Wrestling Singlet’s…Just an idea. Feedback please!!!!!!!

Wrestling Singlet’s…Just an idea. Feedback please!!!!!!!


A very good customer called the other day and asked about wrestling singlet’s, those cute one piece spandex suits that the amateur wrestlers wear. I said there are a lot of companies that offer them,  his response was not with the type of bulge and Femme style pouches we make.  That is true enough and the more I thought about it the hotter the idea seemed. How about a skin tight wrestling suit with a Koala style bulge pouch or the same with a camel toe style male to female transformation pouch. I’m getting wet thinking about them.


I would like to know what you boys and girls think about that idea?

Let me know

Michael David



Check out all the new items just added to Koalaswim.com



Check out all the new items just added to the site.


There are three new neoprene swimwear designs, some very cool cock cages, some awesome anal gear and a few other items that you just might find alluring from the warped minds of Koala.


Here are links to them so you don’t have to search all over the place.

(The reason we don’t list them under a new products section on the site is that the photos would show on the main page. This would seem like a good thing but many of the items are shown being used, which means a penis or anus is being shown. While I think that is wonderful thing many of the search engines have an issue with male nudity, female nudity is no problem of course.  This is a double standard we have lived with for years.)

Back to the new items, Take a look at the links enjoy the view and feel free to order something that will make your day more interesting, enjoyable and arousing, all good things!


Michael David























Spring or Summer?

Spring or Summer?

It looks like we had a very short spring on the West Coast especially SoCal where it is absolutely blazing today. Out here it can be downright cold and cloudy in May but it is very hot today with even the beaches on the warm side. Just for the hell of it I just looked over a weather map of the United States and it looks to be nice to very hot all over the place. Al this talk of weather leads me to the obvious point that it time to get ready for a long micro swimsuit season. If you have let those bushes grow over the cold season then it is time to trim or my preference shave it all off and maybe look for some other areas to trim, shave or wax! Don’t forget your Tendskin to keep all the red bumps away. We have it in stock or you can buy it at many pharmacies or even Amazon. Make sure to keep your skin well hydrated with skin lotions and by drinking much more water.  Also keep in mind if you are checking out other guys wearing hot spandex micro suits (hopefully only Koala suits) and the pouches look extremely full, many of them might just be wearing our new Tango Penis cover/ extender. The Tango keeps you from getting the ever present wet spots we all tend to get from being so aroused wearing micro bikinis, thongs and G-strings and also gives you the additional benefit of naturally making your penis look much larger in the pouch. You will not have to dream any longer of having that extra inch at the beach.


Men’s Swimwear

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Neoprene and new product update.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Neoprene and new product update. 
It’s Sunday afternoon and I am typing away when I should be on the beach. It is 
so nice out but we are putting on a birthday party tonight so it is all chores 
around the house today with a little time to do a blog post. I was lucky enough 
to spend yesterday at the beach and it was extremely close to perfect. I have 
always said that when I sunbathe wearing one of my micro swimsuits it seems to 
attract other people wearing extreme swimsuits too. Most often it is women but 
yesterday wearing a tiny little almost nothing suit turned out to be a total man 
magnet.  Being somewhat of an exhibitionist like many of you fellow spandex 
lovers I tend to enjoy any attention my little swimsuit attracts. 
If I get enough work done today I’m sure I will be able to catch a few more rays 
one day during the week. 
I talked to the girls working on our three new neoprene swimwear designs and we 
should have full stock within the next two weeks. I guess a photo shoot is in my 
near future.  Chastity alert! We have a number of new male chastity cock cage 
designs on their way adding to what must be the largest selection of male 
chastity devices found in one place anywhere on the planet at least that is our 
goal. We have some other very interesting anal training products along with some 
very cool new cock rings coming soon too. 
Don’t forget about the Koala Newsletter Sale. It’s almost over but you still 
have time to shop!

April heat wave!

April heat wave!

Wow what an amazing beach day for myself, a few friends and thousands of other people. I can’t believe how many women are wearing thongs this early in the season, a very good sign indeed. Of course I was wearing a very tiny thong myself. I did notice other guys in bikinis and tiny short shorts but just a couple other guys wearing thongs. It must have reached about 80 degrees by the water, blazing hot for our beaches anytime of the year let alone April. I heard other people saying they thought this summer was going to be a hot one. I wonder if that means they are going to be wearing very little, I know that is what I will be doing.

I also wanted to let you now we now have the Tango cock head cover/enlarger in black and tan along with the standard clear. I was blown away by how fast we sold out of them. Lucky I reordered early and the new stock is in.


Men’s Swimwear and so much more!

New fat cock ring, cock ring engraving and info on new Neoprene suits

New fat cock ring, cock ring engraving and info on new Neoprene suits


First things first I wanted to tell you about a new very cool cock ring. It’s called the Chubby and it is think, fat, available in many sizes, made in the USA and designed to keep you nice and hard. We are offering custom engraving on most of our aluminum cock rings. You will see the option on the product page and you can order custom engraving with up to 27 letters. Make sure they know who owns that cock.

I am so excited to tell you about the three new neoprene swimwear designs we have ordered. They are custom styles made just for us and there is nothing else like them anywhere that I have found. These are truly micro bikini and thong styles with real micro bulge pouches. Two are bikinis, one a semi full back and one a Brazilian style rear both with ultra micro style bulge pouches. They are extremely hot! The day the samples came in I was prancing around all over in them. The third style is an over the top micro bulge thong with a skin tight fit I would call spectacular. We are shooting on having them available in about five weeks or so ready for summer fun.


It’s getting nice out and my ass is starting to look better.

I have actually had a chance to lay around the pool a couple of times this week during my lunch break. Mid 70s and low 80s is just about perfect weather in my book and a great way to end the month of March. I have continued doing 300 squats a day and I plan on continuing and maybe even adding to that in April. I am very motivated to make my ass look as good as possible for my favorite time of the year, Micro swimsuit season. Thought I would post a photo to show how it is coming along. It is no model’s ass but I think it is starting to get there.


Men’s Swimwear and so much more!


Youtube clips on the beach. What would you like?

I am planning to make some clips for Youtube something we have not done for years, featuring a model on the beach wearing some of our neoprene designs. I was wondering if there is anything special you would like to see. The model I will be shooting is most likely Gabriel who is the model on our site wearing the neoprene suits. He is cute and I like the way he moves and will look great on the beach. While I’m filming and taking shots I will wear something sexy too most likely femme so my little camel toe will be showing. Gabe’s cock is on the large size so I might as well show off how extremely small mine can be!



Men’s Swimwear


It’s raining and I’m all snuggled up in tights.

It’s raining and I’m all snuggled up in tights.


Like everyone else I do have my favorites but when it comes to tights it is hard to pick a favorite. If I had to choose one it would be the pair I am wearing as I type this up walking on my treadmill at work while it is pouring rain. That would be the Pinnacle My Girl Sport Tights. They are smooth and silky form fitting and though it’s not too cold today they are giving me a nice warm feeling. I don’t believe there is another pair of tights for men that can so completely transform you. The little camel toe shape these tights deliver make me look like I have the pussy of a much younger woman. That in itself is interesting since my cock has been transformed by the tights to look that way. It definitely makes working and hanging out while it rains a much more erotic experience. Next stop the gym and my all out pussy look.


Men’s Spandex Tights and Leggings


Ramblings from Michael David