my toe from the sand, that is something that never happens to my beach proof feet. Needless to say the beach was packed and Jake being a little shy made us walk a while until we found a relatively un-populated spot. I didn’t have the heart to tell him it would not be that way for long. He looked so cute in those shorts but I could tell he was not completely confident about wearing them, I told him in no time I will be having him wearing swimsuits as tiny as mine. Most of the readers of the men’s swimwear blog know that I prefer to layout around women because they are the most at ease with me wearing just about nothing. As it turned out Jakes first day wearing sexy swimwear would not be that way.
After all these years I am still blown away by how much more comfortable women at the beach are in their own skin. Now as you know I love seeing people of all shapes and sizes wearing micro swimwear, to me it is more about the thrill that they have taken the plunge, male or female. The other day I was on my favorite beach and like all very hot summer days the beach was packed. There were a couple Spanish speaking girls right next to me wearing hybrid thong G-strings. The flat of the back is partially covered but the ass is fully exposed. These women were plump, not fat but very healthy. I am in awe of how easily they were moving through the crowds with just about everything exposed. They were playing in the water and taking a walks on the beach. You could see by looking at them there was not an ounce of self consciousness, not one once. I can’t tell you how wonderful I think that is and I wish I had their confidence. Just because there is a small penis under my little bulge seems to hold me back at least a little bit. I guess I’m still a work in progress.
I try to sit near a lifeguard station when I am swimming alone, it makes good sense. On Sunday my lifeguard station was manned by a beautiful young girl. Face and body were just amazing and best of all her bikini bottoms were so small at least 50% of her lovely ass was showing. On the other hand 100% of my not nearly as lovely ass was exposed. Being a summer Sunday I expected the beach to be super busy but it really was not very crowded. It was mostly a female crowd and I think I might have been the only micro suit that day at least in my little area. I was standing by the surf getting ready to go in when she walked over and said the currents and rips were still on the strong side. I thanked her but said I can deal with those then asked her about the Sting Rays. Do I need to do the shuffle I asked? For those of you not familiar with the shuffle we move forward pushing our toes under the sand in hopes of scaring off a Sting Ray if it is there rather than stepping on it and getting stung it will swim off. She told me the water was warm and there had been more Ray stings so the shuffle was a great idea. We talked about the surf and how busy the beach was on some weekends just small talk but standing there almost nude was a turn on itself. No doubt she has seen lots of guys wearing bikinis, thongs and G-strings at Venice beach some maybe as tiny as mine, after all years ago Venice was a legal nude beach and of all the beaches in LA Venice seems to draw the most extreme swimwear designs male and female. While we were talking she kind of gave me the once over look almost like I was a girl. No boyfriend today was her next comment. Maybe she thought she had seen me before with a friend but I thought to myself I would have noticed her in a second. It must just be that old default of assuming guys wearing these tiny swimsuits must be gay. Just going with the flow I said I left him at home. I went into the surf and she stood there watching for a while making sure I was safe that or waiting to see if my little swimsuit cam off. I can’t wait to see her again. My boyfriend might be Jealous,