We have a bunch of new male chastity devices coming online in the next few days. As many of you know we consider koalaswim.com as having the largest selection of male chastity devices on the planet. I don’t know that it is absolutely true but I have never found another company anywhere offering anywhere close the selection we have. I love wearing male chastity devices almost as much as I enjoy spandex, almost. There is something so sensual about putting on a cock cage for the first time and falling in love with the way it feels. Keep your eyes peeled to the site so you can be one of the first to see our ten new male chastity cock cages. So many different designs and so many different styles we are bound to have a few that you will crave. Also coming next week will be a very cool new triple cock ring and an extremely hot combination stainless steel butt plug with a pull out flow plug. I hope you enjoy the new close up cock photos and our cute helper. There is actually news on new swimwear and femme wear designs. We are in production with the new designs. We kept having delays on production because our core styles are selling so well that there has been no down time in our LA based factory to add any additional production. We are bringing in more seamstresses to get us up and humming along on the new styles. Keep checking the blog for more updates to come.
Men’s swimwear, Male chastity gear and so much more!
When we are creating new designs often we try building upon styles that are both interesting and popular. One of the design features we are into is having swimsuits with butt plug options. It’s a stimulating mix! My opinion on the subject from many customer interactions over the years is we have done our duty of getting men of all sexual identities to try anal stimulation using a butt plug and based on ordering trends once tried many are hooked, after all it does feel great. Mix that in with being able to do it in public and you have an intoxicating mix of pleasures. Our last collection of designs included the Pegging Brazil which was wildly popular. I decided to build upon that style by doing one with the same awesome bulge front but with a little less coverage in the rear, still enough coverage to wear it on any beach. I’m always excited about getting men to expand their comfort zones whether that is a swimsuit with a small plug or maybe one with a large cock shaped plug and at the other extreme going total feminine and reshaping the penis into a vagina. I have a personal story about femme style suits that I will post next time.
Newsletter sale suits
Sale 1
Sale 2
I just finished trying on a couple of new butt plug powered bikinis and they are fantastic. I believe they are so popular because both can be used as sexy bikini swimsuits without the plug but when you want to spice up your day at the beach or around the hotel pool you can mount a nice large butt plug in either of these new designs and lay around with a huge smile on your face. Maximum stimulation with total stealth, both designs are really hot. I had a couple fantastic beach days this last weekend. Total micro thong days in the sun. The funny thing about spring days at the beach here in LA is it can be breezy which it was both days and the breeze is on the cool side. That keeps lots of people away from the beach and makes parking easy as can be. The best thing of all is that these days might just be the nicest of them all. The breeze keeps you from overheating but the intense sun keeps you nice and warm.
Men’s Swimwear
Wearing one of our hidden butt plug thongsuits and a wicked pair of micro shorts. Very lovely.
Come on guys share the love. Send me your photos to post! [email protected]
The newsletter sale is going for a couple more days!

While we were doing our photo shoot the other day we started to play with a sample the manufacture sent us of a butt plug that doubles as anal jewelry. I have seen these before but never with the lovely shape of this design. I can’t begin to tell you how wonderful it felt inside of me and I liked the way the jewel looked in the photos. I ended up having a massive orgasm while it was still inside of me. This is not an item we are planning to offer unless we hear back from you boys and girls saying you would be interested. I have seen items similar to this style but they are all from China made of standard metal this one has a very unique shape and is made of stainless steel and is from the Middle East. I rarely post photos on this blog but thought I would include a couple. Let me know what you think.

Ramblings from Michael David