New design idea

The beach was hot and busy today. After a massive workout I needed a little time to myself and did one of my favorite things: totally veg out at the beach, of course wearing next to nothing. I can’t remember seeing more people walking at the beach than I had today. It was one after another and I was not doubt I was an interesting sight just feet away from all that traffic.  I’m not sure about you guys but when I get tired and extremely relaxed my penis at times can become extremely small, that is small even for me! We are talking fraction of an inch small. My cock was In that state today when an idea for a new design came to me based on the micro swimsuit I was wearing.  I was thinking of a micro pouch that highlights the shaft with an indentation but not a separate pouch for it.  I think this change will showoff off the size of any shaft but especially detail the shaft when it is in its smallest state something I find quite beautiful.  I played with the idea at home and I think there is something to it. I would want the finished product to be available in a thong, G-string and bikini one that you could use anywhere. The way it highlights the shaft would be much more subtle than having it in its own separate pouch. Once the shaft is separated from the balls in two pouches the look is awesome but much more extreme almost like a completely exposed penis and many men will not wear that to the beach. The change I envision in this new design will be such that anyone that would wear a bikini would wear this suit.


Men’s Swimwear

Another Photo Shoot is in the books.


Friday night we did a major male chastity cock cage photo shoot along with taking shots the new life like strap-on vagina which is the product that has had a whole bunch of attention from Koala customers. We have received a large number of questions about the strap-on vagina from previous posts and e-mails. I believe it will be one of our best selling items in the new collection and it is a total blast to wear. I hope you like the photos I’m pretty sure we got some showing the product in action! There are some extremely unusual yet very functional new male chastity devices that we will have online in a few weeks. The close-up shots we are adding show great detail. I hope to have the strap on vagina online in one week.


Male Chastity


Just knowing you look great



When it comes to wearing tights which is just one among the thousands of other things the ladies can teach us, even the most masculine men.

Walk into any gym and you will see women of every shape and size wearing absolutely skin tight tights. I love seeing all these different body types, women proudly showing off their bodies. Some of the tights they wear are so thing and so revealing it is almost as though they are working out nude which again is something spandex freaks like me enjoys seeing.  What I love the most about it is how confident they are in their bodies. Some of them are quite large and others are soft in many places but they are all out there showing virtually everything. It’s all wonderful. There are now more men than ever wearing tights and I see many guys with amazing bodies wearing skin tight tights but I would love to see more of the non model types like me out there too. Our line of Pinnacle Sport Tights have been incredible sellers in fact so much so that we are almost always a week or two behind on them. Our tights are made one at a time with loving care. They might just be the sexiest men’s tights on the planet and we offer both bulge pouches and femme style pouches (personally I love working out wearing a femme style pouch but on occasion I go bulge and wear a cock ring)


Men’s Tights

Just working late.

I was just working late on copy for the new swimwear designs when I came across one of the photos we took a few weeks ago of the new sheer pink femme style suit. I just love the way it fits, feels and looks. I know this one is going to be best seller!

P.S. sorry about the imprint lines from my shorts in the photo.


If you haven’t read the October Koala Newsletter make sure to give it a read. There is lots of information and one of our biggest sales of the year.


Join me on twitter!


Micros are magnets



I have always said if you want to attract people you should wear a micro swimsuit to the beach. In my experience the smaller the better after all there are many guys wearing Speedos and even bikinis but there are not nearly as many of us wearing absolute micro swimsuits one’s that are every bit as small as the smallest swimsuits you see the ladies wearing. Actually the suit I was wearing at the beach yesterday was absolutely smaller by miles over any of the suits the ladies were wearing. I decided to go with a Shy Slut suit. This is the design that you can fold over the flap at the top to reduce the size of the front pouch by about 30%. It is one of the smallest best fitting pouches we make. I have not used this suit for quite some time and I must say it was a blast to wear. In bright yellow and super small you are not about to be missed. Every guy on the beach made sure to do a close up walk or run by assuming I was a topless girl there was a beautiful one lying out about fifty feet away, It was hot as hell yesterday with no breeze and for once the water did not look wonderful. It looked like it had some sort of gross algae bloom, on top of not having any waves. It was almost too hot! After doing an extreme workout in the morning the only thing I was capable of doing was taking a nap of which I did for about an hour. When I awoke there were four single guys one on each side of me. All wearing shorts but obviously interested in checking out my micro. There was lots of room on the beach enough so that we did not need to be on top of each other it was by choice that they were so close. As I have said many times these designs are magnets, yesterday it was a man magnet.



Men’s Swimwear

New bulge style swimsuit with plug option

First let me say that I did get down to the beach yesterday to enjoy a well deserved (says me) nap in the sun. I ended up going with a micro bulge not a femme style design. As usual for this time of year the beach was breezy and beautiful. I hope to get at least one day in this weekend.

The suit shown below is from the new collection. It is done in a four way stretch light skin tone color. Often people will mistake the wearer for being completely nude in this color suit something I truly enjoy. This design offers an incredible bulge that makes even my small penis look respectable. It can be used with or without a butt plug of almost any size and includes a built in plug holder to keep your plug firmly in place for you day at the beach or a special work day.

I do want you to visit my twitter feed so I added a photo of the new Scrunch butt style suit we will be introducing.



Men’s Swimwear, Underwear, Fetish Spandex and so much more!

Beach, New Suit and getting wet.

I’m thinking about going! I have some errands to run this afternoon and I am trying to set it up so the beach is one of my stops. I feel the urge to be almost completely naked in front of my fellow beach lovers I might even go pussy style today!


Here is a photo I just added to twitter. I would love to follow you and it would be awesome if you would follow me!


This is the new femme style design that features a sheer panel holding the shaft in. The shaft is fully visible but completely hidden in plain sight. It is virtually impossible for anyone to know that it is you penis showing under the panel. The fit is wonderful. The only issue might be pre-cum leaking consistently from being so turned on.


Direct link to sale


New Design

This is the rear of our new sheer pink male to female transformation design I was talking about the other day. The fit is awesome and the camel toe which can be seen at  is very lovely and intense. I love the way the penis is hidden even though it is completely sheer.

There is more to come, make sure to check out the dscf1599 and join me on twitter.

Weekend at the beach and my new twitter account.


Yes I would love you to join my Twitter feed and I will be happy to join yours. I am posting photos of me wearing some of the new designs in the next collection due out in 4-6 weeks. I just added the first photo a few minutes ago.


This last weekend featured picture perfect beach days so much so that I would love to leave work this moment and head to the beach. That’s not going to happen today but who knows tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer. I met some nice ladies one from Brazil with her teen daughter both wearing thongs. There were many men in thongs and a couple in G-strings. I knew it was going to be a great day Saturday when I parked and a good looking lady took the parking spot next to me. I got out of the car, grabbed my things and when she got out I noticed (it would be hard not to) that she was wearing a little cut off t-shirt and a G-string so small it was barely there. No ass coverage at all but her ass was so amazing there would be no reason what so ever to hide it. You could see in her face how confident she was about her amazing body, I was speechless. My body is not nearly as beautiful as hers but I wish my confidence was like hers. One day it might happen I am working on it!


October Koala Newsletter and Sale


October Newsletter, New Design, Photo Shoot, Twitter


The October Newsletter is being mailed out tonight but here is your link to it and its live now!

Link to the October Koala Newsletter and One of our biggest sales of the year.


It looks like we are going to do the photo shoot for the new male chastity products and the wonderful new Strap-on simulated vagina this week. The Vagina is a truly amazing design that I am very excited about sharing with you. I hope to be able to show it being used at least that is the game plan.

I am now working on the copy for the new swimwear designs that we hope to have online in 4-6 weeks. I tried them all on the other day and they are wonderful creations. One of my favorites is a beach bikini with a sensuous and very dramatic curved penis shaft display. This is a full coverage wear anywhere bikini that just so happens to show off the fully covered shaft in a perfect downward facing skin tight covered pouch. As I was writing this I started to day dream about wearing this suit and having my shaft toyed with, kissed and teased until I was ready to burst the seam.

I will try to add some photos this week of me trying on some of the designs.


I’m trying Twitter again. A friend told me he was keeping in touch with his customers and even offering specials here and there. I figured why not give it a try. Follow me and I will follow you. (Wasn’t that a Genesis song?)

Ramblings from Michael David